Fabulous post Ezra.
My thoughts on it are that we should live our lives as Jesus lived His, as much is as humanly possible. To list all the ways to do this would take pages of long posts.
As a youngster Jesus honoured His mother and father. When Mary told Him it was not time to start His Father's business He obeyed her.
When the time did come Jesus obeyed His heavenly Father. He spoke the words God told Him to.
Jesus was :-
Humble, patient and shown love to all.
He prayed constantly and always gave the glory to God.
He knew the scriptures.
Kind, gentle, truthful, fearless and faithful.
Resisted temptation , fasted and suffered for God and mankind.
Forgiving, loving , understanding and pointed out people's mistakes.
Jesus had tremendous faith. His main goal was to honour His Father and to save souls.
He had many more attributes that posters will list.
We should be striving in all these things. Jesus is our example. He had all the fruits of The Holy Spirit. We should be praying for these gifts, or the fruits God wants us to have.
We will never be perfect but we should aim for the highest we are capable of. Because of Jesus we have obtained salvation. We owe Him tremendously.