Hello everyone,
I believe that others should teach us too...that's why we read the older writings, seek out our elders when there is a problem, and I ask my husband a hundred questions a day, probably. We are to submit to one another in humility. I ask questions of older women, and I ask them on here. I ask them to instruct me, and to bear with me. Accountability and church discipline are also important in keeping us. We should not feel independant as believers, but extremely dependant on the church.
Anyway, I think that reading Scripture should be for being fed on the Word, and drinking in Jesus anew several times a day. For hiding it's words in my heart that I might not sin, for keeping me from fear, and for helping me please Him. I do get my Bible out sometimes when I really don't know how to respond to something...or if I just need Jesus to help me respond the way He desires. The thing is, other believers have wisdom, and can direct us. If we see the fruits of the Spirit in them, then we should be listening to their exhorations toward us. To me, Scripture is a plumb line, and we are called to defend against false teaching...but those teachers have no fruit...we really need to be looking for it more so that we can be carefl. If it is an interpretation issue, then I may lean on another believer until my understanding grows in God, or He shows me different through someone or His Word. I believe that the Word is a plumb line, but I do not know how to interpret all of it myself...I need help of others who are more mature in the faith, and who have more of God's wisdom in them. Yes, the Holy Spirit is teaching and guiding me...He is also leading others to my life to teach me.
Our minds, as humans, formulate doctrines...which divide...but we should ever be mindful to remain focused on the cross in the midst of it. The cross, the Gospel, is simple and it grounds us in God's love. It's hard sometimes, though, because we have so many questions in us...and we want to figure it all out. That's why systematic theology was invented! lol I do want to know how God does all of this...what is really stored up in the riches of His grace, you know? I think the questions are good because they lead us to seek God and His wisdom and then evetually our questions grow, and we begin to start asking the right ones. "Lord, how can I serve you today?" "How can I minister to this person or that one?" "How can I be a better servant as a wife, mother, or daughter."
Sometimes it's only after we get sick of the taste of man's traditions and doctrines interferring with God's desire for shaping us into the image of Christ, to simply love Him, love one another, and live as lights, that we finally, as the Holy Spirit to allow us to hear His voice above all the idle chatter, realize that it's that simple after all.
My thoughts on the current stream in this thread. The Lord bless all of you today.