I started out in the Word of Faith movement. I am truly thankful for lots of things I learned in it that I'm confident I would not have learned had I started out in some other movement. The experience was invaluable. But there are things that bother me about the movement (in completely random order as they come to mind):
1. Godliness is understood to be a means to riches.
2. Tongues is improperly elevated above the other gifts.
3. Teaching in character in regard to the fruit of the Spirit is terribly lacking, apparently because it's not as important or valued as spiritual gifts.
4. Those who perceive themselves as spiritually gifted condescend to those who aren't
5. A lack of compassion for those who are perceived as having less faith.
6. Tongues is regarded as a sign of spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
7. The teaching that faith demands where God has not specifically spoken.
8. Character is not regarded as the measure of spiritual maturity, spiritual gifts are.
Remember, these are generalities. If your Word of Faith church is different, good.
Share your thoughts.