But we are not talking about the spirit of God. We are talking about man, and the spirit of man that instructs him. It is the spirit of man that is in him that either focuses on the letter of the word for their meanings or focuses on understanding the spirit of the word, or in other words, the moral of the story. Some only know how to compare letter with letter, this is not of the Spirit of God either.
By your list, it appears you are stuck on the letter. Supporting abortion? Do also exclude the concept of choice? The good old American concept of freedom? Can you tell me, if your daughter was raped and became pregnant, what right do I have in any of her decisions? I am not the revenger of her blood.
Gay Marriage? When almost 50% of marriages end in divorce, or worse yet, those that are stuck in abusive relationships because they fear it is their duty, then tell me, what sanctity is there left in the term marriage. The spirit of man that is in him, it understands these things, and guides him in his civil laws.
Critical Race Theory, what is that? Is that like white nationalism and American exceptionalism? Is it the belief that the anglo-saxon races are the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel? That our constitution is some sort of covenant with God?
All these things you list, they do not explain what is a liberal, nor do they consider why it is liberal. What they are, is things you can blindly list as "liberal agendas" and then proclaim they are not of the spirit of God.
When it comes to hearing the spirit of a word, or the spirit of a message: some can watch a purple dinosaur and learn a moral of a story, while others no matter what, can only see the purple dinosaur.