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Yes , exactly right . It had to be .

15And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

We do not know the nuts and bolts of what did happen exactly with Mary , God did not need us to know . So what did we get , from the bible in Luke Chapter 1 .

31And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

35And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

That is all we get on what is going to happen ," The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee" anything else is speculation on our part .

We are not given a detailed description of the conception taking place , but we know when it takes place between verses 38 and 39 in Luke Chapter 1 .

38And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

39And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda;
It is not speculation to reject any notion whatsoever that the Holy Spirit or the Father procreated WITH Mary. To suggest such a thing is to suggest that the Father actually mingled HIS SEED with that of Mary. Sorry, that is rank heresy and blasphemy.
Christ in amongst us. Now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen!
It is not speculation to reject any notion whatsoever that the Holy Spirit or the Father procreated WITH Mary. To suggest such a thing is to suggest that the Father actually mingled HIS SEED with that of Mary. Sorry, that is rank heresy and blasphemy.
Christ in amongst us. Now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen!
Procreation by a miracle is still procreation . You said miracle yourself .

He simply performed a miracle

Anyway , welcome to the forum :Heywlcme !
Procreation by a miracle is still procreation . You said miracle yourself .

Anyway , welcome to the forum :Heywlcme !
But, He did not procreate with a mortal woman, Hawkman. Talk about speculation. The Infinite Father procreating with a mortal woman to produce.......what? A Demi-God? Half man and half ETERNAL DEITY?
You are right to refrain from speculation beyond what has been revealed about God. But what has been revealed about Him absolutely precludes what is being suggested.
Thank you for the welcome
Greetings again Dionysius the Aeropagite,
And the word "beget" means a certain thing despite your denials. It is a term of procreation.
Yes, and Jesus is the firstborn of the new creation because God is his father and as such he is the ONLY begotten. Jesus is a human, The Son of God by birth, character and resurrection.
The Son being Begotten of the Father is NOT a reference to the Nativity.
Yes, it is.
The Infinite Father procreating with a mortal woman to produce.......what? A Demi-God? Half man and half ETERNAL DEITY?
You seem to be locked into your own logic.

The Church Fathers were wrong but YOU are right?
The gradual development of the erroneous doctrine of the Trinity can be traced through the writings of the Early Church Fathers. The development of the Catholic Church was the development of the Apostate Church not God's true church. The true church was persecuted by the Catholic Church.
Again, how is Jesus in the midst of us? How is He Present between us?
Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father, but he has been given the Holy Spirit without measure and as such he is able to:
Revelation 2:1 (KJV): Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
Why is "eternally begotten" of the Father impossible?
There is no such contradictory statement found in the Scriptures. It is a feeble Trinitarian attempt to accomodate the Bible term "begotten".
I have to prepare of Hurricane Milton.
I hope all goes well as it could be severe. I live well below the normal cyclone areas along the east coast of Australia, and it is also rare to have severe storms in Newcastle NSW.

Kind regards
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I thought Mary was a mortal woman ? :chin
Yes, she was a mortal woman.
Again, the Father did not procreate with any human woman. To say so is to say that He injected HIS SEED into her in order for her to conceive. That is a monstrously blasphemous doctrine. The Son being Begotten of the Father is NOT a reference to the Nativity.
Greetings again Dionysius the Aeropagite,

Yes, and Jesus is the firstborn of the new creation because God is his father and as such he is the ONLY begotten. Jesus is a human, The Son of God by birth, character and resurrection.

The gradual development of the erroneous doctrine of the Trinity can be traced through the writings of the Early Church Fathers. The development of the Catholic Church was the development of the Apostate Church not God's true church. The true church was persecuted by the Catholic Church.

Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father, but he has been given the Holy Spirit without measure and as such he is able to:
Revelation 2:1 (KJV): Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

There is no such contradictory statement found in the Scriptures. It is a feeble Trinitarian attempt to accomodate the Bible term "begotten".

I hope all goes well as it could be severe. I live well below the normal cyclone areas along the east coast of Australia, and it is also rare to have severe storms in Newcastle NSW.

Kind regards
You said:

Yes, and Jesus is the firstborn of the new creation because God is his father and as such he is the ONLY begotten. Jesus is a human, The Son of God by birth, character and resurrection.

My response:
The Son is begotten of the Father through the Father Speaking. The Son is the WORD of God. The Father Spoke Him forth from eternity. That is why the Word is "The Beginning and the End". That is why the Word is "In the beginning".
That is why Jesus had two titles. Son of Man and Son of God.

You had said:
There is no such contradictory statement found in the Scriptures. It is a feeble Trinitarian attempt to accomodate the Bible term "begotten".

My response:
I had asked you how it is impossible. I realize that you cannot answer that question. The reason is because you apparently do not understand the concept of the eternality of the Christian God.
In fact, much of your objections and subsequent conclusions are obviously because you do not understand that the Holy Scriptures were written within and to a certain culture and that culture understood God in a certain way.
I do apologize that I just cannot get to everything while I am at work. Some things will have to wait.
But let me understand, your answer to my other question is that Jesus is in the midst of us as the Holy Spirit?