Why Like Cats?

Yup, that's him
He has two names, Oreo and Chomusuke
My brother wanted to name him after an anime character, but all his records have Oreo on them
It's not like he cares, he thinks his name is Kitty
Yup, that's him
He has two names, Oreo and Chomusuke
My brother wanted to name him after an anime character, but all his records have Oreo on them
It's not like he cares, he thinks his name is Kitty

I can definitely understand that. For ages ten through sixteen I believed that my own name was troublemaker. Lol!
Lol I was listening to this song after I posted that last post. :lol

Oh c'mon, Alph was funny. Did you see the one with the balloon payment?

Alf as a show might have been funny, I just meant that the eating cats thing wasn't very funny. It was mean! Those kitties were SO cute!!
So do I, but not to eat! I'm sorry but I still think that's really mean! :hips

It's a running gag. Alf talked about it frequently, the show even made it look like he had. The first time they ever showed him even seeing a cat is the clip you saw, where he couldn't bring himself to do it.
It's a running gag. Alf talked about it frequently, the show even made it look like he had. The first time they ever showed him even seeing a cat is the clip you saw, where he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Well, I do like that part about him at least. After all, how could you eat a cute little kitty? I just wanted to pet it, love it, hold it, squeeze it, and plant tiny kisses all over the top of its head. :kiss