- May 14, 2012
- 588
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You come across as very poorly informed. You should try checking actual statistics before making your comments. And before you make any assumptions about who the victims where, actually read the report. Black victims are overwhelmingly killed by black offenders.
BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics:Homicide Trends in the U.S. -
Page 11 of 183
The demographic characteristics of homicide victims and offenders differ from the general population
Based on data for the years 1976-2005 -
* Blacks are disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rates for blacks were 6 times higher than those for whites. The offending rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher the rates for whites.
* Males represent 77% of homicide victims and nearly 90% of offenders. The victimization rates for males were 3 times higher than the rates for females. The offending rates for maleswere 8 times higher than the rates for females.
* Approximately one-third of murder victims and almost half the offenders are under the age of 25. For both victims and offenders, the rate per 100,000 peaks in the 18-24 year-old age
Those are not statistics!! Those are raw numerical data, which are great for talking points and infographics, but don't tell the real story. These numbers do not consider any covariates, such as income level, family composition, and geographic factors. Once you factor them out, blacks are NOT more likely than any other race to commit a crime.
What are you trying to prove by this? Would it bring you pleasure to have the media announce far and wide that people different than yourself are "dangerous"? Does the victim of a crime suffer differently according to the skin color of the offender? Your motive appears to be able to smugly declare black people to be criminals based on faulty statistics. Not only are you wrong, but it comes across as rather heartless. Who benefits from this, besides those espousing racial beliefs?