The Gospel message is: Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.
This is the call to turn to God, in submission to His rule and authority.
This is the command of the Gospel that we are to believe/obey.
Repent is about being transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God.
It's about changing who you serve, as your Lord.
The Gospel of the kingdom is about changing the kingdom your are in, by changing the Lord you serve.
Repent is the command of the Gospel.
Not repent of your sins.
Repent means to turn to God.
If you are called to
turn to God, then by default you are
called to turn away from Satan as your lord.
The way that you express
this obedience of faith, concerning the Gospel is to
confess Jesus as Lord.
This is what grants the
believer/obeyer of the Gospel,
the forgiveness of sins.
The way we are granted the forgiveness of sins, is by repenting, which means
turning away from Satan and his kingdom, and turning to God, and confessing Jesus as Lord.
This is plainly what the Lord Jesus Christ taught to and commissioned Paul to do.
15 So I said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. 16 But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. 17 I will deliver you from the
Jewish people, as well as
from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, 18 to open their eyes,
in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’
Acts 26:15-18
Repent is about being transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God.