Thanks for your replies. How long have you been a believer? I ask, because you seem to be operating under some fairly untrue and non-sensical paradigms. Let me respond to your points, but first, let me ask you, have you read the Scriptures? For you to be able to make a studied and intelligent argument for or against something, then you need to be familiar with what it is that you're arguing for or against. And I don't mean, have you been attending a fellowship of believers where they teach the Scriptures. Have you actually sat yourself down over a course of days and read the Scriptures? All that God has revealed about Himself and the world in which we live and what His Son has also revealed to us concerning the things of God and what it is that God is working to do in this realm of His creating.
Right...funnily enough they might just be the same Greek speaking people who brought you the Bible.
You seem to have some understanding that someone can translate a work and not be faithful and true to the underlying texts that they are translating, and no one will know that. If you would take a minute to read the forward of say, the NIV translation of the Scriptures and how they came to be, I think you'd find that this idea that you're operating under that somehow, it's not translated properly is really an argument in nonsense. Is this some idea that you have gleaned from your own understanding, or someone has taught you this understanding?
You know, there are some who say of the many prophetic writings that have been proved to be accurate, that they were writings that were added in later. That they are accurate because someone added them in after the event that they foretell had already happened. Therefore, they are accurate but not really prophecies. But that denies one the basic concepts of human behavior. If a work has been around for several decades and then someone goes in and hundreds of years later adds things in, there is a great uproar about it. It of course, also denies that person's understanding that the Scriptures, as Paul says, came from God and were written as His Holy Spirit directed the writers to write of things.
Similarly, you're trying to make an argument that somehow translators have gotten translations wrong while there are literally millions of people who are familiar with the languages and would cause an uproar had some translator mistranslated a work. I would like you to sit back and put your thinking cap on and consider whether your argument that we can't trust the Scriptures because we can't trust the translator's work could really possibly hold water. If what you claim is true, then we'd likely have hundreds of people writing and making a big issue over how the translations have been translated... but we don't have that. Other than a few who would claim that a few specific words could mean something else, there is no one within the body of believers, or even outside of the body of believers, who are claiming that the translations of the underlying work are bad or mistranslated somehow.
Yes that was my mistake. How can the Bible be the ultimate authority if people can't even read it, let alone accurately interpret its contents?
That's another fallacious argument. People, especially the Hebrew people, have always been able to read. What you are proposing is the evolutionary idea that we started with Neanderthal man who just grunted and pointed to express himself and have gradually become smarter. That centuries ago, when the Scriptures were written, that people couldn't read. That is not a true fact. Educating their children was something that Jewish people have been proud and hard working about since the days of Moses, at least. God even commands the Jewish parent to teach their children the knowledge of Him.
Now, as far as an individual's ability to interpret what they are reading is always going to be an issue, even unto the next thousand centuries. This is even explained in the Scriptures themselves. Jesus railed against the synagogue and temple leaders of his day that they were taking the law of God and making it null by their misunderstanding. He called them blind guides. He spoke of the work that they had done in making a whole group of laws about what was and wasn't legal to do on the Sabbath as akin to their taking the word of God and making it a burden for them to carry. But, and I direct you back to my first opening question, have you read the Scriptures?
As far as your mistake, sure, I knew that. It's why I pointed it out, but surely you can see that even in that small mistake, you show that your understanding of language can be questioned. After all, I'm sure you're a very bright young lady, but you are a young lady. Have you read the Scriptures?
If you must depend on people to translate it for you, why do you reject the body that gave you the canon in the first place and their interpretation?
Perhaps you don't understand what the canon of Scripture is. And it seems obvious that you don't understand that just because a body of believers did decide what writings would be considered as the Scriptures, doesn't give them the authority to change anything about what the Scriptures teach us about God and His work in this realm of His creating. Yes, a body of believers, did sit down at one time and codify what would be considered the Scriptures. But they didn't write any of it. That was already done. They merely, and I believe it was by the direction of the Holy Spirit, put together the previous writings that had been circulating among the believers for some 300 years as the one's to be considered the true Scriptures to stop others from adding later spurious writings. And yes, I trust that body did well in doing that work, but that doesn't give them the authority to change or deny anything that God's word says about Him and what He expects of His children anymore than the Scribes and Pharisees were able to tell people what it meant and how they were to practice observing the Sabbath. Again, if you still have your thinking cap on, you'll see that this is another bad argument that also doesn't hold water.
Perhaps if you reread your words over a few times you'll see that.
Why, if I must depend on people to translate some historical work, reject the body of people who cobbled all of those translated works together as a group. They didn't do any of the translating. They just took the available material that was before them and said, "Ok, this is in and this is out." That has no bearing on the translation work.
And I don't necessarily deny their interpretation, unless such interpretation is not based upon the work that they cobbled together and said, "This is the canon of Scripture." Just as I have pointed out with the Jews in Israel, they too, had become satisfied that what the leaders interpreted from the Scriptures was the truth that God was telling them. Jesus was quite clear that there were several issues in which their interpretations were wrong. Do you believe that the nature of man has changed somehow in that regard?
Let me give you an example. There is a body of the believers that teach from their places of leadership and understanding of the Scriptures that when we die, we will go to a place where we will make atonement for our sin. Can you, yes you yourself, open up a copy of the Scriptures and find where that practice or belief is taught within its pages?
Look, you're young and I'm going to assume that you haven't been a knowledgeable believer for more than a couple of years. I would also ask you, and I think it's a relevant question to the issue that we are discussing, if you have actually sat down and read the work that you are attempting to argue about? Or, are you rather merely repeating some ideas that you've heard others make that somehow seems logical and worthwhile to you? Paul's admonition to all of us is to study the Scriptures to show ourselves approved. There is nowhere in the Scriptures where believers are instructed to follow or believe what the body of believers says for us to do in a matter. That's all the church is. The body of believers living upon the earth at any given time. From listening to your words, I get the feeling that you see the church as some hierarchical group where the person at the top knows everything about God. No he doesn't! He may have more depth of understanding on many things, but just like the pharisees and scribes, the leaders are subject to error. What Jesus told you is that God's word is truth. He never said that our religious leaders are truth. In fact, at one point he told the Jews that they must, by law, do what they said, but absolutely not to do what they do. For me, that gives a clear warning that I always need to check what some leader of a group of believers says against what God's word says. The Bereans were noted as more worthy because they did that with Paul's teachings.
Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
So, when someone who claims to be speaking for God and interpreting for you what God's word says, then you would also be found worthy if you, too, were to examine the Scriptures to see if what they are telling you is true.