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Why Christians Fail to Receive Healing

Do I need to step in and tear it apart with contextual Scripture, or just call it drivel and stay out?

you just step in with your knowledge when it comes to some of the things of GOD the mystery .. its not that easy so jump in the water...
Reading this, I'm reminded of poor old Job sitting their with a body full of boils and his wealth gone. His all knowing friends ask him how he had sinned against God.

The fact reamains that we all get sick and we all die. The only variance is to what degree and length. Can God heal? Yes. Does he always? No. Does God heal on our command? No, we are healed by his command.
Reading this, I'm reminded of poor old Job sitting their with a body full of boils and his wealth gone. His all knowing friends ask him how he had sinned against God.

The fact reamains that we all get sick and we all die. The only variance is to what degree and length. Can God heal? Yes. Does he always? No. Does God heal on our command? No, we are healed by his command.

couple of other thoughts:
- God is not my errand boy, nor an evil tyrant who can be manipulated and cajoled
- Faith is doing His will and involves living in a state of thankful acceptance
- He heals what is of ultimate value: our souls
- at one point we will all find ourselves like Christ praying in Gethsemane
I dont not think the OP has brought forward the true understanding of healing, but that it is Gods Clear desire to heal those who believe cannot be honestly debated by New Testament scripture. Job was a man of faith before Christ showed us the "the express Image of God" and suffered for our sins and sickness upon His Cross.
Now to say one should claim part of the promises of God and not all? Is not what God desires. For it is by the promises of God that we partake of His Divine Nature. A HEALED christian is a divine and godly christian. A sick and weak christian is one who does not discern the Lords Body.

All the promises of God are yes and amen in Him.

If one is not healed when they pray its most likely because they lack faith or have been taught false doctrines that hinder there being able to receive.

All things are possible for those who believe!

ALL THINGS means all things.
I dont not think the OP has brought forward the true understanding of healing, but that it is Gods Clear desire to heal those who believe cannot be honestly debated by New Testament scripture. Job was a man of faith before Christ showed us the "the express Image of God" and suffered for our sins and sickness upon His Cross.
Now to say one should claim part of the promises of God and not all? Is not what God desires. For it is by the promises of God that we partake of His Divine Nature. A HEALED christian is a divine and godly christian. A sick and weak christian is one who does not discern the Lords Body.

All the promises of God are yes and amen in Him.

If one is not healed when they pray its most likely because they lack faith or have been taught false doctrines that hinder there being able to receive.

All things are possible for those who believe!

ALL THINGS means all things.

So the fact I have gallstones and S.A.D and God has not healed me of this is my fault due to lack of faith? Would you apply the same to victims of a natural disaster?

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
I dont not think the OP has brought forward the true understanding of healing, but that it is Gods Clear desire to heal those who believe cannot be honestly debated by New Testament scripture. Job was a man of faith before Christ showed us the "the express Image of God" and suffered for our sins and sickness upon His Cross.
Now to say one should claim part of the promises of God and not all? Is not what God desires. For it is by the promises of God that we partake of His Divine Nature. A HEALED christian is a divine and godly christian. A sick and weak christian is one who does not discern the Lords Body.

All the promises of God are yes and amen in Him.

If one is not healed when they pray its most likely because they lack faith or have been taught false doctrines that hinder there being able to receive.

All things are possible for those who believe!

ALL THINGS means all things.
This is not at all a biblical position. :shame
Demon possession/oppression can be a cause of sickness. Jesus cast out many demons and the result was healing. See also 2 Corinthians 7:1 for Christians needing deliverance.

First off, in 2 Corinthians 7:1 Paul is not talking about sickness or demon possession. He is pouring out his feelings throughout the entire chapter, and speaking of God comforting them through depression, fear and sorrow and showing how God's affection can lead one to repent and gain peace. The only "sickness" it could even be referred to is a mental state.

The healing of the sickness, not the sickness, is for the glory of God. John 9:1-3

Chapter 9 of John does tell a tale of healing a blind man, but that is not the theme behind the chapter. In context, Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth, gave him sight, and through that miracle He was showing the Pharisees that they were "blind" to what God was trying to accomplish through Jesus. It has nothing to do with glory.

Everyone gets the measure of faith from God but it is the believers responsibility to grow and exercise that faith (Romans 10:17 and Jude 20). If that responsibility is not met healing can be elusive.

Romans chapter 10 is not talking about faith healing. It is talking about the righteousness of man, finding salvation and HEARING (not healing) the words of Christ.

Christians get sick and stay sick for abusing their bodies. Praying over ones food is VERY important for obvious reasons. It keeps us safe from all the "stuff" in it.

No, Christians get sick like anyone else. Bacteria, fungi, parasites, spores, germs, etc. Prayer won't keep you from sickness or death if someone slips you some cyanide in your food. It won't keep a girl from being raped if someone slips a drug in her drink.

I could go on, but every single one of your verses have been, RIPPED out of context, and then you apply your own explanations to them. Other than trolling, I am unsure of your motive behind the post. If you had any type of formal theology/divinity training, you would know full well that your OP is pure drivel. Your basic claim is that prayer and healing are dependant on how hard you believe. If you don't believe until the point of passing out, bloodshot eyes or whatever (metaphors) God will ignore you. Bah!

I usually don't speak out directly at someone, but this guy is spreading false propaganda. He has twisted Scripture so bad it is not even funny. Beware the "false prophets."
This is not at all a biblical position. :shame
Its is and it is made very clear in scripture. You may not like it or understand it? But that has no bearing on the truth of scripture.
First off, in 2 Corinthians 7:1 Paul is not talking about sickness or demon possession. He is pouring out his feelings throughout the entire chapter, and speaking of God comforting them through depression, fear and sorrow and showing how God's affection can lead one to repent and gain peace. The only "sickness" it could even be referred to is a mental state.

Are you saying the devil doesn't effect your soul and spirit also? Hmm..

Chapter 9 of John does tell a tale of healing a blind man, but that is not the theme behind the chapter. In context, Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth, gave him sight, and through that miracle He was showing the Pharisees that they were "blind" to what God was trying to accomplish through Jesus. It has nothing to do with glory.

You obviously haven't seen The Gospel of John Film yet, healing has everything to do with God's glory!!!

Romans chapter 10 is not talking about faith healing. It is talking about the righteousness of man, finding salvation and HEARING (not healing) the words of Christ.

If it has nothing to do with Faith, then why is the word Faith in the title of Romans 10..

No, Christians get sick like anyone else. Bacteria, fungi, parasites, spores, germs, etc. Prayer won't keep you from sickness or death if someone slips you some cyanide in your food. It won't keep a girl from being raped if someone slips a drug in her drink.

I could go on, but every single one of your verses have been, RIPPED out of context, and then you apply your own explanations to them. Other than trolling, I am unsure of your motive behind the post. If you had any type of formal theology/divinity training, you would know full well that your OP is pure drivel. Your basic claim is that prayer and healing are dependant on how hard you believe. If you don't believe until the point of passing out, bloodshot eyes or whatever (metaphors) God will ignore you. Bah!

I usually don't speak out directly at someone, but this guy is spreading false propaganda. He has twisted Scripture so bad it is not even funny. Beware the "false prophets."

Yes, prayer does help sickness Vanguard. It sounds like you lack Faith, and I'd be careful who you're calling a false prophet my friend. Now you're just embarrassing yourself.
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Yikes, NO I do not believe that, yuke!

I believe we are only predistend elect are those who God knows through His foreknowledge of those who will receive. I believe this opportunity is given to each person by the drawing of the Holy Spirit who convicts of the world of sin because they do not believe on Him. They may accept or reject. I believe in free will.
If God looked down history and picked the ones that would choose Jesus for salvation it would not be by grace but works. You are saying it is a work i.e. our choosing to receive Jesus. It is NEVER that way. If a sinner did not receive effectual grace he would NEVER choose Jesus by a free will choice. Only the elect chosen before the foundation of the earth receive effectual grace and are drawn by the Holy Spirit and the preaching of the gospel. Sinners choose to keep sinning. The Bible teaches NOTHING else.
Are you saying the devil doesn't effect your soul and spirit also? Hmm..

You obviously haven't seen The Gospel of John Film yet, healing has everything to do with God's glory!!!

If it has nothing to do with Faith, then why is the word Faith in the title of Romans 10..

Yes, prayer does help sickness Vanguard. It sounds like you lack Faith, and I'd be careful who you're calling a false prophet my friend. Now you're just embarrassing yourself.

I am not even going to argue with you on this thread. Not only did you miss every single point, you then tried to do a spin job on what I said.
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Reading this, I'm reminded of poor old Job sitting their with a body full of boils and his wealth gone. His all knowing friends ask him how he had sinned against God.

The fact reamains that we all get sick and we all die. The only variance is to what degree and length. Can God heal? Yes. Does he always? No. Does God heal on our command? No, we are healed by his command.
Job was healed. I explained and included Job's trial in the OP. Jesus healed ALL that came to Him. He has not changed. We have the scripture and 35 years living it. What do you have? No, believers do not have to die sick. Moses and Aaron didn't and NT believers have a better covenant with better promises. Be it to you according to your faith.
Please give scripture that God is a liar and does not heal. I gave the reasons Christians do not receive healing from their side. It is NEVER from God's side.
So the fact I have gallstones and S.A.D and God has not healed me of this is my fault due to lack of faith? Would you apply the same to victims of a natural disaster?

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
this should be interesting i wonder if Alzheimer is a lack of faith maybe cancer-massive heart attack strokes .
First off, in 2 Corinthians 7:1 Paul is not talking about sickness or demon possession. He is pouring out his feelings throughout the entire chapter, and speaking of God comforting them through depression, fear and sorrow and showing how God's affection can lead one to repent and gain peace. The only "sickness" it could even be referred to is a mental state.
It seems you are saying that mental illness is not a sickness and not a demon. It is both.

Chapter 9 of John does tell a tale of healing a blind man, but that is not the theme behind the chapter. In context, Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth, gave him sight, and through that miracle He was showing the Pharisees that they were "blind" to what God was trying to accomplish through Jesus. It has nothing to do with glory.
You seem to be saying that God does not get glory from physical healing. I assume you believe He gives all the glory to the medical system for the ones they 'heal' and accepts all the blame for the hundreds of thousands they kill, maim and poison.

Romans chapter 10 is not talking about faith healing. It is talking about the righteousness of man, finding salvation and HEARING (not healing) the words of Christ.
Please look up the verb to save-sozo in a good Bible dictionary and see how it is used in the NT. It includes healing.

No, Christians get sick like anyone else. Bacteria, fungi, parasites, spores, germs, etc. Prayer won't keep you from sickness or death if someone slips you some cyanide in your food. It won't keep a girl from being raped if someone slips a drug in her drink.
Here is a useful promise for bad stuff you may eat unknowingly. It seems our food does have some deadly "stuff" included in it.
Mark 16:17-18

New King James Version (NKJV)

17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[a] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.â€
Psalm 91 is full of promises for protection from things like bodily attacks as well as conditions to receive that protection. Believers also have spiritual weapons to use to stop the demons who cause these attacks. Do you know what they are?
I could go on, but every single one of your verses have been, RIPPED out of context, and then you apply your own explanations to them. Other than trolling, I am unsure of your motive behind the post. If you had any type of formal theology/divinity training, you would know full well that your OP is pure drivel. Your basic claim is that prayer and healing are dependant on how hard you believe. If you don't believe until the point of passing out, bloodshot eyes or whatever (metaphors) God will ignore you. Bah!
No, it has NOTHING to do with how hard you believe and everything to do with simple child like trust. Do you know what Bible faith is and how to apply it to receive from God?
I usually don't speak out directly at someone, but this guy is spreading false propaganda. He has twisted Scripture so bad it is not even funny. Beware the "false prophets."
Please give scripture that God is a liar and unwilling to keep His word after He sent His son to die for all that was provided by His cross including healing.
So the fact I have gallstones and S.A.D and God has not healed me of this is my fault due to lack of faith? Would you apply the same to victims of a natural disaster?

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Not sure what point you are trying to make? Because you have galstones the Word of God is not true?

I dont have galstones, nor sickness, so does that mean the bible is true for me and not for others?

No one must believe and have NO DOUBTS! then you can see the Power of God.
Please give scripture that God is a liar and unwilling to keep His word after He sent His son to die for all that was provided by His cross including healing.

You missed the context of those OP verses entirely. Put them back in the chapter that they came from. Read them within the surrounding verses. Look at what the entire chapter is talking about, instead of cherry picking them to support your ideas.
Job was healed. I explained and included Job's trial in the OP. Jesus healed ALL that came to Him. He has not changed. We have the scripture and 35 years living it. What do you have? No, believers do not have to die sick. Moses and Aaron didn't and NT believers have a better covenant with better promises. Be it to you according to your faith.
Please give scripture that God is a liar and does not heal. I gave the reasons Christians do not receive healing from their side. It is NEVER from God's side.

As I recall, his disciples could not cast out a demon. Jesus informed them that this could not be accomplished without first fasting and praying. In short, they could have had faith to move mountains, but without fasting they would never accomplish their goal.

I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of spiritual matters, but I can tell you it's a dangerous thing to think you have all the answers.

Unfortunately, all the apostles were martyred save one, so we have no such evidence of them dying by anything other than "natural causes". However, I can cite the OT where David was praying for his infant to live. God said no, it was his punishment and no amount of prayer could have changed that, yet another example of what I'm talking about. I also remember Jesus healing a blind man. If you only went by the example of David's infant dying, you might assume the man in question sinned as well or his parents which was the reason he was blind. Jesus said neither. He said that he had been made blind specifically for the very purpose of being healed that very second in order to show God's glory. So what if his parents had had "faith" to heal but got no response for some 30 or 40 years? What would someone like you tell them? Would you have told them that they don't have enough faith? If so, they would no doubt begin to wonder if they had enough faith for salvation as well and perhaps lost faith altogether.