Some times we say the same things using different verbiage ... sorta like.. couch.. sofa.. divan .davenport .are all the same thing
Some folks have dinner, some supper... ,
That might depend on the persons understanding....
Personally i prefer they way you say it.. while understanding the other way as being the same thing...
Gary, when the Holy Spirit teaches, He teaches what is needed at the moment and again, as I recall, without checking, I said the new understand/meaning or so on, does not conflict with what has already been taught by the Spirit. I'll add that if there is a conflict, one needs to check the spirit they are hearing against the Word of God.
No Christian can be indwelt by another spirit but all of us can be influenced by Satan and his demons and there by requiring our contextual reading of the scriptures. And by this testing, allowed by the Father but never executed by Him, is that we become better grounded in the faith and, repeatedly, I see God's forgiveness demonstrated when we ,mess up and do not check what we received against what God has said and had recorded for our edification.
That might depend on the persons understanding....
Personally i prefer they way you say it.. while understanding the other way as being the same thing...
This has been a most interesting study / discussion. I have more to say on a knowledge base, but wisdom is telling that if I share; it might be used as ammunition by both sides.
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