- Sep 11, 2012
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Maybe you have a different interpretation of superstition. Mine is believing in things that are not real. A woman who believes she's better looking with make-up and a wig, not real. Actors are stars, not real. Diet pills, not real. Abnormal physical love, not real. We can make the world a better place by ourselfves, not real. And I could go on for days. I stopped listening to myself long ago, my friend, when I realized the person I thought I was, wasn't real. Superstitons go very deep into the heart and we have wide screen TV's now for a panaramic view of fake images that fully engulf our eyesight, and sound to build our adrenaline. Soon we'll have smell to top it all off. What better way to input superstitions? To be so smart we're the dumbest, killing more people by our own designs then any other time before. We look like we are advancing doesn't it? Well look at what our bible says is the end results of our advancements. Our own demise. We make nuclear bombs to kill ourselfves. How smart is that? So how much more disciplined were they, the christians, back then compared to us? See if we can through away our cell phones, our TV's, our microwaves, our stereo's, right now and have nothing but the bible to entertain you?
We do apparently have a difference of understandings of what superstitions are. From my perspective a superstition is where you are afraid of something that does not exist, which can be used to control you. Which is what governments and the church did throughout time. This isn't even just associated with western culture. In certain areas of China they have varying heights on the thresholds of their doors in order to keep the spirits out, because they believe they float around just above the ground.
In Europe it was a common belief that if you wear some sort of talisman around your neck it will ward off evil spirits. Then there is the superstition that if you break a mirror you will have 7 years of bad luck. Of course if that is true then I should be experiencing about 14 years of it since we broke a rather large mirror recently in our bathroom :wink3.