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Who is this Christ at the right hand of God?


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1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

Is this Christ the glorified, ressurected human person of Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Creator - or is this Christ the eternal divine logos clothed in human flesh sitting next to the Creator??

If the human person - where is the divine logos??

If the divine logos - where is the human person?? AND if the divine logos why would he be seated at the right hand of God - since he is supposed to BE God??

Why are you assuming that the glorified, resurrected human person of Jesus cannot be one and the same as Christ the eternal divine logos clothed in human flesh?

Believe me, no one is a one-dimensional character, least of all Jesus.
There's only one Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that The Lord is one in three persons, not 4 or 6 or 10.
Anth, believe me, I'm not trying to be confrontational here, but I truly do not understand what you are getting at.

Two persons???? Two consciousnesses??? Two Jesus''????

As we say out here in Idaho "Que hunh?" What are you talking about here?
Where is the human person/consciousness of Jesus now?? Since Jesus was a genuine man like you and I (except without sin), the genuine man Christ Jesus should be....???

Where is the divine person/consciousness of Jesus now?? Since many believe that Jesus was a being, the divine should be....???

We seem to have two persons - trying to figure out where they are now - esp. the Man Christ Jesus who is the ONLY mediator between Mankind and God...

In heaven and seated on the throne.What do you think God cant take on a human form?

That's what Jesus did, he put aside his diety and allowed himself to be like us except without sin.
Where is the human person/ego/I of Jesus - the Man Christ Jesus - the person who called out "not MY will be done but THY will be done..." -the only mediator of Mankind?? Where is he??

Anth said:
Where is the human person/ego/I of Jesus - the Man Christ Jesus - the person who called out "not MY will be done but THY will be done..." -the only mediator of Mankind?? Where is he??

He died on the cross, He was resurrected, He is in His glorified body at the right hand of God. do you think we'll be where He is in our flesh bodies? No flesh can enter heaven. we will all be transformed into glorified bodies.
read Matthew 17, the transfiguration, Jesus in His glorified body.
DarcyLu said:
Anth said:
Where is the human person/ego/I of Jesus - the Man Christ Jesus - the person who called out "not MY will be done but THY will be done..." -the only mediator of Mankind?? Where is he??

He died on the cross, He was resurrected, He is in His glorified body at the right hand of God. do you think we'll be where He is in our flesh bodies? No flesh can enter heaven. we will all be transformed into glorified bodies.
read Matthew 17, the transfiguration, Jesus in His glorified body.

You're doing great, DarcyLu. Fight the good fight, sister. :amen
DarcyLu said:
Anth said:
Where is the human person/ego/I of Jesus - the Man Christ Jesus - the person who called out "not MY will be done but THY will be done..." -the only mediator of Mankind?? Where is he??

He died on the cross, He was resurrected, He is in His glorified body at the right hand of God. do you think we'll be where He is in our flesh bodies? No flesh can enter heaven. we will all be transformed into glorified bodies.
read Matthew 17, the transfiguration, Jesus in His glorified body.

Exactly, just as the disciples (and considerably more than just the 12) witnessed:

And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was departing, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them; and they said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven. Acts 1:9-11

There is but one Jesus, wholly Man and wholly God, who is now in Heaven. It's really that simple.
Is this Christ the glorified, resurrected human person of Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Creator - or is this Christ the eternal divine logos clothed in human flesh sitting next to the Creator??

This may not answer your question, but is God actually sitting on a throne? Does He have a body? Does He have a bum to sit on? Is there a throne big enough to hold Him? Does He really have a right hand?

God is an invisible spirit. Not that I think we will get to heaven and see a floating nebula - but clearly, we just have human words describing something that can't be understood by our human minds. All the descriptions of heaven are in a sense metaphorical. Right now we can only imagine God and heaven with human understanding and imagery. In heaven we will have a greater sense of reality. So, if the Bible describes the nature of the Father and Jesus in heaven in a way that doesn't make total sense to us - that's ok - because one day it will all click.
Aaron the Tall said:
Is this Christ the glorified, resurrected human person of Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Creator - or is this Christ the eternal divine logos clothed in human flesh sitting next to the Creator??

This may not answer your question, but is God actually sitting on a throne? Does He have a body? Does He have a bum to sit on? Is there a throne big enough to hold Him? Does He really have a right hand?

God is an invisible spirit. Not that I think we will get to heaven and see a floating nebula - but clearly, we just have human words describing something that can't be understood by our human minds. All the descriptions of heaven are in a sense metaphorical. Right now we can only imagine God and heaven with human understanding and imagery. In heaven we will have a greater sense of reality. So, if the Bible describes the nature of the Father and Jesus in heaven in a way that doesn't make total sense to us - that's ok - because one day it will all click.
not to argue with you here, Aaron yet God is not invisible (not that He can not make Himself invisible lol), read Revelation 21 & 22, especially verse 21:22.
Yes, I've often wondered why we think heaven is so insubstantial when so many of the texts on heaven show a place of color and beauty and of things like the ark of the covenant (the real one, not the copy made down here) and the throne of God with the full spectrum rainbow around it. If God is purely insubstantial, why would He have need of a throne any way.

It would be interesting to study this.
God is invisible:

Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. (ESV)

1Ti 1:17 To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. (ESV)

Heb 11:27 By faith he left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible. (ESV)
Free said:
God is invisible:

Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. (ESV)

1Ti 1:17 To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. (ESV)

Heb 11:27 By faith he left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible. (ESV)
hi Free, i was thinking about this verse, too, along with Revelation and i see i was mistaken because God refers to seeing His glory, so His glory is not invisible, but He is...i never realized that. :shrug

Exodus 33:20 And he said, Thou canst not see my face; for man shall not see me and live. 21 and Jehovah said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon the rock: 22 and it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand until I have passed by: 23 and I will take away my hand, and thou shalt see my back; but my face shall not be seen.
[quote:3jt8xooz]Anth wrote:
Where is the human person/ego/I of Jesus - the Man Christ Jesus - the person who called out "not MY will be done but THY will be done..." -the only mediator of Mankind?? Where is he??

He died on the cross, He was resurrected, He is in His glorified body at the right hand of God. do you think we'll be where He is in our flesh bodies? No flesh can enter heaven. we will all be transformed into glorified bodies.[/quote:3jt8xooz]

Darcy et. al.

OK - I understand that you are saying that the human person (the human ego/I) - died on the cross, was ressurected and is sitting at the right of God in his glorified/spiritual/non-phyisical body. Do I have that right (frankly, I agree)??

Then, the obvious question (that I asked earlier) - if that is the human person/ego/I is seen sitting at the right hand of God as Col 3 states, where is the divine person/ego/I of Jesus I hear about located at ??

To add either clarity or confusion, I provide a snippet from Schaff - the Church Historian (who, here, as all systematic theologians do, rejects the Man Christ Jesus and substitutes a tertium quid - a divine person with with a human set of attributes (vs. a genuine man - which is required to be our mediator (ITim2:5) and savior (ICor15:20,21)

“History of the Christian Churchâ€, Philip Schaff, Vol III, p.757

7. The anhypostasia, impersonality, or, to speak more accurately, the enhypostasia, of the human nature of Christ. This is a difficult point, but a necessary link in the orthodox doctrine of the one God-Man; for otherwise we must have two persons in Christ, and, after the incarnation, a fourth person, and that a human, in the divine Trinity. The impersonality of Christ’s human nature, however, is not to be taken as absolute, but relative, as the following considerations will show.
The centre of personal life in the God-Man resides unquestionably in the Logos, who was from eternity the second person in the Godhead, and could not lose his personality. He united himself, as has been already observed, not with a human person, but with human nature. The divine nature is therefore the root and basis of the personality of Christ. Christ himself, moreover, always speaks and acts in the full consciousness of his divine origin and character; as having come from the Father, having been sent by him, and, even during his earthly life, living in heaven and in unbroken communion with the Father.1653 And the human nature of Christ had no independent personality of its own, besides the divine; it had no existence at all before the incarnation, but began with this act, and was so incorporated with the preexistent Logos-personality as to find in this alone its own full self-consciousness, and to be permeated and controlled by it in every stage of its development. But the human nature forms a necessary element in the divine personality, and in this sense we may say with the older Protestant theologians, that Christ is a persona suvnqeto", which was divine and human at once.1654

Thus interpreted, the church doctrine of the enhypostasia presents no very great metaphysical or psychological difficulty. It is true we cannot, according to our modern way of thinking, conceive a complete human nature without personality. We make personality itself consist in intelligence and free will, so that without it the nature sinks to a mere abstraction of powers, qualities, and functions.1655 But the human nature of Jesus never was, in fact, alone; it was from the beginning inseparably united with another nature, which is personal, and which assumed the human into a unity of life with itself. The Logos-personality is in this case the light of self-consciousness, and the impelling power of will, and pervades as well the human nature as the divine.1656
God is invisible (as stated) but I think that only means He is invisible by our current natural eyes. We will certainly be able to perceive Him in heaven - and in a way that our natural eyes never could. The Bible is clear that we now see dimly, but then we shall see clearly - face to face. So, whatever amount of seeing we do on earth - we will see 10X clearer in heaven (so to speak) - and there will certainly be lots of things to "see."

OK - I understand that you are saying that the human person (the human ego/I) - died on the cross, was ressurected and is sitting at the right of God in his glorified/spiritual/non-phyisical body. Do I have that right (frankly, I agree)??

Then, the obvious question (that I asked earlier) - if that is the human person/ego/I is seen sitting at the right hand of God as Col 3 states, where is the divine person/ego/I of Jesus I hear about located at ??

I'll start by saying that I don't know exactly what the relationship between the Father and the Son will look like in heaven. But let's look to what we know of Jesus on earth. Where was his divine person and where was his human person on earth? Right there! They were both tied into one person. Why would it be different in heaven? You are asking these questions as if human Jesus was walking around on earth, yet divine Jesus was somewhere else. I'm not sure why you think you can split him into two parts.


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