First of all, the only definition we have in the entire Bible of who the antichrist is, comes from John. Read it:
18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour. 1 John 2:18 (NASB)
3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. 1 John 4:3 (NASB)
I do agree that Jesus was FLESH upon which the Spirit of God was poured out without measure. God is holy, holy, holy and can not so much as look upon sin. Can God be tempted?
There is a difference between believing in the God-Man and believing in the FleshMan (in whom was the Spirit of God) who followed his Father's will. The theology that is advocated by the "GodMan" who does not acknowledge that Jesus was man in flesh IS the very thing that John warned about.
When you addressed John's statement --there were two issues given:
- Jesus is the Son of God (came from God)
- Jesus is flesh (came in the flesh)
If all we had to confess is that a man named Jesus - who claimed to be sent by God - existed, we could all be saved with such a confession. Such a claim requires no faith whatsoever," may be true enough --> but it does not address the fact that Johns definition requires belief that Jesus is the Son of God, not some man who claims falsely to be so.
That is not the point that the bible is making. "If all we had to do was confess that a man named jesus claimed to have come from God...
Mat 24:5 KJV - For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
1John 4:1 KJV - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
The actual subject that John was talking about was LOVE and while talking about love, he says, "Beloved, understand this..." We're not talking sloppy
agape that's just kind of a love everybody and everything and hug a tree --but we are talking about a perfect (or a mature) love and that requires discernment! And that means that we test the spirits --Don't believe every spirit. Don't become prey to those who come your way and say,
"Hey, bro! I just had a revelation!"
God does want us to be a loving community but wants us to be loving in a wise manner and to test the spirits. Truth is important. John, who is the Apostle of Love, has some specific instructions for us to be mature in our love. We are commanded, "Know ye the Spirit of God." We are told to test the spirits. How do we do that? Hereby (verse 2) know ye the spirit of God:
Here (what follows) is how we can know if what is being talked about, if what is being taught is from God or not. John is giving us the key to discernment if what is being shared is from God or not: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the FLESH is of God. Every spirit that confesses NOT that Jesus Christ is come in the FLESH is NOT of God. THIS is the spirit of
That is the test --> whatever you are hearing, whatever is being suggested, you can put it through this grid and know from whence it comes --> is it really of the spirit of God? --or-- is it of the spirit that is antichrist (against christ) --against the belief that Jesus is the Anointed (the
Christos) of God? Is it a false christ (in the place of the True Christ)?
The issue here is amazing to me: If it's true it will affirm both that Jesus came from God and that he is human. That Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Now some, hearing this will say,
"What in the world???" "Huh?" "What are you suggestin'" I am saying nothing more than what was said. Notice that these are not my words. I affirm the truth as taught, there is no new gospel here.
Two camps of Gnosticism
In John's time (and it continues today) there was a real heresy being taught called gnosticism. The word Gnostics and gnosticism is based on the root word meaning 'secret knowledge'. It can also be understood to mean 'deep knowledge'. The Gnostics were saying this: It is our job to bring you into deeper truth. Deeper knowledge. And ya gotta understand something. That God is SPIRIT --and anything that is material is perverted and polluted --> therefore God could not have created this world because this world is a corrupt and material world. They were teaching that it was not God that made the world but rather an "emanation" from God, called "God the second" who sent another emanation, called God the third, who then also sent an eimination, God the fourth -- and the Gnostics said that finally somewhere, way down the line, after the 20th or the 30th or 40th emanation -- that god, very far distanced from the true and living God, THAT god is what created this earth.
The secret to enlightenment
Does this sound so extreme, so different? I am currently attending college -- and being trained in what is called (by them) critical thinking. The Gnostics taught that there are bits of spirit that are locked in the soul of humanity and that people need to realize (the Gnostics said) that the material things --matter-- is evil and dangerous and the spirit is trying to get out of and be freed from the physical. And the Gnostics said, "it is our job to give you the secret enlightenment," --that we can become freed from the material. HOW?
Two ways (they would say): Part of the Gnostics would say, "Through Aestheticism". BEAT YOUR BODY! The Gnostic, Simon the Stylite, "Okay, I'm gonna get away from the material world," and he built a tower that went up 70 feet into the air. He was a mixed up Christian --a Gnostic -- and he went up into the tower and stayed up there for 40 years and never came down. He was influenced by Gnostic thought and he was thinking, "If I can just get away from the material world..."
Marcarian put chains around his body that weighed hundreds of pounds so that whenever he moved as much as he could, he had to crawl on the ground. Trying to keep his body "beaten" and under submission.
Marsipimus stripped off his clothes, went down into a swampy area and sat there naked for four months. Until his body was so eaten and neglected that it was beyond recognition. These guys were in the camp of the Gnostics who said, the only way to be free from the material is to beat and brutally bruise your body and then... your spirit will begin to seep through and be free. They were the Aesthetics.
There were other Gnostics (a different school of thought) who were more of the Epicurean mindset said this, "Hey listen! The material, since it's all evil --> it doesn't really matter. So Party Hardy! Eat, drink and be merry, it's party time, boys! Do whatever you want in your body. Sin as much as you can. Do whatever you want because the body doesn't matter.
There were 2 camps in Gnosticism --> those who would beat the body and those that would indulge the body but they both based their ideas from this same thought: ANYthing physical, material is evil. Gnosticism was coming into the Christian church rapidly -- and they would say, "Ahhh-ha! Jesus Christ is the SuperGnostic. He has come to free us from the material. "Look how he lived," the Gnostic would say, "He didn't pamper himself." They would say, "look at how free he lived of the material, he had nothing."
"Christian" Gnostics believed that the 'Real God' sent his son to help us be free of the physical but the "Christian" Gnostics had a problem. Did Jesus have a body? If he had a body, according to Gnostic thought, that would make him what? Evil. So they adopted this position that you can read about when you read through church history or when you read the thick books of theology--> they adopted this position called doecitism. The word means "to seem". They were saying that Jesus just seemed to have a body. They said that we (us Gnostics) have secret reports that when he walked on the shore of the sea of Galilee, he left no footprints!
You tell me:
24 And Thomas, one of the twelve, who is called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came;
25 the other disciples, therefore, said to him, `We have seen the Lord;' and he said to them, `If I may not see in his hands the mark of the nails, and may put my finger to the mark of the nails, and may put my hand to his side, I will not believe.' John 20:24-25 (YLT)
If the story ended right there, Thomas could - by John's definition - be an antichrist:
18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.
19 They went out from us, but they were not really of us; 1 John 2:18-19a (NASB)
I would disagree with your assessment that Thomas the Apostle was antichrist or would have become antichrist and respectfully suggest that the Apostle John meant exactly what he said. Every Apostle of the Lamb was chosen because he walked with Jesus during the full three years of his ministry and witnessed the fact that Jesus came in the flesh. The rest (the meaning) was revealed after. We too can walk with Jesus and are promised the Holy Spirit who will teach all things including that Jesus was the Word (logos) of God and that he is one with his Father.