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Wholesome Entertainment


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I feel like it is getting harder for a Christian to find wholesome entertainment. I rarely ever go to the movie theater anymore. It is hard to find a movie that doesn't have sex, violence, swearing or something to do with the occult. I also feel that the rating standards have been slipping down. Movie content that would have been rated R when I was a teenager is now rated PG13.
TV networks have so many shows about demons, vampires, ghosts, magic. I avoid these tv shows like the plague. Yet I know Christians that watch this kind of stuff.
Let me know what your thoughts are on the matter.
What scriptures guide your choices in entertainment?

I am interested to hear what you think. I will stop back later and share what scriptures I use as a guide.
For me, i really am not interested in most of the stuff on tv. I agree with you that it basically is all garbage. So i rather would spend my time listening to the Word through sermons, and mp3's or reading my Bible...and fellowshipping with others on sites like this.

Romans 12:2 is my main scripture for how i am living my life. I have difficulty enough in this life to walk the way that Jesus has asked, but to not renew my mind to how to walk, and be obedient to God...goodness no thanks. Our minds are our biggest battlefield, and as we renew our minds to the Word of God, being obedient and walking in God's ways are a whole lot easier. Plus if i do not fill my mind with junk then i don't have to try to get it out. And if i do not renew my mind with God's will i know what God's ways are?

Blessings my friend! Thanks for the thread!
Paul said "Don't be conformed to the world, but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind."

Television produces the hive mind. It puts your mind into what's called the alpha state. It's associated with relaxation and suggestablity. The media, I believe, is satans counterfeit of God's mind renewal.

For scripture also says, "and finally my brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things."

Like you said the media is filled with sex, violence, and the occult. This stuff gets into your subconscious. It's not just pg13 and R rated films. You have Katy Perry on sesame strete, Ellen degeneres a lesbian that promoted Niki Manaj (Manaj is short for the french phrase for "threesome") to 7yos, you have blatant sex subliminals in Disney movies, which end up bwing about the occult asside from the subliminals. Even my favorite show of all time, Spongebob, was filled with adult jokes and even a flat out Masonic ritual on one episode. They had shriner hats, a pyramid temple, and everything.

But it's all just fun, make believe, harmless, just entertainment even Christians will say. "It doesn't affect me. I grew up fine". Yet the subconscious is fed on a daily basis with lies, violence, and nothing godly.

I don't watch TV, or go to the movies. Even the Christian movies are not safe! They're written by new agers, and they add subtil differences to the stories.

Jesus said "Come out of her my people". Come out of Babylon.

I haven't watched TV or the Movies in 3 or 4 years.

You're not gonna be a legalistic prude of you don't watch TV or go to the movies. You'll just be free to do more than those who watch TV do. Reading, writing, drawing, arts and crafts, board games, learning, hiking, camping, parasailing, rock climbing, billiards; so much in the world to do.

Internet can be a much better, yet paradoxically, much worse than TV.

Better, because you can find clean material on YouTube. For example you can watch Skit Guys, who are Christians. You can find real information. People will always pull the "you can read anything online" card. But that is far from a logical response. It's a defense mechanism against information. People put their own media online, which means you should be able to find so much clean and Christian material out there.

The flip side is that there's just as much more bad online. Millions of free porn sites, pop YouTube channels which are depraved and foolish. However, these things are incredibly easy to avoid in contrast to TV.

Just think outside the TV box. Let God direct your thoughts.
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Good scriptures and thoughts everyone. I like to apply Ephesians 5:10, when making choices in life. God doesn't want us to practice unclean and immoral things then we should avoid them altogether. Why should that kind of stuff entertain us.
I agree with you YosefHayim that even some Disney Movies are full of the occult. Satan is so insidious his thinking just permeates our whole society.
Paul said "Don't be conformed to the world, but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind."

Television produces the hive mind. It puts your mind into what's called the alpha state. It's associated with relaxation and suggestablity. The media, I believe, is satans counterfeit of God's mind renewal.

For scripture also says, "and finally my brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things."

Like you said the media is filled with sex, violence, and the occult. This stuff gets into your subconscious. It's not just pg13 and R rated films. You have Katy Perry on sesame strete, Ellen degeneres a lesbian that promoted Niki Manaj (Manaj is short for the french phrase for "threesome") to 7yos, you have blatant sex subliminals in Disney movies, which end up bwing about the occult asside from the subliminals. Even my favorite show of all time, Spongebob, was filled with adult jokes and even a flat out Masonic ritual on one episode. They had shriner hats, a pyramid temple, and everything.

But it's all just fun, make believe, harmless, just entertainment even Christians will say. "It doesn't affect me. I grew up fine". Yet the subconscious is fed on a daily basis with lies, violence, and nothing godly.

I don't watch TV, or go to the movies. Even the Christian movies are not safe! They're written by new agers, and they add subtil differences to the stories.

Jesus said "Come out of her my people". Come out of Babylon.

I haven't watched TV or the Movies in 3 or 4 years.

You're not gonna be a legalistic prude of you don't watch TV or go to the movies. You'll just be free to do more than those who watch TV do. Reading, writing, drawing, arts and crafts, board games, learning, hiking, camping, parasailing, rock climbing, billiards; so much in the world to do.

Internet can be a much better, yet paradoxically, much worse than TV.

Better, because you can find clean material on YouTube. For example you can watch Skit Guys, who are Christians. You can find real information. People will always pull the "you can read anything online" card. But that is far from a logical response. It's a defense mechanism against information. People put their own media online, which means you should be able to find so much clean and Christian material out there.

The flip side is that there's just as much more bad online. Millions of free porn sites, pop YouTube channels which are depraved and foolish. However, these things are incredibly easy to avoid in contrast to TV.

Just think outside the TV box. Let God direct your thoughts.
I'am somewhat of an agreement with the above post.
Of more importance is not being led by works, but by grace.

The book of titus reveals "Grace teaches us to say no to ungodliness".

Philippians 1:11 says that our good works are done by Christ who works through us.

Romans 8:1 says there is no condemnation to them in Christ, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.

We condemn ourselves when we sin. The Spirit convicts us, and is grieved.

But it is only by the Holy Ghost that we can mortify the deeds of the flesh according to Romans 8:13

Let us rest into this scripture: "the outwarn man perishes, but the inward man is renewed day by day".

And when you walk away from the flesh, and do good works, we're still the same as other brothers and sisters. Esteem others more highly then yourself.
I once saw a short video, independently produced, over at YouTube.
The man they interviewed (this was about a year and a half ago, so I can't be certain who the makers of the video are--sorry about that) claimed to be a former CIA agent.
When asked as to what he would advise people to be careful of, you want to know what his reply at the time was?
He said, very plainly, "Don't watch TV."
Something's wrong with TV today. Commercials and all of it. Some things at YouTube aren't very safe, either. I tend to be as careful as I can about such things, as I have noticed bad aftereffects to my mind and soul following watching something not godly in flavor.
I don't watch TV. I fell out of the habit while at Teen Challenge, a 1 year Christian rehab program...they aren't big on TV. Anyway, I've noticed now that I just don't care for it, in part because of my Christian sensibilities. That and a lot of it seems so formulaic and not all that entertaining, anyway.
I don't watch TV. I fell out of the habit while at Teen Challenge, a 1 year Christian rehab program...they aren't big on TV. Anyway, I've noticed now that I just don't care for it, in part because of my Christian sensibilities. That and a lot of it seems so formulaic and not all that entertaining, anyway.
I began to find it a bother as far back as the 90's.
I actually had it laid upon my heart to simply switch off the TV and only rent a few videos now and again.
Just try finding videos to rent which have good, entertaining stories that make for godly viewing sometime!
It's not always an easy thing to do.
I enjoy older movies with a good message. yet even some older movies give mixed messages.
For documentaries, I've found much wisdom at Adullam Films.
Also, over at YouTube, Christ White's channel seems pretty healthy to me. He used to drink, play in a rock band, did the New age thing, and yet came to know Christ and began to make videos, all of which are both entertaining and informative.
He seems wise and smart and calm. He's producing good stuff. Also, almost all, if not all of it may be downloaded for FREE. He offers it for the public that way.
I really enjoy his "debunk-umentaries." he really knows how to make them both entertaining and educational.
If this would be of use to you, then I guess I've been of some use here.
God's peace through His Son to you!
This is quite a dilemma I deal with myself. As a huge movie buff it gets really frustrating to me that I can't go to any new movies that may interest me, because where the plotline and acting may be great, the innapropriate content is over the top and extremely convicting to me to watch, so I don't. Thankfully, I'm actually a huge classic film fan and grew up on the stuff, so I have plenty of good, wholesome films to watch when it comes to the classics.

As for TV, it seems no writer nowadays knows how to write a decent show anymore that doesn't revolve only around sex and relationships. My TV watching is almost completely restricted to BBC shows like 'Downtown Abbey' and other similar shows. They're 'quality' shows and aren't laden with trash. Sure, there are some BBC shows that aren't entirely clean, but those I avoid. ...Really, the only American show I really love and watch regularly is ABC's 'Once Upon a Time'. I know some Christians have a conviction about films/shows that involve magic and whatnot, but I personally don't. And frankly, even with all if its Disney magicalness, Once Upon a Time is quite possibly, IMO, the cleanest and most 'family friendly' primetime show on American television today. I would never feel the need to switch the channel if my 7-year-old niece walked into the room.

Anyway. Yes, for the Christian who takes what they view in entertainment very seriously, it's difficult to be able to find decent stuff to watch.
This is quite a dilemma I deal with myself. As a huge movie buff it gets really frustrating to me that I can't go to any new movies that may interest me, because where the plotline and acting may be great, the innapropriate content is over the top and extremely convicting to me to watch, so I don't. Thankfully, I'm actually a huge classic film fan and grew up on the stuff, so I have plenty of good, wholesome films to watch when it comes to the classics.

As for TV, it seems no writer nowadays knows how to write a decent show anymore that doesn't revolve only around sex and relationships. My TV watching is almost completely restricted to BBC shows like 'Downtown Abbey' and other similar shows. They're 'quality' shows and aren't laden with trash. Sure, there are some BBC shows that aren't entirely clean, but those I avoid. ...Really, the only American show I really love and watch regularly is ABC's 'Once Upon a Time'. I know some Christians have a conviction about films/shows that involve magic and whatnot, but I personally don't. And frankly, even with all if its Disney magicalness, Once Upon a Time is quite possibly, IMO, the cleanest and most 'family friendly' primetime show on American television today. I would never feel the need to switch the channel if my 7-year-old niece walked into the room.

Anyway. Yes, for the Christian who takes what they view in entertainment very seriously, it's difficult to be able to find decent stuff to watch.
I've noticed hallmark's content to be sometimes Ok. But I don't go for magical stuff anymore.
YouTube's got a number of nicer things to view, if you're interested.
Into movies?
Three came Home This is based on a true story. there's some violence, but not like in today's films. The main character is a married woman and both she and her husband remain true to each other throughout. Her mothering of their one young son is wise and well written.
The adventure begins on a south sea island called Sandakin.
For some reason, the YouTube and Netflix people don't care two cents about either of these movies--perhaps because they lack moral decay?
The WWII Japanese show up and separate families into camps. fascinating, and never boring.
Take Care of My Little Girl (some alcohol--but one of the characters, the young heroine, learns to choose better ways, and the only real drunks are bad guys) This one is from the 1950's, and has a pretty darned good cast and script. Lots of ethical choices have to continually be confronted by characters. One of the male characters turns out to be really good and wise.
Hope this will add to what's available out there!
I like watching the new TV series called "Turn, Washington's Spies". It is about the revolutionary war, there is some language, but no F bombs.
I LOVE that! That's so perfect!
Mind if I use your term?
As for civil War stuff, I love to learn about that too. There are a few good old documentaries (some not the best quality, but I am not too fussy) over at YouTube from time to time.
God's Peace to you through His Son!
Well as for me,
I pay an unreasonable amount for so many channels, but watch the shows I use to get for free, lol.

I like the ole westerns,
Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Little house on the prairie.
Good bad and the ugly, John Wayne movies.
I love heart warming movies also.
Anyone seen, "Second hand lions"?

Still watch Andy Griffith Show, lol
Mainly news, have to watch what the world is up to.
Aside from tuning into Turner Classic Movies, I typically find old movies and shows in abundance on YouTube. I've been doing that for several years now. I do use Netflix and Amazon Prime, but their selections are limited. ...I almost can always find something on YouTube.

Speaking of Hitchcock...I'm way more of a fan of his older films, like Shadow of a Doubt for example. I've never been big on his later films in color, especially The Birds and Vertigo. No thanks. ...Actually, one of my very favorites of his is Lifeboat, which is based off of the John Steinbeck novel. Great movie.
[Quote:gracenote, post: 1078347, member: 7795"]"F-bombs"????
I LOVE that! That's so perfect!
Mind if I use your term?
As for civil War stuff, I love to learn about that too. There are a few good old documentaries (some not the best quality, but I am not too fussy) over at YouTube from time to time.
God's Peace to you through His Son!

According to international law, only jeff77 is allowed to use his own his own trademarked parlance which is quoted in the above post. Any violation of Code J77 is punishable under federal law, and violaters will have their eyebrows shaved off, fed toothpaste then orange juice, and forced to listen to Justin Beiber for a minimum of 777 days.


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