RND said:
Again, just exactly how does the Holy Spirit communicate with people? Leaving a note under one's pillow or communicating with one's heart by impressing upon that very heart? That's exactly what I read. No "strawman" there.
The Holy Spirit personally guiding me in my daily walk through my FALLIBLE conscience is a far cry from what EGW said. The SDA elevates her writings and "prophecies" to being on par with Scripture "believing as we do that the
Spirit of Prophecy is the only infallible interpreter of Bible principles, since it is the Christ,
through this agency, giving real meaning of his own words." You can attempt to minimize your church's view of her and her "visions", but if you look at the history, it is a whitewash.
And how are we to OBJECTIVELY know which "visions" are from God and which are lies?
Isaiah 8:19-20
"And when they say to you, "Consult the mediums and the wizards who chirp and mutter," should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?
20 To the teaching and to the testimony! Surely for this word which they speak there is no dawn. (Isaiah (RSV) 8)"
Could you please elaborate on how this passage gives the criteria for true visions, and how EGW's visions fulfill the criteria?
Do we look for the words "thus saith the Lord"?
Is there any other way?
So if I don't "chirp and mutter" and I DO claim "thus saith the Lord" after my "vision" you will believe what I say is a true vision from God, as long as I quote a verse or two??? This can't be what you truly think, there has GOT to be something else that would verify or debunk the "vision".
What is your criteria for discerning the truth or falsity of "visions" and what makes you think EGW lives up to this criteria?
The Bible. She wites in harmony with the Bible, certainly not opoosed to it.
You mean your INTERPRETATION of the Bible, that you are taught by the SDA, ignoring all other interpretations.
What does "this" mean? It means you need to read the entire chapter to fully appreciate what EGW is referring to. She was not saying the Adventist GC was "infallible" regarding what the Bible says or the doctrine of the Bible but regarding specific requirements of church activities. It's like a business that requires it's employees to be at work at 8:00am. That business is "infallible" in it's judgment.
My mistake. I didn't look at the context, I stand corrected.
If you can show me where EGW used any other resources other than the Bible to form her opinions or if any of her visions or interpretations are based one anything other than the Bible I appreciate seeing them.
Her visions and prophecies ARE other resources, and they not only formed HER opinions, but those of the entire SDA leadership.
"In 1858, EGW was attending a funeral and suddenly went into an alleged visionary state lasting two hours in which
she claimed to receive an extensive revelation about the "great controversy" that had gone on between Christ and Satan throughout history. In September that year, the 219-page Spiritual Gifts, Volume I: The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels and Satan and His Angels, was published."
This was just a cursory look. If true, EGW was claiming to recieve something extra-Biblical, namely the "great controversy".
So, what about her or her "visions" and "prophecies" gives them legitimacy in your mind?
Because they are solidly based on what the Bible says.
Didn't Mrs. White's visions stray into Asrotonomy?
""At our conference in Topsham, Maine, last Nov., Ellen had a vision of the handy works of God. She was guided to the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and I think one more. After she came out of vision, she could give a clear description of their Moons, etc. It is well known, that she knew nothing of astronomy, and could not answer one question in relation to the planets, before she had this vision."
James White, A Word to the Little Flock, p. 22.
Many of her "visions" have nothing to do with Scripture, and have been debunked. This is not very "solidly based" on Scripture.
Was it her "closed door" vision then HER refutation of the doctrine? LOL...
Is it possible that you've changed your mind about what you believe scripture was at one time telling you that it's not currently telling you? I know I have. Honest people would say so. They understand that at one time what they thought scripture was telling them was true has now changed or been enhanced. To suggest any differently is dishonest. To suggest that the Holy Spirit doesn't work with people as they read scripture and seek it's understanding is equally dishonest.
EGW was at one time a "pork" eater as well and was convinced that no light had been shown to her regarding eating such a filthy animal. Later, after much persuasion of others she was convinced otherwise. What was that "force" that finally caused her to change her mind? According to the Bible it's the Holy Spirit.
Mat 10:20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
People change their minds, God doesn't. She claimed to recieve this in VISIONS. She and your church leaders, clamed "prophetic" status for her. First, God allowed EGW to have prophecies and visions, then God changed His mind??? You really need to look into the roots of the SDA movement.