What Are You Cooking ?

Pork chop sandwiches tonight thick pork chop sandwiches tonight.
OK ! I have not looked at all of the posting.

But want to let you all know , what my son had gotten us all into.......

Organic as much as we can afford and the 8 grand children !

And this really works.......

No white flour , no sugar....... and that is the start.

The children walk along eating vegetables and fruit "as most children eat candy bars....

My son has been able to find cases of veg. and fruit ! People seem to now know him, and

give my a good price on all the cases of vegetables and fruit........

And I can not believe how strong the children are !

And they do , sports all the time and are running and going all the time.......

Yes ! of course some have there no thanks ! But they do all eat good !

When I switched from no more sugar and use only the honey and maple and all the other

good organic stuff.....

I was shocked when I tried some thing that had sugar in it........ It tasted so bad I could not eat it..

Seeing these grand children day after day, since I now live with this family !

It is so wonderful........... They are so strong ! I hope this will help some to change !!!!

It is well worth it !
I am turning into a junk food junkie again
Yesterday I took a portion of a venison backstrap while frozen sliced it super thin into chips. Sautéed with quartered onion, chopped red and yellow bell peppers, garlic, sliced mushrooms, salt and pepper, and extra strong beef broth. Simmered to reduce the broth and served it with American fried potatoes. Daughter and I thought it was pretty good.

Today blended the left-over meat and potatoes together, covered with shredded mozzarella cheese, and heated until the cheese melted.
Meat Loaf.......

I use the spice I like and cut up onion to the taste ! Celery, and garlic .....
egg and I use oat meal ["grind up"] in place of ground bread crumbs.
And parmesan cheese 2 tbls. or more , depending on how much your making.
Yesterday I took a portion of a venison backstrap while frozen sliced it super thin into chips. Sautéed with quartered onion, chopped red and yellow bell peppers, garlic, sliced mushrooms, salt and pepper, and extra strong beef broth. Simmered to reduce the broth and served it with American fried potatoes. Daughter and I thought it was pretty good.

Today blended the left-over meat and potatoes together, covered with shredded mozzarella cheese, and heated until the cheese melted.
Wow what's that address again ?
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I made a super good banana cheesecake couple nights ago.
Creme cheese, sugar, banana pudding, vanilla, cool whip, and bananas. Mix up well and pour into a graham cracker crust lined with bananas, top with more bananas and grate a chocolate bar over it too...hmmmm
Going to be making a porketta today. For anyone that has not heard of this or if you would like to make your own spice mix here's the recipe I use.

2 tsp. fennel seed
2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. pepper
2 tsp. rosemary
2 tsp. oregano
2 tsp. parsley flake
2 tsp. celery flake
2 tsp. basil
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder

3-4 pound pork roast boned. Shoulder roast is best for a couple reasons. First because the shoulders are more marbled with fat throughout. Second, when boned out, it can be laid open flat so the spices can easily be added inside and then rolled.

Finish butterflying the roast where the shoulder blade was removed.
Generously season the inside and then tie it closed again.
Generously coat the outside with the spices. Don't worry, you can't hardly
overdo it. It should be quite green from the herbs.

Cover and bake 2-3 hrs at 325.

Serve sliced or shredded with good hard rolls. Goes great with potato salad.

Here's a photo to illustrate how well seasoned it should be.
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Egg bake for breakfast this morning.
dozen eggs
1 can cream of mushroom soup undiluted
chopped onion
chopped leftover bratwurst sausages from the grill
shredded cheddar cheese
whipped together and baked in greased 9x13 pan for about 1/2 hour.

Could also add asparagus, green beans, spinach, mushrooms, or just about anything else that sounds good at the moment. Garnish with parsley.
Going to be making a porketta today. For anyone that has not heard of this or if you would like to make your own spice mix here's the recipe I use.

2 tsp. fennel seed
2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. pepper
2 tsp. rosemary
2 tsp. oregano
2 tsp. parsley flake
2 tsp. celery flake
2 tsp. basil
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder

3-4 pound pork roast boned. Shoulder roast is best for a couple reasons. First because the shoulder are more marbled with fat throughout. Second, when boned out, it can be laid open flat so the spiced can easily be added inside and then rolled.

Finish butterflying the roast where the shoulder blade was removed.
Generously season the inside and then tie it closed again.
Generously coat the outside with the spices. Don't worry, you can't hardly
overdo it. It should be quite green from the herbs.

Cover and bake 2-3 hrs at 325.

Serve sliced or shredded with good hard rolls. Goes great with potato salad.

Here's a photo to illustrate how well seasoned it should be.
Wow DH loves pork i will have to keep this in mind..
Wow DH loves pork i will have to keep this in mind..
I have modified my recipe a little. I lowered the salt down to 1-1/2 tsp. instead of two for the spice mix. Better for the heart.