Mark I have to ask, have you ever thought that it does not matter if you know the race of someone who commits a crime or not? Do you ever hear, or read, of a crime that was committed and form a profile of the culprit in your mind?
An honest discussion about racism is difficult for just everyone because everyone has a dishonest agenda when it comes to discussing it. When people discuss racism, they almost always begin with a victims statement and point out the perpetration as the other people.
Fear, ignorance, and hate are three words that go together and can be used to describe racism. Those three words are the heart of evil. Grace, mercy, and love are the opposite and can be used to describe peace. They are the heart of Christ; which is what we seek.
Grace, mercy, and love do not care what the news reports or does not report, or who did what to whom by hearts of fear, ignorance, and hate, because Grace, mercy, and love has over come fear, ignorance, and hate. It's done with that.
Would we really benefit from an honest discussion of all aspects of race relations, or would we benefit more if we all just sought the heart of Christ' grace, mercy, and love first, then lived our own lives as examples of that grace, mercy, and love, to those we know exist under fear, ignorance, and hate?
When we hear the news we should 1. Not be surprised there is evil in the world. 2. Not pin what is true on any one type of person. 3. Not fear it, because Christ told us not to. ....John 16:33; 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” .....God says to us also; Isaiah 41:10; 10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Racism does not matter because we are not effected by it, and if we are in Christ we've no fear, we've no ignorance, and we've no hate.
And in this way Lewis makes the best point in saying that there is no race, but the human race, but we need to decide what side of that race we will stand if we are calling ourselves followers of Christ.