I don't agree with savedbygrace(whatever#) too often, but he is certainly correct in linking Mystery Babylon with the Mystery of Iniquity.
The fact that they are both Mysteries and both on the bad side of the ledgers should rightfully be linked to spiritual understandings. They really are 'internal matters' and matters of the Holy Spirit pitted against the workings of anti-Christ spirits.
Trying to pin these matters on some physical locality such as Jerusalem past and that Gods Words regarding same are done and fulfilled is rather ridiculous.
The Word of God remains Living and Active.
And the Mystery of Iniquity remains engaged within all mankind.
These matters have always been matters of forward engagements. We can observe the activity of the past. The general methodology and engagements of the parties hasn't changed, and won't until the finality of Mystery Babylon and the the Mystery of Iniquity is fulfilled.
We should all HOPE for the finality of the Mystery of Iniquity. To relegate that as passed is just another lie from that arena held by some in ignorance. I don't blame the holders for trying. They are however like many views. Externally focused when these are internal matters of EVIL within the hearts and minds of the PEOPLE.
Where some readers may view physical people standing on rooftops in Judea and fleeing the coming destruction, deeming that to be Israel past, others may see that as the enemies that still reside at the TOP of People, that is THEIR MINDS, and the coming destruction of THAT activity.
Israel of old, that is the people therein were certainly allegorized as mountains and hills for example:
Isaiah 55:12
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the
mountains and the
hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Physical mountains and hills don't sing and trees don't clap. Spiritual understandings don't work that way.
The enemies are 'internal' and within mankind, all, to this day. That is the working of the Mystery of Iniquity to which Mystery Babylon points to.
Anyone looking on the outside of the cup misses the spiritual understandings ENTIRELY, will not see A THING and will continue to be DIVIDED, just as the scriptures state.
When you see EVIL on the inside of the cup, and understand that EVIL is of Satan and devils therein, on the inside of the temple body, you will spiritually see the usurpers therein, and also the promise of forthcoming destruction of THEM.
This is what the texts of Revelation and all related texts of the Old Testament point to.
Jerusalem is still in bondage with her children.
That bondage is SIN.
Sin is and remains of the devil, actively engaged therein on the inside of the cups of every person, believer or unbeliever.
So it is a 'natural' event to have friction between the parties as we see demonstrated in this thread. It happens all the time and should be expected.
There are workers on the inside that resist people looking therein.