When Jesus returns and throws the lost into a burning lake of fire where they will scream in pain and agony..would you class that as an "good act". Most people would call you evil if you set alight a person and stood back and watched them burn..but God will do it because it's all part of the "good plan".
Be honest...if you saw me run into a village and murder women and children or if you saw me throw a person into a fire and stood back and watched them scream in agony and burn in pain, would you accuse me of having committed an evil act or good act? You would probably ask me, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Well God will explain to you why He did that one day and you will be satisfied with His answer.
So YES, there has been many times God has CAUSED and even COMMANDED "evil" things to happen, e.g Moses slaughtering and murdering women and children, Jesus' death, God cursing the ground, and the coming event of throwing people into the lake of fire to torture them! All these events may seem "evil", but in fact they are all GOOD EVENTS for the greater good and for the ultimate plan of God and will benefit the redeemed for all eternity.
Jesus, an innocent Lamb was led, under the instructions of the Father to the slaughter and the Father wanted it to happen, allowed it to happen, caused events to happen to lead to it, and even abandoned the innocent Lamb as it was about to be slaughtered. Would you agree that may seem like an "evil act" on the surface?
God is an amazing God, He knows what He is doing and his causing evil to happen and allowing evil to happen for a REASON and PURPOSE that will serve God and the redeemed forever.
Don't question God and His methods.. follow and trust in God no matter what he allows to happen, or causes to happen or commands to happen.