Why Like Cats?

Wow, I just have to say it's rather amazing how flexible cat's bones are. For I really thought that my cat was in trouble when she fell off the back of the toilet yesterday and didn't land on her feet but landed on her side instead. Luckily she was alright though and basically back up on her feet again before I could blink.
Normally my cat is ruthless with mice and they're dead and gone within two hours, but a couple days ago a new one showed up and my cat not only refused to chase him but...... Touched noses with him??? And then walked away???
My brother and I were wondering if maybe he's demotivated because we started splitting his meal into two portions a day so that he's not as hungry
Mommy mouse had a few kiddies waiting for her to feed them. Mouse milk tastes bad for cats, besides a little mouse husbandry is good for the future mouse supply. Cats are smart.
Normally my cat is ruthless with mice and they're dead and gone within two hours, but a couple days ago a new one showed up and my cat not only refused to chase him but...... Touched noses with him??? And then walked away???
My brother and I were wondering if maybe he's demotivated because we started splitting his meal into two portions a day so that he's not as hungry

Cats cull mice? Cats are the Wraith! Lol, somebody post a pic or link for me, my phone isn't really all that smart
Cats are wonderful.
There are many reasons to like them.
Why do You like cats?

I like them because they're puffy, fluffy and warm.
Oh my once my friend I have been trying to get to join this forum sees this thread she will be jumping right in! She LUVS Cats and has had many. I predict she will soon be posting here, lol.
Except for the PitBull that some guy had to restrain with much effort awhile ago as I pedaled along the Bike Path today. I saw him walking his dog ahead, he moved his dog off the path, held him tightly as I bicycled past, and as his dog growled ferociously and physically tried to lunge at me, lol. I carry Pepper Spray and a few other backup things at all times so wasn't worried but I have had dogs run after me as I bicycle. A few months ago someone's St. Bernard got loose from their front yard and this dog started running after me and was looking at my feet as I pedaled. I got off my bike placing it between him and me and yelled at him to, "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" He did and ran back into his front yard. I was almost ready to deploy the pepper spray, lol.
Oh my once my friend I have been trying to get to join this forum sees this thread she will be jumping right in! She LUVS Cats and has had many. I predict she will soon be posting here, lol.
Cats have SO MANY good uses!
Tell her she can post a pix of her cat; we'll all enjoy seeing the pretty feline.
Except for the PitBull that some guy had to restrain with much effort awhile ago as I pedaled along the Bike Path today. I saw him walking his dog ahead, he moved his dog off the path, held him tightly as I bicycled past, and as his dog growled ferociously and physically tried to lunge at me, lol. I carry Pepper Spray and a few other backup things at all times so wasn't worried but I have had dogs run after me as I bicycle. A few months ago someone's St. Bernard got loose from their front yard and this dog started running after me and was looking at my feet as I pedaled. I got off my bike placing it between him and me and yelled at him to, "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" He did and ran back into his front yard. I was almost ready to deploy the pepper spray, lol.
I feel sorry for the dog lovers here.
They don't know what they're missing!!
Except for the PitBull that some guy had to restrain with much effort awhile ago as I pedaled along the Bike Path today. I saw him walking his dog ahead, he moved his dog off the path, held him tightly as I bicycled past, and as his dog growled ferociously and physically tried to lunge at me, lol. I carry Pepper Spray and a few other backup things at all times so wasn't worried but I have had dogs run after me as I bicycle. A few months ago someone's St. Bernard got loose from their front yard and this dog started running after me and was looking at my feet as I pedaled. I got off my bike placing it between him and me and yelled at him to, "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" He did and ran back into his front yard. I was almost ready to deploy the pepper spray, lol.

Pepper spray won't do you that much good after the fact, sorry to say. It'll get a pit bull to let go, but it won't heal the wound. The owner was able to control his pet, but a response like that is difficult for me to describe as "responsible" pet ownership; that is not normal behavior.
Saint Bernards that don't drool are far more dangerous than people realize; there's not much you'll be able to do to stop one. Do NOT get physically between it and it's owner! Unfortunately some St Bernard owners don't realize this is a problem.
Almost all St Bernards drool, and are unlikely to want to do much besides play, unless your behavior is truly out of line.
One cat in my lap this morning, encouraging me not to get up and go to work. The other one laying down near by purring loudly. Makes me feel loved and lazy at the same time. :biggrin2