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What God Has Not Given Us

Jesus did not use one fixed method to heal people. He was a creative healer!

On one occasion, He spat on a blind man’s eyes.

On another occasion, He spat on some mud and put the mixture on a blind man's eyes before asking him to wash in the pool.

Another time, He spat and touched a mute man’s tongue.

Other ways that Jesus healed people was by touching them, telling them to get well, sending out His Word of healing and commanding evil spirits to depart.

His disciples even used handkerchiefs / aprons to heal people.

Whichever creative way Jesus and His disciples used, NO one went away without receiving healing. NO one! ALL got healed ...

Jesus nor His disciples did not demonstrate or teach a specific way that people should be healed.

So what’s so bad about using drugs for healing if it works and not forbidden in scriptures ?
Jesus did not use one fixed method to heal people. He was a creative healer!

On one occasion, He spat on a blind man’s eyes.

On another occasion, He spat on some mud and put the mixture on a blind man's eyes before asking him to wash in the pool.

Another time, He spat and touched a mute man’s tongue.

Other ways that Jesus healed people was by touching them, telling them to get well, sending out His Word of healing and commanding evil spirits to depart.

His disciples even used handkerchiefs / aprons to heal people.

Whichever creative way Jesus and His disciples used, NO one went away without receiving healing. NO one! ALL got healed ...

Jesus nor His disciples did not demonstrate or teach a specific way that people should be healed.

So what’s so bad about using drugs for healing if it works and not forbidden in scriptures ?
Drugs are poison, all of them. All of them harm the human body in ANY amount. No where in the Bible are they used, and for exactly the reasons I have given. No one should have to tell a believer not to take poison/drugs. What Jesus provides is free, non toxic, and ALWAYS works. The condition is Bible faith. See Mark 11:24 with Hebrews 11:1 and James 5:14-15. In fact according to Mark 16:17-18 any believer, "those that believe", can heal unbelievers, even cast out demons. Jesus demonstrated this in John 5:1-14 and John 9.
Mark 16:17-18

New King James Version (NKJV)

17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[a] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.â€

And besides it is FUN. We just had the privilege of doing this for a Christian by telephone. Jesus set her free from demonic oppression.

Please see my thread on "The Christian and the Legal Drug Cult(ure)"
I am not sure why you feel offended by our testimony or a need to come against it.
I'm sure it seems a puzzlement to you... why indeed would other Christians be offended by the idea of faith healing ONLY... and the attitude that anyone who seeks out doctors or goes on medication isn't trusting Jesus or having faith.

Why do some see a need to come against it?


A: Because it's unscriptural.
B: Because it's bad theology.
C: Because, as Reba has tried to point out to you, and I can add to her testimony in this... It causes people to have shipwreck of faith.

Any one of these reasons is good enough to take a stand against this kind of attitude. To me, the third reason is the most compelling though, because I've seen good people lose faith entirely, all because some one became ill and didn't recover through prayer alone.

Lesjude, I don't have any issue with your own spiritual walk in which you have decided that you will only pray and go to a funeral if necessary. If that is your walk, that is your walk.

The problem comes when you call into question another's faith for not walking the way you do.

I've read through the thread, folks have given you clear scriptural reasons to understand that the texts you are sharing about healing, don't mean exactly what you think they do. You are taking what Christ meant for a sign for the unbelievers to know that the Apostles and disciples were from God and created a burdensome yoke for believers...

I used this example in another thread yesterday, but it goes very well here:

Paul was certainly full of the Spirit and healed many people. As a matter of fact, when he was in Ephesus preaching and showing signs to validate his preachings, folks would bring handkerchiefs and aprons, touch him with them and bring them back to the sick and the sick would be healed. The whole city knew of the God Paul served via his healings.

Yet, when the pastor at Ephesus had some kind of chronic illness causing him to be frequently ill, did Paul lay hands upon Timothy and heal him?

Nope... he told him to take wine for his stomach.

Ironic.... the pastor of the church in a city abuzz with miraculous healings not only had frequent illnesses... he wasn't healed via the laying on of hands or having a handkerchief carried to Paul or whatever.

Now we know that Timothy was hardly a man of little or no faith.

But, it wasn't God's intention that Timothy be healed via a miracle. Paul simply recommended that he drink some wine for his stomach ailments.

Interestingly enough, it is now known to medical science that many ulcers are caused by a bacteria Helicobacter pylori. It's also been found that drinking wine can kill this bacteria and help heal the stomach of the ulcers caused by it.

There we have it, Paul recommending that Timothy take a medication.

Frankly, that should be 'nuff said, but I know it won't be.

Reba wasn't engaging in some kind of witchcraft (and shame on you for even suggesting such a thing)... she was trying to impress upon you the fact that this teaching you're promoting here causes real problems with folks. She's been around Pentecostalism and faith healing preaching for a long, long time and has seen first hand the damage it can do.

I haven't been as exposed to it as Reba, but I worked for 12 years for an Assembly of God and was working there when a dynamic preacher decided faith healing was the only means for the "faithful".... and that caused some damage as well.

I saw good people's faith being called into question because they chose to go to doctor's for medical issues. I also saw some agonize and feel that their own faith was useless when they prayed for healing and it wasn't forthcoming.

I know of some who eventually fell away from faith altogether because of it.

It's not surprising... it's a common result of false teaching and false prophets. Satan uses the false teachers and prophets to create unscriptural and false expectations in people, and then when the expectations fail, as they so often do, the people fall away believing that either God or their own faith is at fault, when the problem was that they exchanged the truth for a lie.

The lie here isn't that God sometimes uses miracles to heal people of things...He does. The lies is that He ALWAYS works this way and if you don't trust Him to miraculously heal you, your faith is at fault.

It's a lie, an insidious one, a damaging one, and one well worth standing against.
Drugs are poison, all of them. All of them harm the human body in ANY amount. No where in the Bible are they used
Wrong... many drugs are made with the healing plants that God created for just such purposes. You are ignoring the texts shared with you that point this out.

Rebe shared these texts before:

Eze 47:12 And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine

Isa 38:21 For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover.

Luk 10:34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

As well as the fact that Paul's instruction to Timothy to take wine for his many illnesses was shared as well.

So why are you still saying "Nowhere in the Bible are they used" ?

No one should have to tell a believer not to take poison/drugs.
This would hold water, if all drugs were poison. But, they are not. As Ezekiel points out, leaves are to be used for medicine and many drugs are made from the plants God created for this exact purpose.

What Jesus provides is free, non toxic, and ALWAYS works. The condition is Bible faith.
No, again this is quite wrong. Faith healing hardly ALWAYS works. I personally know a family who prayed and prayed and even had myself and other girls their daughter's age to pray for the healing of their 12 year old daughter.
She died. All of us were Christians... all of us had total faith that God would heal her.

She was not healed. She died. Several people lost faith over that one. Not I, because my parents explained to me that God doesn't always work that way.

But, this is exactly what Reba was trying to get at when she said "You will see." One of these days, someone you know who most certainly has faith will become sick and not be healed. You will see... it will happen sooner or later. Hopefully, no one will shipwreck their faith because of it.
Thanks Dora.

And, as usual, you have addressed the offending post(s) very well. :yes

Nothing more need I add.
I'm locking this thread on a positive note, since I foresee the only rebuttal will be "not enough faith". Let's all move on and try to contribute to the mission of this board rather than accuse believers of having too little faith. :wave