Urk, are you suggesting that this was not a 'real' event? I have noticed that when many run into scriptures that contradict their understanding, they just throw a label of "metaphor" on it and ignore its clear truth. We should not come to Gods Word looking to change it by what we understand, but looking to the Word to change us and our understanding. The Word of God is greater than any mans understanding, and when we come to the place where we think we can ignore the scriptures with words like "metaphor" we have come to a place where the Holy Spirit is hindered in teaching us.I believe that Matthew is “giving expression to his conviction that Jesus is Lord over both the living and the deadâ€. For example, the dead were never raised from the grave at that specific time. He's just giving us a picture to paint in our minds...as in a metaphorical resurrection.
A lot of websites are having huge arguments over this scripture, so I picked a side. If you can prove to me through scripture that this specific scripture actually happened and is not prophecy, go for it. Blessings.