I hear some accusations which seem like broad generalizations. Old Testament says that in the New Testament, the law would be written on the hearts. A lot of the Messianic Judaism I've seen believes not in works, but grace. Only observing the OT in acknowledgent that everything leads to Christ. It's the Hebrew Roots and Sacred Name movements that are more the problem.
Ok, maybe you can clear up a few things by answering some questions about what you personally believe.
Do you believe that we are required to physically circumcise our children or ourselves to be a part of the New Covenant? Yes or No.
Do you believe we are required by God to keep the Sabbath, according to the law of Moses.? Yes or No.
Do you believe it is a sin to eat pork or shrimp? Yes or No.
Thanks for your input.
We are saved by grace through faith alone, and a born again Christian can't be seperated from the Love of God in Christ. We are kept, sanctified, and justified by Jesus alone (Phil 1:11, Rom 8:13)
The law came by Moses, but grace came by Jesus.
As Jesus said "Think not that I have come to destroy the law or prophets," so paul said "Do we make void the law? God forbid".
I believe it's about the Spirit leading you in you relationship with Christ.
I think observing the feasts would be a way to be more intimate with Christ, by observing what foreshadowed him.
I also believe that the dietary laws would have true health benefits. There's stuff in the OT we do today. Like sanitation with dead bodies. Science just had to catch up. Scripture also says "bread gives strength to the heart". Today the take out all the good stuff outta bread, or genetically modify it. And it becomes unhealthy just so it can keep longer. Yet real bread has Omega 3s and other good vitamins for the heart.
I don't think God is arbitrary in any of his ways.
But we are saved and kept by Yeshua.
We don't need to circumcise. We also aren't saved by baptism. God hates religion. He said it in Isaiah. "I hate your sabaths".
I get accused of teaching the damnable works doctrine myself, because I believe in the obedience of faith.
Faith without works [ the work of obedience ] is dead.
Grace: is the unmerited power of God to us, that enables us to do what we can not do ourselves; ie: obey what God tells us to do.
This is called the obedience of faith. [Works] Not the works of the law, but the obedience of faith.
I agree, though I think I may define it different.
Grace is getting what you don't deserve (like you said unmerited power, but also favour). Grace IS Jesus.
Grace teaches us to deny ungodliness.
I think we have to give up in our own efforts, because our righteousness is filthy rags. Our own works are selfishness and attempt to justify ourselves.
Through faith Christ works through us. (Eph 2:8-10, Phil 1:11)
The Spirit mortifies the flesh through us (Rom 8:13)
Scripture also says "the outer man perishes, and the inward man is renewed".
The flesh fades whe born again, and works become a result of the renewal of the Spirit.