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Day 93 Saturday 7/19/14 Genesis 38:1-11 Capital Punishment.

When a Chapter starts out with someone going "down" I usually expect something bad is going to happen. The first "bad" is Judah leaving his family and going down into Canaanite country and stopping at Hirah's house.

Judah, spots a hottie named Shua, it looks like he grabs her, takes her to bed. (marriage?) Along comes Er, yep, it was an Er-ror! Then comes Onan, and Shelah.

Our story continues with Er, Judah's firstborn who is probably a teenager, Judah finds a wife for him called Tamar, but before he can have children, God kills him, Wow!! Nothing is said about his wickedness, it had to be very bad for God who so far has seen murder of the Shechemites, rape, and incest.

Next in our drama of Judah's life story comes Onan. (I used to have a generator in two of my motor homes called "Onan") so here comes Onan, Jacob's kid generator, to generate some children for his brother sake. But refused to conclude the child making act by fertilizing the earth. It may have been that children by Tamar would have been considered Er's and would have been considered children of the first born who would have been favored more than Onan's children, especially when it came to inheritance. The Lord disliked this deceit so much that he killed Onan.

Now we have childless Tamar who Jacob sends her back to her family. He invents a story to Tamar that when his youngest son comes to age, he will marry Tamar. Actually Judah is not sure why his two sons died, so he was afraid to marry anyone else to Tamar. He didn't understand that their deaths were because of their wickedness before Almighty God. Again, this shows us that if the parents don't keep a close eye on their teenage children and discipline them when they step out of line, trouble is just waiting to happen!
In thinking about this it explains inheritance rights being determined by the father but nationality determined by the mother. Tamar had to keep something in order to prove who her children's father was, no blood typing or DNA back then.
Day 94 Sunday 7/20/14 Genesis 38:12-30 Busted!

Be blessed on this Sunday, I pray....Our story continues with Tamar converting her widowhood to a betrothed one. Perhaps she thought that her appearance would remind Judah that she is supposed to marry Shelah his remaining son, although wearing a veil is not the way to go.

Tamar positions herself by the "wayside" which at that time was a place for prostitutes. Judah decides to pamper his lust by having sex with this prostitute, not knowing that this is Tamar.

At this point, Tamar does not trust Judah, and when it came time to pay up for his little romp in the sack, she wants his signet, the cord that fastened it around his neck, and the walking stick in his hand.

Tamar returns home again as a widow, In time, Tamar appears pregnant, and projects the appearance of immorality. Judah, all of a sudden displays righteous indignation at his daughter in law, and pronounces a death sentence.

BUSTED! When Tamar produces the items given to her by Judah, he admits, "She is more righteous than I, since I did not give her to my son Shelah." V.26 says that "he did not know her again." One of the writers said that this incident had a profound effect on Judah and it changed him dramatically.

In time, Tamar gave birth to twins, We have again another switch-er-o, the scarlet thread on the twin who stuck his hand out was not the first born. Perez (which means "breach") became his name. The other twin is named Zerah, he is born first but Perez, with the scarlet thread becomes the real first born because he stuck out his hand. I would have not considered the fact that he stuck out his hand as significant, born is born in my book.
Day 94 Sunday 7/20/14 Genesis 38:12-30 Busted!
In time, Tamar gave birth to twins, We have again another switch-er-o, the scarlet thread on the twin who stuck his hand out was not the first born. Perez (which means "breach") became his name. The other twin is named Zerah, he is born first but Perez, with the scarlet thread becomes the real first born because he stuck out his hand. I would have not considered the fact that he stuck out his hand as significant, born is born in my book.

Gen 38:30 and afterwards hath his brother come out, on whose hand is the scarlet thread, and he calleth his name Zarah.

Either I am misunderstanding your post, the scripture, or you are suffering from the many kid syndrome, as I am. I'm always calling one of the girls by their sister's name, they laugh. :wink
Gen 38:30 and afterwards hath his brother come out, on whose hand is the scarlet thread, and he calleth his name Zarah.

Either I am misunderstanding your post, the scripture, or you are suffering from the many kid syndrome, as I am. I'm always calling one of the girls by their sister's name, they laugh. :wink

This morning, for some reason, it was very difficult to keep the story straight in my mind. As I grow older, I become more dyslectic. It's a good thing that I proof read everything I write. :dunce
This morning, for some reason, it was very difficult to keep the story straight in my mind. As I grow older, I become more dyslectic. It's a good thing that I proof read everything I write. :dunce

Me too, you are not alone! Sometimes Lexy proof reads for me. :biggrin2
Day 95 Monday 7/21/14 Genesis 39:1-6a A Blessed Man of God.

We now come to the man of God who is an example to the dedicated Christian of integrity. Joseph is God's man during a time that the family of Jacob needed to be a part of because of all the evil that they all had been involved in. This is a story of survival during a time in Josephs life in which nothing was going his way.

Joseph has become a slave of the Ishmaelites who sold him to Potipher an Egyptian officer of Pharaoh. V.2 slams the door on all the evil things going on in Jacob's family, and pictures the Almighty God placing His will and power on the life of Joseph. The evidence of this is "The Lord was with Joseph and he became a successful man."

The reaction of Joseph, although we don't know his thoughts while being treated so badly by his brothers, and treatment he received at the hands of his owners, God saw his actions and read his thoughts and blessed his goodness. This is a great example of how to function when all hell breaks out, especially to me.

V.4 says "he attended him" meaning that Joseph took his new position as a slave serious as to the duties to Potipher. Boy, what a lesson there is in this. Although Joseph has every excuse to act "taken advantage of", instead of a pity party, He gets serious, apparently trusting the Lord for his life. As a result of his attitude, God is not only blessing him, but blessing Potipher as well. Potipher became very prosperous as it says in V.5. The only thing that Potipher was concerned about was his food.
Day 96 Tuesday 7/22/14 Genesis 39:6b - 10 Temptation.

It is a delight and an honor to record the life of Joseph. Here in the midst of all the wrong things that Jacob's family were involved in, here comes the youngest of the brothers and he outshines the entire family of which God had separated and called to represent Him in holiness against an unholy generation of people. Even today, as I record Joseph's activities, they become a light house to all who transverse rough seas. Joseph becomes a hero to all who would walk in the Spirit of the living God.

We start in V.6b by the statement that our hero takes after his beautiful Mother Rachel. He was handsome in form and appearance. V.7 says that his masters wife had been "checking out" Joseph, the Hebrew hunk. As bold as brass Drusilla ( I gave her that name) she "hits" on Jacob day after day. She really had the "hots" for him.

I absolutely love Joseph's statement to her steady advances. I would think that she finally cornered him and demanded that he have sex with her. His reply was "How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God. Our enemy Satan loves to trap anyone who is an object of God's design.

I remember back in 1978 in my first full time church as their pastor and the town's psychologist. I was also the tax collector and town treasurer, many hats. Oh yes, a volunteer fireman. A young woman came to my office to seek counseling. She hadn't been in my office very long when she said, "I want to have sex with you." I refused and progressed with giving her godly counsel. She decided to leave when she saw that her mission had failed. I never saw her again.

We need to remember that when we sin, we sin against God first, the One Who loves us the most!
Tomorrow's Study: Day 97 Wednesday 7/23/14 Genesis 39:11-18 A False Accusation.

NOTE: I will be working tomorrow. I'll post in the early evening. I also will be going to Maine for my family Summer reunion. I leave Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening. Reba will be in charge of this Study while I'm gone. :clap
Joseph 's example is a strong message to the church leaders of today.... The leaders 'show ' members the way.... I pray Godly men to lead the church in these times..