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at least 4 women to comfort the old jerk?... had he not been drunk maybe his first born would have been Joseph :) Never mind
Here in the life of Jacob we see the the younger son , from the beloved wife, ending up 'over' the elder.... I am amazed at how often this plays out in Scripture... I believe it is a vivid picture of what is to come...

at least 4 women to comfort the old jerk?

View attachment 4623
Let's see... What do we have?...

  • Incest (Abraham marrying his half sister)
  • Theft (Rachel stealing her father's idols)
  • Deception (Rachel lying to her father about the idols)
  • Betrayal (Joseph's brothers selling him as a slave)
  • Sibling rivalry (Cain/Abel, Ishmael/Isaac, Jacob/Esau)
  • Murder (Cain killing Abel)
Yep. Sounds like Genesis would make a pretty good soap opera.

The TOG​

Hi my friend TOG. I have been supporting Gen. Gershon, FIDF Friends of the Israel Defence Forces, for quite some time. I'm on their prayer warrior network. I love Israel.
Day 87 Saturday 7/12/14 Genesis 35 23-29 THE DEATH OF A GREAT MAN.

Here is a little information concerning Jacob, written by John Gill. " He lived, forty years after he had made his will, and blessed his two sons. Jacob was now one hundred and twenty years of age, being born when his father was sixty; and Joseph was now twenty nine years of age, so that Isaac lived twelve years after the selling of Joseph into Egypt; he was five years older than his father Abraham was when he died."

So Jacob was buried beside his Father, Mother, and Rachel. He was gathered to his people.
Day 87 Saturday 7/12/14 Genesis 35 23-29 THE DEATH OF A GREAT MAN.

Here is a little information concerning Jacob, written by John Gill. " He lived, forty years after he had made his will, and blessed his two sons. Jacob was now one hundred and twenty years of age, being born when his father was sixty; and Joseph was now twenty nine years of age, so that Isaac lived twelve years after the selling of Joseph into Egypt; he was five years older than his father Abraham was when he died."

So Jacob was buried beside his Father, Mother, and Rachel. He was gathered to his people.

Earthly lives seem to be getting shorter for some reason Chop Chop. In comparison today one of the biggest industries is concentrated on extending Earthly life go figure.
Hi my friend TOG. I have been supporting Gen. Gershon, FIDF Friends of the Israel Defence Forces, for quite some time. I'm on their prayer warrior network. I love Israel.

Thank you for sharing that. I have "liked" FIDF's Facebook page and am now following them. I also sent them a card wishing them a peaceful Sabbath.

The TOG​
Earthly lives seem to be getting shorter for some reason Chop Chop. In comparison today one of the biggest industries is concentrated on extending Earthly life go figure.

That's right my Buddy, I have often thought of that. It must have something to do with how much sin is in our lives that shortens our lives. I think I'll start a new thread on why we don't live as long. Probably in "Christian Talk & Advise". I'll need your help.
Day 88 Sunday 7/13/14 Genesis 36:1-14 The Family of Esau.

There is a division here between the children born to Esau in Canaan, and the Children born to him at Mt. Seir. Vs. 1-5 record these sons born in Canaan. The sons born at Mt. Seir are recorded in Vs. 9-14.

V. 6 "And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons of his house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, and all his substance, which he had got in the land of Canaan; and went into the country from the face of his brother Jacob." It is interesting that nothing is mentioned about daughters being born to Jacob, either in Canaan, or Mt. Seir. I really find it tragic that the Jewish men found little value in women other than bearing son's, nursing them, taking care of the household etc. Sons would carry on the family name, not women. The Jewish men used to have a saying, I'm not sure that I have it correctly, "I thank God that I'm not a Gentile, or a tax collector, or a woman."

Esau gathered up all his possessions to leave. As I have already said, his daughters are not listed but he included them as well as his menservants, maidservants, livestock, and all of his household belongings, and whatever he might have gained from the death of his father, and headed for Mt. Seir.

Esau, leaves from the face, or, presence of his brother Jacob, not for fear of him, as the Targum of Jonathan, which paraphrases the words,"for the terror of his brother Jacob was cast upon him;''but because he knew, by the blessing of his father, and the oracle of God, and his concurring providence in all things, that the land of Canaan belonged to him and the future promises that he must have heard about, given to Abraham that fell on Jacob, not him.

Gen 36:7 For their riches were more than that they might dwell together; and the land wherein they were strangers could not bear them because of their cattle.
Sometimes I forget that at this point in time, Jacob and Esau are just "sojourners" in Canaan, and could only have the land that the inhabitants would let them. Their cattle must have been a huge herd when they were together and the land just wasn't big enough to sustain them.

Gen 36:8 Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom.Someone said that Edom represents the red pottage that Jacob gave to Esau. I don't think I would have liked my town called the same name of the soup that stole my birth rite.

Gen 36:9 - 14 "And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in mount Seir." So here is the other children of Esau, born in Edom or Mt. Seir.
This must have been a hard lesson for Paul..

Gal_3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
This must have been a hard lesson for Paul..

Gal_3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

You are right. I think that the disciples thought is was a little weird that Jesus favored so many women, especially the woman at the well.
Day 89 Monday 7/14/14 Genesis 36:15-43 Chiefs And Indians.

I must confess that I usually pay little attention to genealogies, except when I'm tracing an important person like Jesus and the line in which He was born.

Gen 36:15 "These were dukes of the sons of Esau: the sons of Eliphaz the firstborn son of Esau; duke Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenaz." The title "Duke" is a KJV translation from the Hebrew word "aluph" meaning "familiar" or chieftain, or captain. The NKJV and ESV translate Duke as Chiefs and Kings. Esau's sons and grandsons produce 14 of these Dukes....Here's an interesting fact; The unbelieving world who don't pay much attention to God or His Son, are the ones in power, who are, to some degree wealthy and in charge, compared to those who Love God and His Son, who are poor pilgrims on the earth. So many times we look at the world system and cry out to God, "why am I so poor, and the unbelievers so well off. This is where it all may started IMO.

Gen 36:24 "And these are the children of Zibeon; both Ajah, and Anah: this was that Anah that found the mules in the wilderness, as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father." There is an interesting story connected with this mention of "mules". Anah, who observed, while he was feeding his father's asses in the wilderness, that the he asses coupled with mares, or horses with the she asses, and produced another sort of creatures called mules; and by this means found out the way how such creatures might be produced, and practised it. This is according to John Gill.

Gen 36:31 "And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel." I find this interesting as well. The Children of God, were tired of mere men, Judges etc. bossing them around, they wanted a King, just like the Nations around them. This is where this Kingship all started, IMO.

Gen 36:32 "And Bela the son of Beor reigned in Edom: and the name of his city was Dinhabah." This is not the father of Balaam who lived some time after this account.

Gen 36:43 "Duke Magdiel, duke Iram: these be the dukes of Edom, according to their habitations in the land of their possession: he is Esau the father of the Edomites." We end this Chapter with the statement that Esau the father of the Edomites. It's always good to know how some of these Nations came about.