What Are You Cooking ?

south of the fires... I was in Lewiston last weekend the smoke was so very heavy... those poor folks with the fires...
Today it is a pork shoulder, rice & broccoli and lemonade
stirred up a batch of tapioca this evening ... still warm .. :)
Which makes me think of popcorn balls made like krispy treats
Flashfried some fresh veggies with ginger, lemongrass and a spoonful of black bean sauce. yumm.
stirred up a batch of tapioca this evening ... still warm .. :)
I'll be right over! Wait, that would take a few days and it would be cold by then. Bummer!
I got a call at about noon from my dh. We will be eating elk back strap steaks in about six days or so, if the weather stays cold enough to let it age that long. If not it will be sooner. :)
I got a call at about noon from my dh. We will be eating elk back strap steaks in about six days or so, if the weather stays cold enough to let it age that long. If not it will be sooner. :)
I'm at the airport now:)
There is something in Elk that makes my system happy. Nothing like black powder hunting anywhere in the Rockies in the late summer/early fall, when I can pull a hard to get permit. Heaven on earth, if you please. Will be scoping out northern Montana in a drive through enroute to Wash. state after Thanksgiving for a possible future hunting area with one or two of my son in laws and my youngest son, maybe for next year.

Otherwise, today, breakfast of leftover carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, all organic, and several cups of Folgers for breakfast this a.m.

Then the "normal" mid day of low fact organic kefir or lowfat organic cottage cheese mixed with organic flaxseed oil, ground organic flax seeds, organic chlorella powder, organic cinnamon/tumeric, organic honey, organic hemp and chia seeds all mixed together with organic fruit consisting of blueberries, cherries, peaches, mango, strawberries, pineapple for lunch

followed by a small protein meal of some sort for early eve. Sound's like it's gonna be slow cooked Swiss steak according to Mama in chief.

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Hmmmm, now this thread reminded me I'm getting hungry. Maybe an old standby for this morning. Something like my chilaquilles topped with a fried egg and slices of chicken... Yeah, that'll do it. Off to the galley.
hmmm ? these late nights are work right?

Chilaquiles are most commonly eaten at breakfast time (not uncommonly as a hangover cure). Unlike nachos, chilaquilesare a meal to be eaten with a fork.
hmmm ? these late nights are work right?

Chilaquiles are most commonly eaten at breakfast time (not uncommonly as a hangover cure). Unlike nachos, chilaquilesare a meal to be eaten with a fork.
LOL! Yeah, when I'm up at night it's work. (At least that's what they tell me it is.) My only hangovers come from sleep deprivation, but it's all worth it.

Although since it's a Mexican breakfast dish, and in Mexico too many people drink more beer than water, pretty much any Mexican breakfast dish is commonly hoped to be a hangover cure! :lol