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[__ Prayer __] Who cares for the lost?(World Prayer Chain)


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# 631 This week I would like to focus our attention on Nigeria. Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Please pray for the salvations of the following
Tana T Terrilynn F Linda S Matthew L Dallas A
Please pray for a chuch memebers father named Al Who is dying from cancer. He has been married for about 40 years both parents are unsaved.Pray for an open heart for salvation.. Please pray for the US troops.
# 632 This week I would like to focus our attention on Chechnya (Russia). Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Goun Gampo's Emmanuel. Bella, Eunice, Ruth, and Pheobe missionaries to Togo, West Africa They request prayer for pray for their church building projects, pray for the need of French Bibles, and gospel tracts in the French language, pray for our church planting ministry; we are planning to start three more churches, God willing in January 2003
Please pray for the salvations of the following Eric G Brandon N Blake S Shane N Waleya M
Please pray for a chuch memebers father named Al Who is dying from cancer. He has been married for about 40 years both parents are unsaved.Pray for an open heart for salvation.. Please pray for the US troops. Pray also for the Iranian earthquake tht has killed atleasy 420 people.
# 633 This week I would like to focus our attention on Algeria Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Tulabouts Jayson, Regina, Krysha ame, and Allen Jasper missionaries to the Philippines soul winning church planting and traing the nationals
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Kevein Family Mike and Velvet W Donald K Mandy B Brenda D
Please pray for a chuch memebers father named Al Who is dying from cancer. He has been married for about 40 years both parents are unsaved.Pray for an open heart for salvation.. Please pray for the US troops.
# 634 This week I would like to focus our attention on Colombia Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Lemuel Franks missionary to India. Lemuel was raised in India and came to the state to go to bible college he is now back in India he has a burden to help reach the1 billion in India
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Lars U Jason N James H Kirk H Mrs P
Please pray for Terri Schiavo and family and all involved in this Pray for the salvtion of her husband. Please also pray that noone does anything to harm the name of Christ
# 635 This week I would like to focus our attention on Somalia Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Oliverias - Wesley, Tina, Lee, Raquel, Jeff and Lisa, church planting among the Portuguese speaking people in Florida.
Please pray for the salvations of the following Dana B.Jason D Rodney H Brian S John P
I would just like to bring attention again to the many tht commit suicide everyday. Please pray tht the Church would see the need in this area and come up with programs to help people.
# 636 This week I would like to focus our attention on the Comoro Islands Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Pastor Ralph Baladjay Philippines training young people to preach the gospel their needs are bibles, tracts, reading materials, and bible study helps.
Please pray for the salvations of the following Jeremy S Helen G Irvin G Nick M Mark W
Please continue to pray for our troops. and also for a revival in America and around the world.
# 637 This week I would like to focus our attention on Vietnam Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Pyles to Tel Aviv, Israel Please pray for safety and effectiveness as they witness there
Please pray for the salvations of Gary K Shawn M Sue M Leo D, Rhia W
Please continue to pray for our troops. and also for a revival in America and around the world. Pray also for my Pastor who fell tonight before church and had to go to the ER
# 637 This week I would like to focus our attention on Vietnam Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Pyles to Tel Aviv, Israel Please pray for safety and effectiveness as they witness there
Please pray for the salvations of Gary K Shawn M Sue M Leo D, Rhia W
Please continue to pray for our troops. and also for a revival in America and around the world. Pray also for my Pastor who fell tonight before church and had to go to the ER
# 638 This week I would like to focus our attention on the United Arab Emirates Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Castner's Gary, Michelle, Hannah, Timothy Mark, and Andrew to Chile Church planting tract outreach
Please pray for the salvations of Gary S.Jimmy S.Jerry C. Mahmoud S Saddam Hussein
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world.
# 638 This week I would like to focus our attention on the United Arab Emirates Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Castner's Gary, Michelle, Hannah, Timothy Mark, and Andrew to Chile Church planting tract outreach
Please pray for the salvations of Gary S.Jimmy S.Jerry C. Mahmoud S Saddam Hussein
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world.
# 639 This week I would like to focus our attention on Indonesia Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Tim Graf who has started a church in Grand Rapids Minnesota. Pray for Church growth and that they church will have a positvie effect on the community and that many souls will be saved
Please pray for the salvations of Wayne B Hope John J Jeremiah J Gail N
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world.
# 640 This week I would like to focus our attention on Cuba Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Chris and Andria Gardner Serving God in Arequipa, Peru through Macedonia World Baptist Missions Church planting, souls winning
Please pray for the salvations of Amanda B Ahley B Missy Z Gwen Z Johnny S
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world.
# 641 This week I would like to focus our attention on Bhutan Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Please pray for My Pastor Mike F and Jody B, who are doing Jail ministry. Pray for open doors and open hearts as they share the gospel with inmates. Please also pray for my Pastor pray for encouragement and strength and also for wisdom.
Please pray for the salvations of J. N. M. & J. Angelides; J. & E. Wahl; B. Mitchell; E. Bartman
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world. Please also pass this on to others for prayer
# 642 This week I would like to focus our attention on Myanmar (Burma) Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Leslie's Johnny, Tori. Cody, Dina, and Joshua, Missionaries to Croatia Their biggest need right now is learning the language
Please pray for the salvations of H. K. L. L. T. M. & B. Sterley; J. & M. Burrows; R. Norden;
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world. Please also pass this on to others for prayer
# 642 This week I would like to focus our attention on Myanmar (Burma) Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Leslie's Johnny, Tori. Cody, Dina, and Joshua, Missionaries to Croatia Their biggest need right now is learning the language
Please pray for the salvations of H. K. L. L. T. M. & B. Sterley; J. & M. Burrows; R. Norden;
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world. Please also pass this on to others for prayer
# 643 This week I would like to focus our attention on Kuwait Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Bible Senders. They seek to send new and used bibles and tracts to places where the word of God is scarce. Pray that finances and bibles will come in, aswell as good bible contacts. Pray for those who are partners in this ministry. Pray for wisdom and strength
Please pray for the salvations of T. Norden; N. V. J. & D. Ross; G. L. D. & M. Mansure; D. & E. Neilson
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world. Please also pass this on to others for prayer
THanks for praying. God bless. :)

# 644 This week I would like to focus our attention on India Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas.Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Rev Alan D. Woody with Mission Possible Inc They provide free gospel tracts and books to prison chaplains Please pray for their effectivness and that God will bless this ministry
Please pray for the salvations of S. M. & M. Dias, B. T. Sterley. Mike B Dave Bob B
Please continue to pray for our troops, and also for a revival in America and around the world. Please also pass this on to others for prayer


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