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Day 49 Wednesday 6/4/14 Genesis 24:34-60 To Be or Not to be.

V.34 Opens with a conversation between Abraham's Servant and Rebekah's Father and Brother. An assessment of Abraham's wealth, which eventually would become Isaac's was presented. Now to be sure that the Parents and Laban would know that this was no ordinary pitch for their beautiful Daughter, and Sister, the Servant proceeds to relate the supernatural means by which the Servant knew that Almighty God was the match maker.

V.45 has an interesting nugget of truth in that over the years, folk have asked me, "does God hear my prayers when I don't speak them out loud?" The answer to that is here. The Servant said, "Before I had finished speaking in my heart." Not only do I answer yes to their question, I usually reply, "and plus the devil can't hear your prayer and try to mess with it."

In V.47 we have the identification process to find out if this indeed is the virgin of God's choice, and upon finding out, the Servant puts a rather expensive ring (KJV) on Rebekah's "face", LOL how? The (ESV) says "nose", again, how? Were they doing "piercing" back then?

Eventually, after a good nights sleep, Rebekah, when asked if she wanted to go, she replied, yes. And "they" probably Mother, Father, or Laban gave forth with a mighty prophesy! Even extending to Messiah gaining victory over His enemies.
Rebekah heard the Lord she stepped out in faith ....
She chose to go with a stranger to a strange place most likely to never see her home again... and this was not travel with an air conditioned car with fast food along the way of the travels... but on foot and stinky camels no map no google earth to have a peek ... just trust and faith... her and her maid ...
O Lord that i would have such faith..
Rebekah heard the Lord she stepped out in faith ....
She chose to go with a stranger to a strange place most likely to never see her home again... and this was not travel with an air conditioned car with fast food along the way of the travels... but on foot and stinky camels no map no google earth to have a peek ... just trust and faith... her and her maid ...
O Lord that i would have such faith..

You are so right! Especially with those stinky camels. :hysterical
Rebekkah was simply willing. I dont' think it is written that she sought Yhwh's will in this - any more than most of the wives in the OT. (and some of the men). Yhwh arranged the marriage. Often father's arranged the marriages. The women were raised to be obedient, and did as they were told.
Today, of men and women, Yhwh requires obedience, but few are taught/ raised to be obedient to Him (whether in faith or not, people are rebellious infinitely more(if seems) than obedient --- sin fills the earth, not righteousness, for now)

surprising first hit on a search> mentions adam, abraham,peter, and most of all Jesus> and their obedience
in faith
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Rebekkah was simply willing. I dont' think it is written that she sought Yhwh's will in this - any more than most of the wives in the OT. (and some of the men). Yhwh arranged the marriage. Often father's arranged the marriages. The women were raised to be obedient, and did as they were told.
Today, of men and women, Yhwh requires obedience, but few are taught/ raised to be obedient to Him (whether in faith or not, people are rebellious infinitely more(if seems) than obedient --- sin fills the earth, not righteousness, for now)

surprising first hit on a search> mentions adam, abraham,peter, and most of all Jesus> and their obedience
in faith

You are so right Jeff. YHWH must be ready to send down Yeshua to end this mess! Of course we have to pass thru the tribulation period, obviously protected by God, but allowed to "taste" persecution, and bring home the faithful. Thank you very much for using the proper Names for God and Jesus. I admire that in you as well as reminding me to use His Names as well. I like what Genesis' early Chapters called YHWH, Jehovah my Elohim. When I pray each morning I start with "Good morning Jehovah my Elohim" I don't know why, I just feel it's the right thing to do....What do you think? When you pray and address YHWH, do you call Him Yahweh?
Rebekah had heard the whole testimony of this servant of Abraham's. How he had put out a fleece and the Lord had fulfilled it. He knew her family by name. She believed his testimony and was excited about it. I believe she knew this was God's plan for her life.
You are so right Jeff. YHWH must be ready to send down Yeshua to end this mess! Of course we have to pass thru the tribulation period, obviously protected by God, but allowed to "taste" persecution, and bring home the faithful. Thank you very much for using the proper Names for God and Jesus. I admire that in you as well as reminding me to use His Names as well. I like what Genesis' early Chapters called YHWH, Jehovah my Elohim. When I pray each morning I start with "Good morning Jehovah my Elohim" I don't know why, I just feel it's the right thing to do....What do you think? When you pray and address YHWH, do you call Him Yahweh?

it was such an ingrained part of life since birth, calling Yhwh "God" , that it took a good 2 or 3 decades to just comfortably (with all His Divinity and Power and Greatness remembered fully) call Yhwh by His Name Yhwh / Yahweh.... and more personally, Yhwh Willing, "ABBA!"

For others understanding I still call Yhwh God at times instead of Yhwh, and maybe a few other concessions for the hope others understand better instead of being so strict like sacred namer's are known to be. Note, however, that someone who always calls Yhwh Yhwh is/maybe fine(considering spirit/attitude) without condescending to others wishes to hear Yhwh called God. He is always Yhwh.
Rebekah had heard the whole testimony of this servant of Abraham's. How he had put out a fleece and the Lord had fulfilled it. He knew her family by name. She believed his testimony and was excited about it. I believe she knew this was God's plan for her life.

You are right on! It's amazing what must go on in the background that is not recorded in Scripture. I would have loved to have been there to hear and see what went on, and especially to sit down with Rebekah and have her tell me what was on her mind and heart. For an old guy, I still love a good love story. It's so wonderful and exciting to see how YHWH puts all these matters in motion. This morning I was sort of overwhelmed by thinking of how great is our God! I still, after all these years can't comprehend the height, length, width, and all other things that matter in how huge is the authority and wisdom of Yahweh. There just aren't words to describe how great He is, I'm just blown away at thinking about Him!
it was such an ingrained part of life since birth, calling Yhwh "God" , that it took a good 2 or 3 decades to just comfortably (with all His Divinity and Power and Greatness remembered fully) call Yhwh by His Name Yhwh / Yahweh.... and more personally, Yhwh Willing, "ABBA!"

For others understanding I still call Yhwh God at times instead of Yhwh, and maybe a few other concessions for the hope others understand better instead of being so strict like sacred namer's are known to be. Note, however, that someone who always calls Yhwh Yhwh is/maybe fine(considering spirit/attitude) without condescending to others wishes to hear Yhwh called God. He is always Yhwh.

Thank you for your reply. I sense in you, by the Holy Spirit, that you have a very deep love for Yahweh and Yeshua. I also get the impression that you are a Messianic Jew, are you? Anyway, I really like your posts, they are very mature and informative. I do admire your knowledge of the Scriptures. You are a very special member of, and in Jesus, I love you.
Thank you for your reply. I sense in you, by the Holy Spirit, that you have a very deep love for Yahweh and Yeshua. I also get the impression that you are a Messianic Jew, are you? Anyway, I really like your posts, they are very mature and informative. I do admire your knowledge of the Scriptures. You are a very special member of, and in Jesus, I love you.

With reservations just from age, experience, time, past dealings with people Messianic and Christian and Jewish, experience with Yhwh,
with all subject, all brought subject willingly in Yeshua HaMashiach, (anything else is small potatoes, still to be ironed out!),
I love you Chopper and everyone here who calls upon the Name of the Lord to be saved.
He is at work in us to teach us to work together in Him, for His building, not our own, and without compromise or shadow or doubt.
Wholeheartedly for 4 decades my life has been devoted to Him no matter what the cost, with whomever He has placed me with whether for a day, a week, a year or 20 years.
No one group seems to want to commit to His service for life, only a few individuals I have met, and so we REJOICE in Faith in Yhwh by the Grace immensely granted us freely in Yeshua --- an ongoing and everyday more amazing sheer and wonderful GIFT - LIFE !!!

Through many troubles and snares and my own failings He has brought me according to and for His Own Purpose. A lot of what I speak was learned 'unfortunately' (humanly speaking) after sinning grievously or resisting His direction, sometimes for a long long time, though never wittingly! and always with a heart after Yhwh like King David, John, Peter, Paul, and Timothy and Philip, e.w.bullinger, watchman nee, madam guyon, richard wurmbrand, keith green, david wilkerson, and corrie ten boom. All to the best of my knowledge faithful servants of the Most High King. (shortcomings and all having been dealt with)

I hope that I can hope to find others so faithful in service to the King, and myself always at His Service, and your servant for the Gospel's Sake in Messiah Yeshua.
Many thanks and praise for your commitment to Yahweh and His remnant of faithful followers. It is so sad to me when I realize that out of the world of people, only a remnant follow our awesome God. Yeshua went thru such torment on His way to the Cross, and then on that cruel old tree, to provide Salvation to whomever will. When I view how fortunate I am to be included in the Remnant, I at times fall on my knees in thankful worship to our holy, holy, holy YHWH. For forty years, He has been my life. He has given me a great love for people in general, but for the serious follower, I'm committed to helping them know Him better. I'm looking forward to our studies in the Word, may YHWH bless us both with wisdom and knowledge of our Savior Yeshua.
You are right on! It's amazing what must go on in the background that is not recorded in Scripture. I would have loved to have been there to hear and see what went on, and especially to sit down with Rebekah and have her tell me what was on her mind and heart. For an old guy, I still love a good love story. It's so wonderful and exciting to see how YHWH puts all these matters in motion. This morning I was sort of overwhelmed by thinking of how great is our God! I still, after all these years can't comprehend the height, length, width, and all other things that matter in how huge is the authority and wisdom of Yahweh. There just aren't words to describe how great He is, I'm just blown away at thinking about Him!

I am so very happy for you that you have so much joy in the Lord ! That is the true peace He brings.

This is the scripture that I believe shows Rebekah's state of mind after hearing about the fleece and that the man was aware of who her family was.

Gen 24:28 And the damsel ran, and told them of her mother's house these things.

This reminded me of the woman at the well. How she ran and told the village all the things that Jesus had told her. They both believed the report that they heard.
Day 50 Thursday 6/5/14 Genesis 24:61-67 What? No Big Celebration?

Our love story opens in V.61. Rebekah has decided to accept this marriage proposal, strange as it seems to me. No young man down on one knee asking nervously "will you marry me?" Every young woman who is not married, longs for those words from her Prince Charming. Opps :eek I got carried away in my love story. The custom here is the Father or Mother, or both, choose the mate for their children.

On Wednesday, Jeff posted what I would have written here, "Arranged marriages were good. (some turned out not so good; but overall it was good(especially compared to babylon-usa) ) !" Also on Wednesday in V.57 it says that Laban and Rebekah's Mother "called the young woman" I wonder where she was, in her bedroom? Or did she sneak close by so she could hear the conversation? Was the custom such that she was not allowed to participate in these arrangements? I'm glad that my first Wife and I did not enter into such an arrangement for my Daughter, because we didn't approve of her choice for her husband. Actually, he turned out to be a wonderful dedicated Christian husband and Father to their five Children, now grown up, and all wonderful Christians involved in serving the Lord in one capacity or another.

OK, back to our love story. Rebekah agrees to go back, and Reba said it best; "Rebekah heard the Lord she stepped out in faith ....
She chose to go with a stranger to a strange place most likely to never see her home again... and this was not travel with an air conditioned car with fast food along the way of the travels... but on foot and stinky camels no map no Google earth to have a peek ... just trust and faith... her and her maid ...
O Lord that i would have such faith.." Now, Isaac just happened to go out in his field to "meditate", Boy, Yahweh orchestrated this whole love story.

Isaac lifted up his eyes and behold, here comes his Father's Servant with a maiden on one of the camel's, WOW, could this be HER? Rebeka was half asleep on the swaying Camel, just like a good old rocking chair. She happens to look up, and there is Isaac standing out there. She thinks, "could this be HIM?? The caravan stops and here is the first mention of a woman smoking. The KJV says "she lighted off a camel" :rofl2Sorry! Old joke. She dismounts and asked the Servant, who is that man walking (probably running), he told her, "it's my Master", Rebekah immediately veiled and covered herself, whatever that means.

Next, Isaac was so excited, after about 40 years without someone to love him like his Mother did, he carries his new bride in his arms, without ceremony or introduction to his family, takes her into his Mothers tent and becomes his Wife....And they lived happily ever after.

THE END.:woot2