What Are You Cooking ?

Dinner today is decayed Octopus that I will go out in the yard and dig. Buried it last month after letting it sit in the sun for 3 days. It will be cooked in panther urine with bell peppers and garlic. I am slobbering all over myself just thinking about it.
Dinner today is decayed Octopus that I will go out in the yard and dig. Buried it last month after letting it sit in the sun for 3 days. It will be cooked in panther urine with bell peppers and garlic. I am slobbering all over myself just thinking about it.

Sounds delicious. Is there enough for me if I come over?

The TOG​
I had my #1 most favorite thing in the world
and guess what?......I didn't cook it.
Is that Red Robin?
That looks so good....
My wife just finished this year's batch of potica and it is the best she's ever done. Too bad I am so limited on how much I can enjoy it with my diabetes. For those that don't know what potica is, check this.
My wife just finished this year's batch of potica and it is the best she's ever done. Too bad I am so limited on how much I can enjoy it with my diabetes. For those that don't know what potica is, check this.
Yes,I can see why it would put a damper on your diabetes.
The article Lewis linked to is a list of fish you shouldn't eat (according to them), mainly because of overfishing. I'm not sure I'd trust that list though. Atlantic cod is on the list, and that is the fish Iceland catches most of. We have an agency that keeps track of the size of the fish populations and allots quotas accordingly. The stock here has been growing by leaps and bounds, and is nowhere near being in danger of extinction, as the article says.

The TOG​
Today's Christmas dinner is a turkey a ham potato salad, sweet potatoes string beans and corn on the cob
Turkey, cornbread dressing, mashed taters, green beans with bacon, cranberry sauce , Shrimp/crab salad, fruit salad, biscuits almost forgot the gravy :) guess i better get busy :neutral
What Are You Cooking Today ?

Okay, today I am cooking baked skinless chicken breast, and roasted butternut squash with spinach and a fresh vegetable salad and potato salad. Along with apple juice


Sounds great, and you didn't even invite us?
I'm having leftover ground beef and pasta.

The TOG​