How active are demons in our day to day life? How do you know if one is oppessing you and how do you get rid of it? How real is this?
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For reality I'd scale it along side instantaneous healings.How active are demons in our day to day life? How do you know if one is oppessing you and how do you get rid of it? How real is this?
Generally true,however if you have lived very long in this life you had the experience of doing something that YOU did not agree with, you can try to come up with an answer from yourself(chemicals in the brain)or you can consider that another entity could have had an influence on you. The bible says that they are here, human history and even today people give accounts of encounters with spirits.I think people can conjure many things to make excuses for the actions they take.
I think people can misinterpret an actual problem with brain chemistry for "the works of demons".
I think that people tend to place a "supernatural answer", in cases where human ability to know what's actually happening may be limited, for that which is absolutely natural . . . just because claiming something to be "supernatural" is easy.
As for the videos:
First one. . . . she had a crazy dream and because she is so indepth in christianity, with a preacher husband, of course she will have a dream that has christian overtones, and come out of it assuming it was a vision.
The second one is . . . . . . is just hilarious! Looks like the Benny Hinn of Islam. :-D
Generally true,however if you have lived very long in this life you had the experience of doing something that YOU did not agree with, you can try to come up with an answer from yourself(chemicals in the brain)or you can consider that another entity could have had an influence on you. The bible says that they are here, human history and even today people give accounts of encounters with spirits.
All I will say is . . . . "brain chemicals are a MAD scientist"!! ;)
I have done things that I did not agree with. It was my own doing. . . .and though I may kick myself today, there was nothing more to it.
I agree that most of what we do, we do ourselves. I know that it would be easy, even comforting to be able to say "the devil made me do it"...but, for the most part we sin because we get carried away by own lusts, which is exactly what James 1:14-16 tells us.
But, that isn't to day that demons are not active in the world today...they're around...they are. And, they are quite busy.
But, usually if one is dealing with needs to look to their own heart first.
Funny to stumble across this after spending over an hour this morning on google with the question "What does the Bible say about ghosts?" It seems that not much is said on ghosts and spirits of the dead. However all links point to demons as the answer to most peoples questions. The fact that demons have been here with Satan since the fall answers the questions of why a ghost (demon) can know things that we think only the dead could have known. Interestingly, although a demon will know exactly what and how to scare you, the best tactic they can use is to seem friendly so as to decieve you and to lead you astray.
As I am new here and often wrong, please feel free to correct if needed,
OK, I'm a new Christian, so I'm no expert, and I don't exactly have a Demon Detector or anything, but I've been thinking about this, too...and I think hand's right; in Western cultures, demons avoid detection, but they're still there, working with our own sinful natures (especially amongst the unsaved) to create trouble and lead people to Hell.
A little personal story of demonic involvement. I was praying on the porch one winter evening when two guys came walking by cursing loudly. In my spirit I sensed that it was a demonic attempt to ruin my prayer time so I bound the demonic spirit from the fellow doing the cursing in the name of Jesus, immediately in a much louder voice the fellow was saying, NO POWER,NO POWER! Instantly the Lord said,"pray in tongues" so I did and suddenly the fellow actually flew up in the air and came down hard on the ground. There was a stunned silence and the other guy was saying in a shaky voice,"what happened". Demons are here and it is war, but we can bind a demon in Jesus name.
I agree that demons will flee at the name of Jesus, and also they will flee when you quote the King James Bible at them. I know of stories of people who have been abducted by aliens (they are really demons) and when they were on a table amongst these evil entities they said the name "Jesus" and the demonic experience stopped and the demons never came back.
Interestingly the word "demon" or "demons" does not appear in the King James Bible, what is said in it are "unclean spirits" and "devils" which are similar if not the same as a demon.
If you want to read what the KJV says about the word "devil" here is a link:
Scan the Bible for requested Words and phrases
If you want to know about unclean spirits see this link:
Scan the Bible for requested Words and phrases
Demons flee when you exercise the authority given to you by Jesus Christ and speak to them the word, no matter what version, and tell them to be removed in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. We follow His example.
We don't need rehearsed and pat phrases. We need to know who we are in Christ.
How active are demons in our day to day life? How do you know if one is oppessing you and how do you get rid of it? How real is this?