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Do you understand evil to be different from satan?
Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things ." (KJV)
Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things ." (KJV)
He didn't make Satan.That's a statement that he controls the nations and allows evil to happen as he wishes. THE exile of Isreal is a great example of that.Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things ." (KJV)
I did refer to the Isaiah 14 passages and I said that it was addressed to others.... specifically the King of Tyre and his people.How about reading the scriptures I posted, and commenting on what they say.
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.
Isaiah 14:12-15
Lucifer was at one time in heaven, but "fell" and is referred to as a "fallen" angel.
- “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
- For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven,I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’
Lucifer had authority in God's kingdom, as he had a throne, that he desired to be elevated or exalted.
To me, this speaks of "self promotion" to a position of greater authority than God has authorized.
This reminds me of the rebellion in the wilderness over who would be "High Priest".
The Lord had chosen Aaron to be high Priest, but Korah and his group had plans of their own.
The rod of Aaron budded, signifying who God had chosen to be high Priest, and the earth opened and swallowed up Korah and his group alive, so that they went straight into hell alive.
Please read all of Numbers 16 for the full context.
This is the fate that awaits Satan and his angels, as well as those who follow this pattern of rebellion.
Yes there are some metaphors but they teach us very real lessons.
Lucifer was an angel in heaven, and is a son of God, as are all angels.
God is the Father of spirits, and the creator of heaven and earth and all that is within them.
Sons of God that become disobedient, can indeed end up being cast into hell.
Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things ." (KJV)
Lucifer sinned, when he wanted to exalt himself to a position, that God did not authorize.
Jesus humbled Himself to obey God's will, and God placed Him at His right hand, which is what Lucifer desired to gain by self promotion.
Lucifer is evil, because he does what is evil, but wasn't created evil.
I did refer to the Isaiah 14 passages and I said that it was addressed to others.... specifically the King of Tyre and his people.
It's a misnomer to cut this passage out and make it separate from Isaiah's message to him. It's about context in this passage. And where the king and his followers are likened to Satan by most it really isn't a whole story about Satan.
And as I have started earlier I am more concerned with my personal Satan than an external one. After all,. I know all the shortcuts to temptation.
I'm sorry,. I was mistaken.Where is the king of Tyre mentioned in these passages?
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.
16 “Those who see you will gaze at you,
And consider you, saying:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
17 Who made the world as a wilderness
And destroyed its cities,
Who did not open the house of his prisoners?’
Isaiah 14:12-17
You mean be God, right? Not just like God. Our goal is to be like Christ is it not? I think there's a difference between being like God and attempting to be God.WHY did he want to be like God?
Who created Satan? any thoughts?
Who made us?Who created Satan? any thoughts?
Yes, that's the modern day answer.This is an unusual thread. The way I see it is God created lucifer and (having free will) he dwelled upon exalting himself long enough for it to grow into full blown evil.
Or as (some) would say, evil evolved in lucifers heart.
Yes, that's the modern day answer.
Lucifer evolved into satan.
Just because one has no answer doesn't mean there isn't one. The Bible answers your questions, but you've already given your view on the Bible.I don't like to think about my view.
I don't have a view.
I don't have an answer.
I said there is NO answer.
WHERE does evil come from?
No answer.