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When I pray, I pray to a living being, not a book. When I worship on Sunday morning, I worship a living being, not a book.GodspromisesRyes said:a husband and wife do submit to each other in some ways however the husband is the head of the wife.
You may give examples all day long but the fact is that nothing can come into our lives that GOD has not planned to use for good regardless is men mean it for evil if we are loving and walking after Him. husband certianly can tell his wife to help Him rob a bank and the wife can walk faithfully without any fear in subjection and prayer for her husband in great faith that the LORD will save her and hopefully from her heart have mercy on her husband. TOO much fear of obedience because of situations comes in, instead of obeying the Lord without fear and trusting that HE is in control and can deliver. Do you know about abraham and sarah? Twice abraham had her lie and say she was his sister(not also wife) and twice pagan rulers took her to lay with her and she obeyed abraham and was taken because of it. Still she did not fear she just obeyed and trusted her God. Now this COULD have caused her to have men commit adultary with her twice- but did it? NO becuase God was in control and GOD saved her.- We as women are told to be daughters of sarah1Pe 3:6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. - GOD delivers!
anyways it is not a holy thing to take the bible and say it is wrong because you make up situations that arent even in the middle of happening to justify not obeying the word.
As far as the psalm. those " children" are daughters of babylon not littleral infants- but either way daughters of babylon arent " innocent". If you say you know the Lord but you call His word wrong and error then you cannot know Him becuase HE IS HIS WORD and HE has put HIS WORD above his name. You cannot even discern correctly what IS God and what is not if yoiu jusdge things He says in error