I understand.
The question is to perk further questions such as, why did God (Trinity) create humanity? Where we simply subjects to serve God? Did he create us so he could rule over us? Does God need humanity as objects of love so he could love? When scripture says God is love, what does that mean?
We understand the concept of redemption and reconcilliation, and we affirm these truths when we speak of Jesus on the cross. The truth of the matter is God the Son took on flesh, and he dwelt among us. Furthermore we know that he died, was buried and raised again and Thomas put his hands on Jesus because he doubted. But what is astonishing is that currently, Jesus is in heaven in the flesh, and when we are resurrected, we too will have flesh bodies.
Why does God the Son retain his fleshly body? Why not go back to the way he was prior to becoming flesh?
I know to some this may seem foolish, and perhaps it is.