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[__ Prayer __] Who cares for the lost?(World Prayer Chain)


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# 613 This week I would like to focus our attention on the Comoro Islands. Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Frederick Family Michael, Frances Missionaries to Thailand To establish indigenous New Testament Churches through evangelization of the lost and discipleship of new converts.
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Mike B
Chris B
Philip H
Geordie B
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please pray for revival meeting going on at our church tommorrow through Thursday with evangelist Dwight Smith. Pray that God will begin to prepare peoples hearts and that many will be saved.and added unto the church, and that members that aren't saved wil be convicted. Pray that the members will catch on fire for the Lord.
# 614 This week I would like to focus our attention on Myanmar (Burma) Somaliland . Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Sudhir and Pushpa Mondithokas - Missionaries to India. Soulwinning, Church Planting, Training Pastors, Publishing Literature, Supporting Workers
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Will Y
Richard P
Chantha C
April C
Maryanne M
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please pray for the salvagtion of Jeff Wolf He was beaten up last night and has severe enternal bleeding. He probably wont live pray that he gets saved befoe he dies and if it is Gods will he will live.
# 615 This week I would like to focus our attention on Tunisia. Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Minks family Alan Tanya, Victoria, Abigail, & Malachi) missionaires to Japan Church planting Bible correspondence
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Patrick H
David G
Brooks A
Edwards A
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please pray for My dad Steve who needs to have a metal plate put into his head. The surgery is on Wed pray also for Stacy who is having surgery on Tuesday. Pray for guidance of the Drs and for salvation of both.
# 616 This week I would like to focus our attention on Bhutan. Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Evangelist Terry Bernstrom Evangelist to the USA. Please pray that his ministry impacts the US and families to serve the Lord
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Dennis D
Sandy A
Jimmy A.
Aman A.
Mustafa A
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Oct 23 Me and some others are planning an all day Evangelism. We need anyone who is interested no matter where you live.. If are interested in doing this please send me an e-mail or a pm and let me know and I will give you more details.
# 617 This week I would like to focus our attention on Mexico (South) ). Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Bill and Reesa Smith (plus five girls - Bethany, Hannah, Abigail, Leah, and Ashley) - Evangelist to India. He does VBS, Revival Meetings and Missions Conferences, Distributes tracts, soulwinning, training pastors
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Annie J
Rose F
The Bellanger Family
Mark F
Quarterman H
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Oct 23 Me and some others are planning an all day Evangelism. We need anyone who is interested no matter where you live.. If are interested in doing this please send me an e-mail and let me know and I will give you more details.
# 618 This week I would like to focus our attention on Indonesia Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Thangs, Neng Ciin Grace Elizabeth, Joseph, Niang Missionaires to Burma Church Planting Evangelistic ministries and Theological Education Ministry
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Peter R
Vernon D
Jasen D
Doug F
Rose W
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Oct 23 Me and some others are planning an all day Evangelism. We need anyone who is interested no matter where you live.. If are interested in doing this please send me an e-mail and let me know and I will give you more details.
# 619 This week I would like to focus our attention on Qatar Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Pastor and Mrs Ken Poku Duah Africa Church planting village clinic outreach to the locals. Needs support and computer
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Ron W
Claudete W
Kim W
Barb D
Sharon D
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. This Saturday is the all day Evangelism Your Mission The Great Commission 2004 Please be in prayer for all those involved. Pray for many souls harvested and many laborers raised. God bless. :)
# 620 This week I would like to focus our attention on Iran Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Pope family Philip, Colette, Cameron, Faith, and Weston missionaries To Thailand Church planting, Bible translation, Bible institute and tract ministry
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Cedric T
Paul W
Sonia R
Sheila F
Rodney P
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was.
# 621 This week I would like to focus our attention on Kuwait Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Nireekshana to India outreach to the slum people of India through tract evangelism film project etc. Please pray that he will get the means for these projects, and that many souls will be saved.
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Freddie P
Brenda P
Kristie S
Melodye H
Dudley H
Please pray for Tuesday's elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for Evangelisitc meetings at Faith Baptist Church Bemidji Tonight through Thursday.
# 622 This week I would like to focus our attention on Turkmenistan Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for King James Bible Society They seek to provide KJV Bibles, New Testaments, and gospel portions for missionaries and national pastors who could not otherwise afford to purchase their own. Through quarterly projects they ship consignments of scriptures free of charge to doctrinally sound, faithful distributors. This ministry is faith based
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Bob L.
Jeanne L.
Nick O.
Judy S.
Mike S.
Please be in prayer for me I again have a speaking engagemtn at Pine River Baptist CHurch to promote my churches bible ministry. Bible Senders. Pray that God will use me for his glory. Please also pray for the US troops.
Sure did thanks for noticing. I felt it was appropriate since that is my ministry in the church. God bless. :)

# 623 This week I would like to focus our attention on Maldives Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Williams Jeff, Debby, Caleb, Luke, Grace & Beth missionaries to New Zealand Their goals Win souls through any Biblical means possible, Establish local churches, Reach every home in the country (1.3 million of them) with a gospel tract - 97% completed, Train national leadership
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Tammy P Richard T Dina R Charles R Marie G.
Please be in prayer for me I again have a speaking engagemtn at Pine River Baptist Church to promote my churches bible ministry. Bible Senders. Pray that God will use me for his glory. Please also pray for the US troops.
# 624 This week I would like to focus our attention on Iraq Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The White's Daniel, D'Ann, Caleb, Sussana, Josiah and baby missionaries to Mexico They have begun evangelism efforts in Allende by distributing gospel material, witnessing and praying down the strongholds. They need prayer for their translation efforts of gospel materials
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Jim G. Carmina M. Anna-Marie H. Frank H. Louise G.
Please be in prayer for my dad Steve O and his wife Mary Jo. The Drs. have given Steve 6 months to live. PLease pray for his health and salvation. Please also pray for the US troops.
# 625 This week I would like to focus our attention on Yemen. Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Klenks Warren and Joanne missionaries to Mexico Strengthening Local churches Training faithful men for church planting counseling to local Pastor's
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Carmen G. Duane E Garret and Julie T Jeremy F
Please be in prayer for my dad Steve O and his wife Mary Jo. The Drs. have given Steve 6 months to live. PLease pray for his health and salvation. Please also pray for the US troops.
# 626 This week I would like to focus our attention on Turkey. Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Stertz's Ken Tricia, Paul, Andrea, Jennifer and Melody Founder of Couriers for Christ and organization tht sends containers of scriptures Serving Pastors and churches in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Geordie B Vicki L Barb C Terry C Chris B
Please be in prayer for my dad Steve O and his wife Mary Jo. The Drs. have given Steve 6 months to live. PLease pray for his health and salvation. Please also pray for the US troops. Please also pray for 2 days of creation seminars in my area hosted by Kent Hovind pray for souls to be saved and Christians strengthened.
# 627 This week I would like to focus our attention on Mauritania . Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Sparks - Ken, Heidi, Britnany, Sarah, Ken Jr, and baby - Evangelist to the USA. Pray for open doors, open hearts, and that they will have a great impact on the states. The family is also in need of a new truck to pull around their home.
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Deanne E Lisa G Janelle G Bill M.Cheryl C.
Please be in prayer for my dad Steve O and his wife Mary Jo. The Drs. have given Steve 6 months to live. PLease pray for his health and salvation. Please also pray for the US troops. Please also pray for 2 days of creation seminars in my area hosted by Kent Hovind pray for souls to be saved and Christians strengthened.
# 628 This week I would like to focus our attention on Morocco. Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Polotes Edgar Sandra, May, Faith, Jaziel, and Precious nationals to the Philippines. Ther goals are church planting soul winning and training of nationals right now they have aneed for $50,000 for a church building project Pray that God meets their needs
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Sammie , Neal H, Jolene M, Michael N, the Clayborne family
Thank you all who prayed for my dad and my family. My Father passed away Sunday the 19th Please continue toi pray for the family. Please also pray for those affected by the Tsunami near Indonesia Pray for laborers to not only help with food and clean up but those that will preach the gospel. Pray for open hearts. Please also pray for the US troops.
# 629 This week I would like to focus our attention on Libya . Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Boyd's Terry Jill Matthew Stephanie Luke Paul Joel Nicky Missionaries to Uganda West Africa Church planting Bible institute tract ministry
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Ryan G, Brenda J, Carol C, Char T Jamie G
Please continue to pray for those affected by the Tsunami near Indonesia Pray for laborers to not only help with food and clean up but those that will preach the gospel. Pray for open hearts. Please also pray for the US troops.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. :crying: I will continue to pray for your family and those that you have posted here.

Thank you for your continued service for our Lord. :wink:
# 630 This week I would like to focus our attention on Laos . Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Acousta's Enrique and Carol to Mexico They specialize in short term missions trips tract evangelism etc
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Mandy W.Mitch F Mel F Mellisa F Brent T
Pray for open hearts. Please pray for the US troops.


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