What Are You Cooking ?

Although since it's a Mexican breakfast dish, and in Mexico too many people drink more beer than water, pretty much any Mexican breakfast dish is commonly hoped to be a hangover cure! :lol

Nothing quite like a big bowl of menudo in the a.m. scooped out of a galvanized garbage cooking can common on many Mexican streets! (uh,- blank stare-wondering what's really in that can?)
the menudo it self is bad enough.. i cant get past what it is to even taste it.. what difference could the can make ? :neutral
the menudo it self is bad enough.. i cant get past what it is to even taste it.. what difference could the can make ? :neutral

I love menudo cooked in locally inspected U.S. hispanic food establishments, from time to time. Where I grew up people ate lutefisk, so menudo is rather tame by comparisons.
Well, as it turns out I seem to have stored my green salsa a little too long and it has fermented. So this would be more of a hangover causer than a cure.
My DH is blond and blue eye... When he started in construction the crew was mostly Mexicans.. They invited him to share their lunch.. sat back and waited for the tears . the joke was on them he had grown up on Mexican food from the Monterey Bay area ...he quickly became El Gordito :)
That Mexican street food is much safer than the food in American restaurants. The street food is the stuff the local Mexicans eat. If a restaurant in the US serves poisoned food, they get fined, they pay the fine, and they go on. If a Mexican street vender serves bad food and makes a Mexican sick, they come back and kill him. Better incentive.
That Mexican street food is much safer than the food in American restaurants. The street food is the stuff the local Mexicans eat. If a restaurant in the US serves poisoned food, they get fined, they pay the fine, and they go on. If a Mexican street vender serves bad food and makes a Mexican sick, they come back and kill him. Better incentive.
I always wonder more about the contents of the galvanized garbage cans it's cooked that might leech into the chow moreso than the food contents. :lol
minerals are good for you :)
I'm an anti-heavy metals ingestion freak. By mouth or needle. I have the same blank stare when looking at a flu shot syringe. "I wonder what's really in that tube?" :lol
I always wonder more about the contents of the galvanized garbage cans it's cooked that might leech into the chow moreso than the food contents. :lol
It could. In reality though most of the street venders I used to eat from in Mexico didn't use the galvanized wash tubs to cook food in, although some did. But even if they did, I've been told that the health department (in the US) found out this leaching of metals (zinc in particular from the galvanizing) does happen, but it takes a long time. Like the food has to be cooking in it all day. Some of the venders in the US that they were cracking down on indeed were letting the food cook or simmer all day, and then many times storing the leftovers overnight and reheating again the next day, all in the galvanized wash tubs. It seemed the venders I saw in Mexico never had enough food at any one time to simmer or store it very long. Lines of hungry neighbors were always eating it all too fast! :yes Maybe the risk was made negligible by the lack of time in the tubs?
today, yellow cheese topped with crumbled white brined cheese baked in oven, it looked like this:


an egg and cheese omelet without the eggs! looks great! if it was goat cheese, even better.
It could. In reality though most of the street venders I used to eat from in Mexico didn't use the galvanized wash tubs to cook food in, although some did. But even if they did, I've been told that the health department (in the US) found out this leaching of metals (zinc in particular from the galvanizing) does happen, but it takes a long time. Like the food has to be cooking in it all day. Some of the venders in the US that they were cracking down on indeed were letting the food cook or simmer all day, and then many times storing the leftovers overnight and reheating again the next day, all in the galvanized wash tubs. It seemed the venders I saw in Mexico never had enough food at any one time to simmer or store it very long. Lines of hungry neighbors were always eating it all too fast! :yes Maybe the risk was made negligible by the lack of time in the tubs?

If they buy the galvanized tubs from China Lord knows what they are really made of. :drool