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Wazzup with FC BARCELONA?!! (News)

Recovery work after win 04/11/2012 12:01
The players were back in training this Wednesday, with the players who figured last night doing some light recovery work whilst Alves worked with the rest of the group and Pique trained apart
Barça B players Tello, Montoya, Bartra and Muniesa joined in the training session


Thiago 21 today
Thiago Alcántara celebrates his 21st birthday today and before the session began, the players applauded him in the centre of the training pitch, in the traditional manner when a player has a birthday.
After Tuesday night’s win over Getafe, which means Barça currently sit just a single point behind the leaders, the players were back in training this morning. At 11.00, the players came out onto pitch number 1 at the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper and, as is usual on a day after a game, the players who were involved in last night’s game did some light recovery work.
Alves back with the group, Piqué trains apart
Dani Alves was missing for the game against Getafe, as was Gerard Piqué, after the Club’s medical services decided they hadn’t fully recovered from their muscle problems. This morning, the Brazilian was back training with the rest of the squad, whilst Pique continued his recovery on his own.
B team players Tello, Montoya, Muniesa – who played in the Getafe game – plus Bartra, all trained with the first team squad.
Pep Guardiola has given the players a rest day on Thursday and they will not be back until 11 on Friday morning, when they begin preparations for Saturday’s game against Levante at the Ciutat de València (22.00). Pep Guardiola will hold a press conference after Friday’s session.

Barça 2012/13 pre-season in Europe 04/11/2012 14:25
The Club has decided that the next pre-season will be based locally, with four or five friendly games to be held in Europe
The aim is to counterbalance the accumulation of games over the last few season and take into account the extra effort needed for the European Championships and Olympic games


Training session at Dallas Stadium / PHOTO: FCB
FC Barcelona will hold their 2012-13 pre-season in Europe, with four or five friendly games whichstill have to be finalised.
The Club considers that this summer’s pre-season needs a special format, which will combine time spent locally and friendlies in Europe.
The aim is to counterbalance the accumulation of games over the last few season and take into account the extra effort needed for the European Championships and Olympic games.
FC Barcelona would like to express their thanks to all their fans around the world who have been looking forward to the team visiting and assure them that the Club remains committed to further international tours in coming years.

Busquets: “Nosaltres vam fer la nostra feina, que era guanyarâ€ 04/11/2012 13:57
Sergio Busquets assegura que l’equip fa tot el que té a les seves mans per escurçar el desavantatge respecte al líder i que no mira mésenllà. “Fa temps que cada partit és una finalâ€
“Nosaltres vam fer la nostra feina, que era guanyar. Això estava a les nostres mans. De la resta no podem fer res"


“El partit del Reial Madrid serà important perquè és un duel directe"
“Vull enviar-li molts ànims i molta força a l’Abidal. Les pròximes hores són clauâ€
“Tant l’equip com jo estem bé. Portem una dinàmica molt positivaâ€, ha afirmat Sergio Busquets en la roda de premsa posterior a l’entrenament d’aquest dimecres. Encara falten 10 dies per al clàssic i el migcampista blaugrana prefereix anar pas a pas: “Primer pensem en el Llevant, que és el pròxim rival. És un camp molt difícil, on trobarem un equip que està fent una gran temporadaâ€. “Per nosaltres ja fa temps que cada partit és una final. El partit del Reial Madrid serà important perquè és un duel directeâ€, ha reconegut el ‘16’ del Barça.
“Ara mateix és un punt de desavantatge, que poden tornar a ser quatre aquest mateix dimecres. Nosaltres també havíem tingut avantatges similars els anys anteriors. Tenim la pressió justaâ€, ha explicat Busquets sobre la situació actual a la Lliga. “Davant hi ha un gran rival. Crec que tenen una situació privilegiada perquè són els líders. Nosaltres vam fer la nostra feina, que era guanyar. Això era a les nostres mans. De la resta no podem fer resâ€, ha afegit el centrecampista. “No canviaria res perquè la situació és la que és. El que sí que m’agradaria és ser líders, com els últims anysâ€.
Actitud i compromís
Per Busquets, el repte és anar pas a pas i treballar diàriament per retallar punts: “Aquest equip sempre ha estat regularâ€. “Jo crec que sempre correm. Mai se’ns pot retreure falta d’actitud o de compromísâ€, ha afirmat un dels titulars aquest dimarts contra el Getafe. Un esforç que no està renyit amb la felicitat: “També és essencial. Vol dir que les coses s’estan fent béâ€.
El futbolista blaugrana, que assegura que cada dia aprèn més coses, insisteix a no mirar més enllà. “Totes les temporades han estat gairebé immillorables. A principis de curs no pots pensar mai on sers a aquesta altura de temporada, però sí que pots treballar per estar viu en totes les competicionsâ€. “El que és divertit és arribar al final i guanyar el títol i treballem per aconseguir-hoâ€, ha conclòs.

Barça 2012/13 pre-season in Europe 04/11/2012 14:25
The Club has decided that the next pre-season will be based locally, with four or five friendly games to be held in Europe
The aim is to counterbalance the accumulation of games over the last few season and take into account the extra effort needed for the European Championships and Olympic games


Training session at Dallas Stadium / PHOTO: FCB
FC Barcelona will hold their 2012-13 pre-season in Europe, with four or five friendly games whichstill have to be finalised.
The Club considers that this summer’s pre-season needs a special format, which will combine time spent locally and friendlies in Europe.
The aim is to counterbalance the accumulation of games over the last few season and take into account the extra effort needed for the European Championships and Olympic games.
FC Barcelona would like to express their thanks to all their fans around the world who have been looking forward to the team visiting and assure them that the Club remains committed to further international tours in coming years.

Alexis and Pedro, back to goal-scoring form

04/11/2012 15:10
Yesterday was the first time this season that both Alexis and Pedro scored in the same match
Alexis Sánchez hadn’t scored since February, when he netted twice away to Bayer Leverkusen


Alexis Sánchez celebrates one of his goals against Getafe / PHOTO: MIGUEL RUIZ-FCB
One point from the top
It’s been a long time since FC Barcelona have been only one point behind the leaders. In fact, the last time the Catalans were this close to the top was back in week 10 of the Liga, where Barça won by 0-1 against Granada. The distance between the two teams could possibly increase this Wednesday as Real Madrid faces Atlético Madrid at the Calderón.
Good news for FC Barcelona. Two of the team’s strikers, Alexis Sánchez and Pedro Rodríguez , are back in the business of scoring goals as Barçagets ready to face the most decisive stretch of the season. Yesterday, against Getafe, was the first time this season that both players netted forFC Barcelona in the same game.
Pedro: on form one year later
In Pedro’s case, it’s been a while since the Spaniard scored in two consecutive matches. In fact, it’s been more than a year. The last time Barça’s striker managed to score in back-to-backgames was against Racing (Liga), Almería (Cup) and Hércules (Liga), in February 2011. With the goal against Zaragoza and the yesterday’s goal against Getafe, the striker has shown that he’s back on form. His goal-scoring tally this season currently sits at nine with at least nine matches still to be played.
Pedro’s goals have been decisive for FC Barcelona. It was the Spaniard that opened up the scoring in the Champions League final in Wembley , he forced overtime in the Club World Cup in 2009, and he secured passage for Barça tothe semifinals of the King’s Cup in the quarterfinal return leg against Real Madrid .
Alexis: third brace of the season
Alexis has also recovered his goal-scoring form. Before yesterday’s match, the Chilean hadn’t scored in almost two months - since the Bayer Leverkusen-Barça game (1-3), where he scored twice. In fact, Alexis has managed to score three braces this season, his first was against Rayo Vallecano (4-0) at the Camp Nou.
The Chilean has scored 13 goals this season; 8 at the Camp Nou and 5 away from home. Of these 13 goals, 5 of them were go-ahead goals.


Roger Bogunyà
Afellay given medical clearance to play 04/11/2012 16:58
The Dutch player, after almost seven months on the injury list, has recovered from his ACL injury


Ibrahim Afellay received the news that he’s been eagerly awaiting for most of the season this Wednesday afternoon. The Club’s Medical Services gave the Dutchman medical clearance to play after being injured for 6 months and 21 days. The player is back in Josep Guardiola ’s team ahead of the most decisive stretch of the season.
Dr. Ramon Cugat and Dr. Ricard Pruna conducted surgery on the Dutchman, who tore his ACL in his left knee on September 22nd, on October 3rd. The player started his recovery process soon there after.
Working with the team for three weeks
On March 18, Afellay left his individualized recovery plan in the gym behind for his final recovery phase on the football pitch. It was on this day that the player started to train with his teammates. Three weeks later, days after his birthday, the Dutchman was given the best birthday present of all: medical clearance to playwith his team.

6,769 ticket petitions for London 04/11/2012 19:05
Members applied for 6,769 Champions League semifinal tickets through 2,994 application forms
Given that demand for tickets surpassed the Club’s supply (2,026), the Club will hold a draw this Thursday, with the assistance of a notary, starting at 9:30


Ticket draw for UCL match in London, this Thursday / PHOTO: ARXIU FCB
FC Barcelona members have applied for 6,769 tickets for next week’s the Champions League semifinal match in London through 2,994 application forms. The application process, open through Wednesday until 19:00, has come to a close.
Upcoming ticket draw
This Thursday the Club will hold a draw with the assistance of a notary for members that have applied for a ticket. The draw will take place in the Club’s offices at 9:30. FC Barcelona will charge ticket-winning members the price of the ticket after the draw, tickets will be available for collection from this Friday through Monday.
Each member could apply for one ticket, however, up to four members could apply using the same application form if said members wanted to travel to London together.
For this match, FC Barcelona have a total of 2,979tickets for members and supporters. As usual, 85% of the tickets are for members (2,029) and Supporters Clubs (506), while 15% of the tickets are allocated to the Club for athletic, institutional and sponsor commitments (447)..

Tickets for Stamford Bridge from member number 2.629 04/12/2012 12:04
The 2,026 tickets the Club have received for the Champions League Semi-final against Chelsea atStamford Bridge will be distributed to members who have applied with membership numbers starting at 2,629


Member number, 2.629 / FOTO: GERMAN PARGA - FCB
The draw took place at 09.30 this morning in theFC Barcelona offices for the distribution of the 2,026 tickets that the Club have for their members for the first leg of the Champions League Semi-Final against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge on April 18th . Tickets will be distributed to members who have applied for tickets and hold membership card numbers starting at 2.629 .
Members made 2,994 applications for a total of 6,769 tickets once the process opened on Tuesday morning and closed on Wednesday evening. Applications exceeded available ticketswithin 9 hours of opening.
Payment and collection
The Club will take payment for the tickets which have been assigned today and must be collectedon Friday 13th April or Monday 16th .
The Club were allocated a total of 2.979 tickets, with 85% reserved for members (2.026 ) and Penyes (506), whilst the remaining 15% were reserved for the Club’s sporting and institutional commitments, as well as sponsors (447).

Iniesta closing in on 400

04/12/2012 12:42
Barça’s Spanish midfielder is just one game short of the 400 mark and he could make that with the game against Levante or Chelsea
Already amongst the top ten players with most appearances for the Club


Iniesta, després del gol contra el Milan. FOTO: MIGUEL RUIZ-FCB.
Andrés Iniesta will pretty soon play his 400th official game for Barça - most probably away to Levante on Saturday or at Stamford Bridge next week – as he now stands at 399 appearances forthe Club. What a way to mark 400 it would be if he did it the Chelsea ground – where he scored perhaps the most famous of his 40 goals for the team.
His 399 appearances have come in the followingcompetitions: 266 in La Lliga, 77 in the Champions League, 40 in the Spanish Cup, 3 in the UEFA Cup, 2 in the European Super Cup, 6 in the Spanish Super Cup and 5 in the World Club Cup.
Catching up on Alexanco
The 27 year-old has just broken into the Club’s all time top ten and should become the eighth player with most appearances for the Club this season, as he is just one short of José Ramón Alexanco and three behind Joan Segarra , who lie ninth and eight respectively.
Iniesta is one of four current first team players inthe Club’s top ten, alongside Xavi (who has played more than anybody with 621), Puyol (second on 552) and Valdés (fourth on 452).
World class talent
Andrés Iniesta came to La Masia in 1996 when he was still only 12 years old. He made a quick rise through the various youth teams and made his first team debut under Louis van Gaal in October 2002. He came to greater prominence under Frank Rijkaard , where he showed his versatility in helping the team to two Leagues and a Champions League title.
With the arrival of Pep Guardiola Iniesta confirmed his place as a leader of the team and a first choice in one of the Club’s best ever sides. In the 2010 World Cup Final he also showed his worth to Spain, scoring the goal that gave them the trophy in the final against Holland. He’s recognised for his talent, class, reading of the game and ability to beat a man as one of the very best players in the world and it is only someunfortunate injuries that have ever dented his consistently high performances.


Jordi Clos
Welcome back, Ibrahim! 04/12/2012 16:12
The Dutch player, after almost seven months on the injury list, has recovered from his ACL injury


Ibrahim Afellay received the news that he’s been eagerly awaiting for most of the season onWednesday afternoon. The Club’s Medical Services gave the Dutchman medical clearance to play after being injured for 6 months and 21 days. The player is back in Josep Guardiola’s team ahead of the most decisive stretch of the season.

Together against Chagas disease 04/12/2012 19:56
The campaign ‘Beat the silence. Beat Chagas disease,’ which features Leo Messi, was unveiledtoday
The FC Barcelona Foundation, the Catalan Agency for Cooperation and Development and the Leo Messi Foundation are working together in his joint project


Rosell: “I believe that Barça will never have a player like Leo Messi ever again. Messi’s greatness is both on and off the pitchâ€
This Thursday the “Beat the silence. Beat Chagas disease†campaign was unveiled by the FC Barcelona Foundation , the Catalan Agency for Cooperation and Development , the L eo Messi Foundation , the BID (Interamerican Development Bank) and the Catalan’s Institute’s International Health Program (PROSICS) ; with the support of the Neglected Disease Department of the World Health Organization (WHO) , FindeChagas , ISGlobal (Barcelona Institute for Global Health) and the Healthy World Foundation .
The presentation took place in the Sala Roma at the Camp Nou. FC Barcelona President Sandro Rosell , FC Barcelona Foundation’s first vice president Ramon Pont , director general of the Generalitat de Catalunya Cooperation and Development Agency Carles Llorens , coordinatorof Tropical Medial Unit and International Health Drassanes of the Catalan Institute for Health Dr. Jordi Gómez and campaign spokesperson MiguelBaltasar García were present.
Messi’s greatness
During Mr. Rosell’s presentation, the president praised Leo Messi’s exemplary behaviour. “I believe that Barça will never have a player like Leo Messi ever again. Messi’s greatness is both on and off the pitch,†he said. Mr. Rosell then went on to evaluate the Foundation’s initiative: “we believe in the Foundation and we’re very convinced by their mission.â€
During the event, led by the journalist Rita Marzoa , attendees were able to see the debut of the campaign’s promotional video which features Migual Baltasar García and Messi .
Beating Chagas disease is possible
The campaign’s goal is to raise awareness amongst the population of the danger of Chagas disease and the importance of getting tested, and in the event the disease is contracted, the importance of receiving treatment (both pharmaceutical and psychosocial). Chagas disease is normally an asymptomatic condition that, without treatment, typically leads to sudden death. In fact, according to the latest studies only 10% of Chagas disease cases have been diagnosed. It’s a silent disease that has gained a fearsome reputation.
The campaign released a video that explains thestory of Migual Baltasar García, an 85-year-old retired rail worker that was infected with Chagas who currently lives in Barcelona. Migual was born in Charapa, in the province of Chaco, Argentina, a part of the country that is endemic to the disease. He’s a living example of how someone can survive Chagas. He was tested at a young age and he started treatment soon there after. Thanks to his fighting spirit, Miguel has managed to beat the disease, have a good quality of life and realize one of his biggest dreams: to meet his countryman and idol, Leo Messi.

Together against Chagas disease 04/12/2012 19:56
The campaign released a video that explains thestory of Migual Baltasar García, an 85-year-old retired rail worker that was infected with Chagas who currently lives in Barcelona. Migual was born in Charapa, in the province of Chaco, Argentina, a part of the country that is endemic to the disease. He’s a living example of how someone can survive Chagas. He was tested at a young age and he started treatment soon there after. Thanks to his fighting spirit, Miguel has managed to beat the disease, have a good quality of life and realize one of his biggest dreams: to meet his countryman and idol, Leo Messi.


wooh, what kind of disease is that never heared of that since...
i hope your rich football icon will help those people
Spanish League Round Up Week 32

04/13/2012 08:00
Real Madrid duly won yet another Madrid derby to keep their four point lead at the top, but Malaga’s challenge stuttered again, whilst Levante also lost and Racing and Zaragoza were beaten to leave them staring relegation in the face


FCBarcelona - Levante FOTO: FCB
Atletico Madrid are still waiting to win a Madrid derby this century after they were sunk by a Cristiano Ronaldo hat trick on Wednesday night. Despite Falcao pulling back Ronaldo’s first half opener, the Portuguese star scored two more before setting up Callejon for Madrid’s fourth. Xabi Alonso picked up a yellow card which will see him miss this weekend’s game against Sporting, but ensures he will be available for thetrip to the Camp Nou.
Valencia back in third
Rayo scored six without reply on Sunday, but they went down to a heavy 4-1 defeat at Valencia on Wednesday as Emery’s team retook third spot. Malaga again slipped up at a vital moment, going down 2-1 at Villarreal, which leaves them fourth, two points behind Valencia. With just over five minutes to go it looked as if Santi Cazorla’s goal for Malaga was going to be enough to give them the points, but late goals from Senna and Hernan Perez ensured that Villarreal put some space between them and thebottom three, whilst Pellegrini’s team are just two ahead of Levante, with visits to Osasuna, Barça and Atletico Madrid, as well as a crucial sixpointer at home to Valencia to come before the end of the season.
Levante slip up ahead of Barça game
Levante didn’t enjoy an ideal preparation for Barça’s visit this weekend, going down 3-2 awayto Sporting , as Clemente’s men twice came from behind to give themselves the slightest glimmer of hope. Sporting are now on 28 points, seven behind Villarreal in 17th and level with Zaragoza , who were beaten 3-0 at Seville, whilst Racing never recovered from a first minute goal by Mallorca and went down 0-3 - their seventh defeat in their last eight games- to remain on 25points.
Seville threatening
Seville’s win - with two more goals from Alvaro Negredo – was their fifth on the run since they lost 0-2 to Barça and puts them very much back in line for a European place, just a point behind Osasuna, on 46, and with Levante (who visit the Sanchez Pijuan in a fortnight’s time), Malaga andValencia very much in their sights. Osasuna bounced back well from their nightmare against Rayo, beating Espanyol 2-0 with both goals by Raul Garcia and after taking just three points from their last five games and with tough matches against Valencia, Atletico, Barça and Seville coming up, it looks as if Espanyol’s hopes for a European place may have to wait for yet another season.
Death overshadows Bilbao point
Bilbao’s 2-2 draw in Granada was overshadowedby the news that one of their young supporters had died from injuries received from a rubber bullet fired by police at fans following the game against Schalke 04. A number of Bilbao players attended the funeral.
In the other midweek game, neither Real Sociedad nor Betis were able to clinch the win that would probably secure safety and the longed for 40 points, with both teams sharing the points after a 1-1 draw at Anoeta that leavesthe Basques on 38 and Betis on 39.


Nick Bedson
Happy birthday, Carles!
Roger Bogunyà 04/13/2012 09:35
FC Barcelona’s captain Carles Puyol celebrates his 34th birthday this Friday


Puyol celebrating his goal at La Romareda / PHOTO: ARXIU FCB
Aquest divendres Carles Puyol ha rebut les felicitacions dels seus companys pel seu 34è aniversari / FOTO: MIGUEL RUIZ -FCB

FC Barcelona’s captain Carles Puyol was born 34 years ago today. The captain has a lot to celebrate as he completes another year with Barça’s first team. For Guardiola, Puyol is the centerpiece of the team’s defence, in the last 7 matches he’s figured in the starting line-up 6 times; of the last 30, he’s led the team 24 times.
The player with the second most games
It’s worth noting that Puyol has played the second most matches in Club history (552), the only player to have played more official matchesfor FC Barcelona is his teammate Xavi Hernández(621). In fact, Puyol reached this mark recently. It was when he played in the Champions League quarterfinal against Milan (3-1).
More goals than ever
Despite his age, this has been a fantastic season for the Catalan captain. While proving to be dependable on defence, the player has also shown to be dangerous on offence as well. In fact, Puyol has set a new personal record this year: he’s scored four goals this season - two in the Liga and two in the Cup - besting the his personal tally set in the 2001/02 and 2006/07 seasons, where he scored two goals. Happy birthday, Puyol!

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Ciutat de València, a ground that brings back memories 04/13/2012 11:40
Both in 2005, when Rijkaard was manager, and in 2011, under Guardiola, FC Barcelona clinched the league title playing away to Levante
But on Barça’s six trips to the Ciutat de València, they have only won twice. Three games ended level and one was a home win


Season 2010-11 / FOTO: ARCHIVE FCB

Barça are returning to the Ciutat de València on Saturday, the same place where less than a year ago, on May 11, 2011, they won La Liga for the third consecutive year. Keita put FCB ahead with a wonderful header but shortly before half time Felipe Caicedo pulled the home side level. But the point was ultimately all Barcelona needed tosecure yet another championship title.
History repeating
It was the same story as six years earlier, in 2004/05, when Barça mathematically clinched the title with three games to go, and once again on the back of a tie. That time Levante took the early lead through Alberto Rivera, but a second half goal from Samuel Eto’o secured the all important point. With Frank Rijkaard as manager and Ronaldinho as the main star, that was the start of three wonderful years in which the Catalans won two Ligas, one Champions league and two Spanish Supercups.
Difficult games
Apart from two games played at the Ciutat de València in the 1960s, which ended in a 5-4 Barça win (1963-64) and a 5-1 defeat (1964-65),Barça’s last four games at Levante have includedthree draws, all 1-1, in 2004-05, 2006-07 and 2010-11, and one 4-1 away win (2007-08).
So, with an all-time record of two wins, three draws and one defeat, Barça are going to the Ciutat de València just as Levante are enjoying their most successful season ever, and knowing that this won’t be an easy game. Pep Guardiola already made that clear after the Getafe match when he said “the games against Rayo and Levante will decide the leaueâ€.

London will be blaugrana 04/13/2012 14:03
Almost 3000 culés are travelling to Chelsea – Barça match
A dinner the day before the match, and the classic gathering at Trafalgar Square on matchday, main activities for Barça fans


Gathering at Trafalgar Square on the mark of the Wembley final
Barça is visiting London once again. This time, Guardiola’s team is facing Chelsea, in which is becoming a classic clash in European competitions. On Wednesday 18th of April, Barçais just two steps from the Munich grand final, and will not be alone.
Almost 3000 culés will support their team so as to reach the Champions League final for second season running. This is why the Penya BlaugranaLondon of Great Britain organized two activities so the Barça name can be heard along the Thames.
Tuesday, dinner at the penya headquarters
For those arriving the day before the match, the London penya has organized a dinner for Barça supporters. A three-course meal at the penya headquarters on Temple Pier for only £28. Placesare limited, so you need to book it in advance by email at
Un crit valent at Trafalgar Sq
The following day, all those Barça fans travellingto London are colled to this classic London square at 2 pm. This way, we will make Barça in London once again! You are all welcome to Trafalgar Square to make it blaugrana!

Guardiola: “The only way we can extend our league challenge is by winningâ€

04/13/2012 14:54
The Barça manager isn’t resting any players withthe Chelsea fixture in mind because “given our situation, the game with Levante is more importantâ€
He believes they have to win at the Ciutat de València because otherwise “we’ll have no chance of winning the league when we face Madridâ€


Preseason in Europe
Guardiola also spoke about the decision to stay in Europe next summer. “For many years the team has been adapting to the Club’s needs because they look for ways of benefitting it as an institution†he said.
Josep Guardiola is treating Saturday’s clash with Levante with the utmost importance. He knows that the next league fixture, against leaders Real Madrid, will be much more difficult than people seem to think and therefore “I’ll playing what I think is the strongest team and that can adapt best to the opponent and the groundâ€. Although he has a crucial Champions League semi final against Chelsea to worry about in addition to the clásico, he is not even contemplating the idea of resting any of his stars. “We know it’s difficult but we want to extend our league challenge and to do that we have to play the best team we can … if the difference was ten points we could make one competition a priority, but given the situation we are in, the game with Levante is more importantâ€.
In La Liga, he believes it is essential for his team to stay within at least four points of the lead. “If we don’t win the game against Levante, we’ll have nothing to play for against Madrid†he said.“We would lose the little chance we have … There is only one way to extend competitions, and that’s by winningâ€.
Puyol going strong at 34
The manager also spoke about Carles Puyol, who turned 34 today. After congratulating his captain, Guardiola said “he’s the kind of player whose fitness will tell him when he has to stop. His desire has hardly changed at all since the dayhe started. If injuries are kind to him, his career can carry on for some timeâ€.
He was also pleased to welcome Afellay back from a long-term injury. “It’s one more man for the cause. Now he’s got to work hard to get backin the teamâ€.
And finally, words for Abidal, who is recovering from his liver transplant. “The information we have received says that everythinghas gone to plan, that there have been no nasty shocks. That’s the best newsâ€.


Anna Segura
The Azulgrana Roundup, Week 12
04/13/2012 21:54
On this week's RoundUp: FC Barcelona's captain celebrates another fantastic year with the first team, Iniesta's unbelievable goal scoring record, Xavi sits down with, and much more

Have ideas for the column? Share them!
If you have any suggestions for this column, please don't hesitate to share them with us. Tweet them at FC Barcelona's twitter account and be sure to use the #FCBroundup hashtag.
*. UEFA . Barça and Spain’s Xavi answers your questions
"Question: Do you have a pre-match ritual or anything you do before a game for good luck?
Xavi: No, I'm not obsessive like that. I try to concentrate and visualise the match a bit. I imagine my opponents, who will play in my areaof the pitch and how the match is going to develop, but I have no superstitions. "
*. Puyol shows off a new face ornament he picked up during this weekend’s match (this is also your hint to the following question). Caption: Do you know what this is?
*. . KS Leong. When Iniesta strikes, his teams never lose: the World Cup hero’s amazing scoring record for Barcelona and Spain
“Iniesta has been christened San Andres in someparts. In others he is known as the ‘Heartbreaker’ thanks to his uncanny propensity to score crucial late goals to kill off an opponent,and break rival fans’ hearts.â€
*. La Información. Lola Hernández. Barcelona conquers the Chinese Twitter
“En cuestión de internet siguen batiendo registros: más de 6 millones de visitas en menos de un mes, claro que el premio merece la pena. Por si os animáis os comento que el twitter chinose llama Tencent Weibo y que el Barça tiene cuenta oficial verificada con un millón de seguidores, éste es el enlace… solo hay un “pero†compruébalo tú mismo…â€
*. Sportige . The most goals scored in a single European Season
“Lionel Messi scoring 60 goals in one season is incredible, especially due to the fact that the lasttime anyone scored that amount of goals in one season was nearly 40 years ago, by one Gerd Muller who used to play for Bayern. Earlier than that? The 1940′s and so on. The incredible thing is that it’s very reasonable to believe Lionel Messi will find himself holding the record for most goals in one season in European club competition this season, with Cristiano Ronaldo not too far behind him.â€
*. The Guardian . Paul Scholes, Xavi and Andrea Pirlo revive the deep-lying playmaker
“Xavi is different – in basic terms he is a separatetype of player, preferring constant neat short passes rather than the searching long diagonals that Pirlo and Scholes favour. Furthermore, his positional development was the opposite – he went from being the pivote in the Barcelona system to playing closer to goal. ‘They asked me to get up and down and provide assists,’ Xavi recalls in Graham Hunter's book Barça: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World. ‘But it's difficult from that [deep] position. Ten or 15 metres further up the pitch, where I play now, makes it much easier for me.’â€
*. The Telegraph. Chelsea captain John Terry admits ‘my children love Lionel Messi’
"My kids love him," he said. "They both have Barcelona shirts with his name on the back and they like the fact I swapped shirts with him afterone of our previous games."
*. TotalBarça . Roberto Curtis. Cugat: “Villa is progressing very wellâ€
"Barcelona-based orthropaedic surgeon Dr. Ramon Cugat spoke to Catalan radio station Ona FM on the recovery of Ibrahim Afellay, Andreu Fontàs, and David Villa, whom all appear to be well on their way to full match fitness."


Ian MacLurg
Forward thinking strictly forbidden
WWW.FCBARCELONA.CAT 04/14/2012 10:30
22.00, Ràdio Barça – Barça and Levante’s aspirations cross paths tonight at the Ciutat de València, with games with Chelsea and Real Madrid just around the corner
This season’s surprise package Levante are just two points adrift of the Champions League places, while FC Barcelona are four points short of league leaders Real Madrid


Cesc, sancionat en l'últim partit, torna a la convocatòria davant el Llevant / FOTO: ARXIU FCB
Both Levante and FC Barcelona are within touching distance of their respective targets. TheValencian side are just two points off fourth place, which would send them through to the Champions League qualifiers, while the Catalanshave managed to narrow the gap between themselves and the former runaway league leaders to just four points. Both teams come faceto face at the Ciutat de València tonight (22.00, TV3, La Sexta and Ràdio Barça), the first game of a decisive week for Barcelona, in which they willalso meet Chelsea (Wednesday 18) and Real Madrid (Saturday 21). In order to keep their title hopes alive, for the time being, the Barça playershave been ordered not to even think about either of those two matches.
Alves and Piqué in but Keita out
Guardiola is glad to be able to recall both Alves and Piqué from injury, but some minor trouble with his right thigh has kept Seydou Keita out of the squad of eighteen. The Malian was the scorer of the last goal Barça scored away to Levante, just over a year ago, and which served to mathematically clinch Barça’s third league title in a row. Cesc , who was suspended against Getafe , also returns to a squad that also includestwo Barça B players in Tello and Montoya .
Javi Venta in doubt
Javi Venta is the biggest incognito in the home squad. One of the full back’s left toes was trodden upon in last Wednesday’s 3-2 defeat at Sporting Gijón, and the player was unable to train on Thursday or Friday. Also absent is Del Horno , who is out until May.
Fifth placed Levante is the only team to have won at home to Real Madrid all season (1-0), while other strong sides have also been beaten at the Ciutat de València, including Sevilla (1-0) and Atlético Madrid (2-0).
