This does not change the fact that the Law of Moses was given to Jews and Jews only.
That is only according to 'Drew'
Matthew 4:4
But he answered and said, It is written,
Man shall not
live by bread alone, but
by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth
of God.
Luke 4:4
And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That
man shall not
live by bread alone, but
by every word of God.
This is really not something any serious student of the Bible will dispute. As much as someone might desperately want the Bible to say something else, it says it says!
The actual WORDS of God came through VERY FEW elected people.
The Law and the Prophets and finally THE SON of God spoke GODS WORDS for all mankind.
The Law of Moses was given to the Jews only.
The LIVING WORD existed BEFORE flesh incarnation. You cannot DRAW a DIVIDING LINE between any of GODS WORDS and HIS LIVING WORD, Jesus Christ. Such an act is no different than dividing one member of the Trinity from another. It CAN'T be done.
Paul clearly believes this, as he repeatedly says things like "justification is available to those over and above those who are 'of the law'". That is, justification is available to Gentiles (not 'of the law') and Jews (those 'of the law').
Let's make this clear again.
ALL Gods Words are FOR BELIEVERS. Every last one of them. Every JOT and TITTLE.
Gods Words of LAW are and remain against the LAWLESS. ALL people carry LAWLESSNESS which is the power of INDWELLING SIN. Regardless of the FLESH MAN, the power of SIN in ALL MANKIND reacts in opposition to GODS LAWS. That relationship is one of adversity between THE SPIRIT and the ANTI-CHRIST spirits that transpires BEYOND the FLESH EYES that you are peering through.
Simply not true - this sounds like a nice Sunday school assertion but it is decidedly not the case that everything that God says is for everyone.
Any command in the Bible is to be read and understood how PAUL described and NOT as in how 'others' seek to eliminate or eradicate same.
God told Moses to lead the people to Canaan.
Is this an instruction for you and me?
The Law of Moses was given to Jews and Jews only.
IF there is ANY COMMAND we are given the path to UNDERSTANDING SAME.
The LAW is SPIRITUAL. It was ordained for LIFE. It is HOLY, JUST and GOOD. IF you do not see 'these matters' as VITAL and APPLICABLE to YOU, then you simply do not accept the HOLY, SPIRITUAL, JUST AND GOOD of GODS WORDS are for YOU.
You have been led OFF the trail and made GODS WORDS of 'no effect' on the basis of personal SIFTING.
No believer should THROW AWAY any WORD OF GOD on ANY basis.