Haven't I already done that in post #55? Jesus's teaching in Matt. 10:28 is revealed in Rev. 20, destruction of both body and soul is the second death in the Lake of Fire. The last book is titled Revelation for a reason, the bible interprets itself.
Mortal means to die.
Immortal means to NOT die.
An immortal soul does NOT die.
The Catholic scholar told me man is a body with an immortal soul inside him. And that the immortal soul is the real person.
IOW, the real person is an immortal soul and never dies.
I have no idea what Bible they have. It’s certainly not any one I’ve ever seen.
They take the passage: fear no man who can kill your body but not you soul, as “proving” their claim.
But God can kill both the body and soul. Therefore, the soul is NOT immortal, but mortal.
They told me the soul is immortal from man but not from God. Which contradicts the meaning of immortal.
But souls are being killed by man throughout scripture.
Then they say, “You don’t know what death means”.
According to scripture, Adam became a living soul when the breath of life was breathed into his face. He was not a living soul before that.
The breath Adam breathes is not the man(Adam).The man is what was formed from the ground.
Adam was told that HE was dust, and to dust HE would return.
That means that the living soul he had become, became a dead soul. A soul that no longer was breathing.
So death means to not be living or alive.
And life means to not be dead.
Death means dead,
Alive means living.
The RCC has brought their own philosophy, like that of Plato and Socrates, into the scriptures, and found a few verses, which on the surface, can convince someone who knows no better.
However, those who do know better, can easily see that their idea is contradicted throughout the Bible.