Why Like Cats?

One cat in my lap this morning, encouraging me not to get up and go to work. The other one laying down near by purring loudly. Makes me feel loved and lazy at the same time. :biggrin2
I know the feeling...
Did you make it to work????
Isn't it possible to be both?
I find that usually persons that like dogs don't like cats
and persons that like cats don't like dogs.

For instance, I don't feel very comfortable with dogs; I could almost say I'm afraid of them. Cats are cute and sweet. They cuddle up to you and feel very soft. They're more independent and don't require so much attention. You could go on vacation and let a neighbor take care of them.

But I'm sure some persons like both.
I can roll with either. I grew up with 2 cats (little grey tabby and big orange tabby). When I was on my own, I went with two more (both black kitties, sisters). More recently, I was Godfather to a wonderful rescue, a celebrity dog that had been burned by hot road tar at some construction site.

Love either species.
You're terrible!!

Lol! I saw that on a bumper sticker. I don't really dislike cats I just don't like owning them...I sorta got over exposed to cats when I was a kid growing up, lol!

Luckily The girl I married was a dog lover and never wanted any cats!
I can roll with either. I grew up with 2 cats (little grey tabby and big orange tabby). When I was on my own, I went with two more (both black kitties, sisters). More recently, I was Godfather to a wonderful rescue, a celebrity dog that had been burned by hot road tar at some construction site.

Love either species.

:agreed Same here. Although I do admit that I'm more of a cat person than a dog person, but I still really love them both. :yes
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All I can say though is that even though I love all animals, there is nothing like getting the chance to snuggle up with a cute little kitty. I just love giving my kitty tons of kisses and cuddles. :kiss They might not be loyal like dogs but they're still cuddly nonetheless. :)
My two cats are full of 'cupboard love'. They love their food and treats. They expect me to obey them. They run all over the house and get into impossible places e.g. on top of the doors, behind drawers when I open them (then I have to take the drawer out to rescue them). They know every move I make and bully me into doing their wishes. Then they lie on my lap roll over for tummy rubs, and then fall asleep purring . I wouldn't change anything about them - love them to bits.
My two cats are full of 'cupboard love'. They love their food and treats. They expect me to obey them. They run all over the house and get into impossible places e.g. on top of the doors, behind drawers when I open them (then I have to take the drawer out to rescue them). They know every move I make and bully me into doing their wishes. Then they lie on my lap roll over for tummy rubs, and then fall asleep purring . I wouldn't change anything about them - love them to bits.

That's a cat for you. Getting into mischief and treating you like you're their pet instead of the other way around. :lol Typical. You gotta love them but it's a really true statement that dogs have owners and cats have staff. We have childproof locks on our cupboards so that Jessie can't get in them except for the ones in the bathroom. However luckily she never got herself stuck in there. My brother's cats used to get stuck all the time though when they came to visit before we had a cat which is why we have them there in the first place. Jasmine (our last kitty that unfortunately ran away :sad) used to love lying on top of the cupboards instead. That's why I love cats so much. They're so curious and mischievous about things that they never fail to make me laugh. :hysterical
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I was working in my office today...and one of the dynamic duo jumped to the top of my bookcase and decided to knock some books down. The other one climbed into the closet to hide...trying to get them both out of my office is sorta like trying to chase a couple of tigers...they drive me BONKERS!
Here's a question,.. have you ever noticed how relaxing it is when cats purr? This video literally put me to sleep last night. :sleep

I find that usually persons that like dogs don't like cats
and persons that like cats don't like dogs.

For instance, I don't feel very comfortable with dogs; I could almost say I'm afraid of them. Cats are cute and sweet. They cuddle up to you and feel very soft. They're more independent and don't require so much attention. You could go on vacation and let a neighbor take care of them.

But I'm sure some persons like both.
I'm actually beginning to resent dogs. I just asked our friends to come over for the 4th and my friend said she has to be with her dogs cause they have anxiety. :neutral I pointed out that they ALL(even the dogs) could come over during the day and leave before the fireworks get going. She's "thinking" about it.

Also, we've had many family members not come visit for vacation because of their dog situations. I love cats so much!!!!!!!! Cats let you have a life.
Treat each day as your last; one day you will be right.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Isn't it scary that doctors call what they do "practice"?

Despite the high cost of living, have you noticed how popular it remains?

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

I want patience - AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!

This is a day for firm decisions! Or is it?

Am I ambivalent? Well, yes and no.

Bureaucrats cut red tape, lengthwise.

Help stamp out, eliminate and abolish redundancy!

How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise MY hand!

A dog has an owner. A cat has a staff.
Treat each day as your last; one day you will be right.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Isn't it scary that doctors call what they do "practice"?

Despite the high cost of living, have you noticed how popular it remains?

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

I want patience - AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!

This is a day for firm decisions! Or is it?

Am I ambivalent? Well, yes and no.

Bureaucrats cut red tape, lengthwise.

Help stamp out, eliminate and abolish redundancy!

How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise MY hand!

A dog has an owner. A cat has a staff.

Lol! I agree with everything that you just said (and I understand) even the cat part although I am a cat lover. It is so true! :hysterical
I'm actually beginning to resent dogs. I just asked our friends to come over for the 4th and my friend said she has to be with her dogs cause they have anxiety. :neutral I pointed out that they ALL(even the dogs) could come over during the day and leave before the fireworks get going. She's "thinking" about it.

Also, we've had many family members not come visit for vacation because of their dog situations. I love cats so much!!!!!!!! Cats let you have a life.
Yeah. Shaw.
As long as your life agrees with their schedule.