And when they did not agree, the bishops (the designated guardians of the faith) assembled in councils to hash it out.
In the early Church there was never such wide deviation in the teachings of the church, which were not condemned as heresy, as we see today.
In the early Church there was never a "prosperity gospel" in the early Church. (1Tim 6:3-5 specifically refutes that heresy.)
In the early Church there was never the equivalent of modern dispensationalism in the early Church..
In the early Church there was never a OSAS teaching in the early Church.
In the early Church there was never the "cheap grace" teaching of faith without obedience to Jesus' radical demand to put Him first above all other considerations in life.
The doctrinal challenges of the very early Church were primarily the understanding of the divinity of Christ and the Holy spirit, the "dual nature" of Christ.
The most dangerous enemies to the faith were the mystery religions, Gnosticism, and, after Constantine made Christianity the religion of the empire, the intrusion of secularism with its proclivity to water down the Gospel.
iakov the fool