- Jul 18, 2021
- 319
- 105
Did you ever wonder why God gave the LAW first, and much later Jesus was given as God's Grace?
Its because the Law is necessary to be in place to REVEAL us, as we are, in relation to God's Holiness.
This is the actual purpose of the Law, the specific purpose.
Its to reveal you, as UNRIGHTEOUS.
The general purpose of the law and commandments, is to give you a moral boundary that defines...>Dont go past this morality line, as if you do, suffering will follow you like night follows day.
You will reap what you sow, on this earth. (cause and effect)
Every deed is a seed, planted as your coming harvest of destiny.
However, the SPECIFIC reason the law is given is to show YOU that YOU are a sinner, and need help, need rescue, .....need to be SAVED.
So, the Law DEFINES you and it JUDGED each, and based on the Law's findings you are hell bound and lost....= a sinner.
This is the current status of every unbeliever. = John 3:36.
Christians generally think that damnation follows death, regarding an unbeliever.
However, damnation is already ON the unbeliever, while they are breathing.
It is finally executed as their eternal situation, after they die. (2nd Death).
This means they are already damned on earth, and waiting for the end of it, which is hell, then the lake of fire.
The father of all the damned, is the original damned one, himself.
Lucifer, now Satan. He is the father of UNBELIEF, and the father of unbelievers.
Unbelievers end up with their father, after they die. This is hell, then the lake of Fire.
BELIEVERS, end up with their Father after they die. This is first Heaven, followed by 1000 years with Jesus, in Jerusalem.
God came here as Christ on The Cross to change you from damned to a "new Creation" "In Christ", which is to possess Eternal Life.
Eternal life, is not temporary.
So had there been no law given by Moses, you would not understand what you are in God's perspective before you are saved, and its from this understanding that the LAW/Commandments reveals to you, that we REALIZED our lost situation....that we are fallen, sinners, and damned. John 3:36
So what then?
We turn to The Cross, and there.... = We Enter into God's GRACE, by being "made Righteous" through the Blood of Jesus.
A.) God's Grace says...>come unto me, and i'll make you RIGHTEOUS.<. come unto me and i'll make you clean and give you eternal life.......come unto JESUS and BELIEVE and i'll make you MINE forever.
Reader......Are you His?
Do you belong to God?
You absolutely do, and remain God's, if you are born again.
You are become a everlasting part of His eternal FAMILY.
His "body of Christ".
If you are not, then you are LOST, and if you die this way you will never have a chance to belong to God, and He will get rid of you when you meet Him, and you surely will meet Him, reader.
This is to "go to Hell" for the sin of CHRIST REJECTION.
That's the first place you end up after you die, if you have rejected God's mercy, on this earth.
Once there, you can't get out, there is no 2nd chance waiting for you there.
All your second chances are HERE, NOW, while you are still breathing.
"Now is the day of salvation".
Jesus came to save you from your sin and from the eternally damned destination that is waiting for all who have never trusted in Christ.
If that is you, then trust Him today. Take Jesus into your heart today. Believe in Jesus today, right now..... and settle your eternity and find your peace of mind that only God can give you that only comes from knowing that once you are gone from this world you will forever be found with God and HIS born again Family.
Did you ever wonder why God gave the LAW first, and much later Jesus was given as God's Grace?
Its because the Law is necessary to be in place to REVEAL us, as we are, in relation to God's Holiness.
This is the actual purpose of the Law, the specific purpose.
Its to reveal you, as UNRIGHTEOUS.
The general purpose of the law and commandments, is to give you a moral boundary that defines...>Dont go past this morality line, as if you do, suffering will follow you like night follows day.
You will reap what you sow, on this earth. (cause and effect)
Every deed is a seed, planted as your coming harvest of destiny.
However, the SPECIFIC reason the law is given is to show YOU that YOU are a sinner, and need help, need rescue, .....need to be SAVED.
So, the Law DEFINES you and it JUDGED each, and based on the Law's findings you are hell bound and lost....= a sinner.
This is the current status of every unbeliever. = John 3:36.
Christians generally think that damnation follows death, regarding an unbeliever.
However, damnation is already ON the unbeliever, while they are breathing.
It is finally executed as their eternal situation, after they die. (2nd Death).
This means they are already damned on earth, and waiting for the end of it, which is hell, then the lake of fire.
The father of all the damned, is the original damned one, himself.
Lucifer, now Satan. He is the father of UNBELIEF, and the father of unbelievers.
Unbelievers end up with their father, after they die. This is hell, then the lake of Fire.
BELIEVERS, end up with their Father after they die. This is first Heaven, followed by 1000 years with Jesus, in Jerusalem.
God came here as Christ on The Cross to change you from damned to a "new Creation" "In Christ", which is to possess Eternal Life.
Eternal life, is not temporary.
So had there been no law given by Moses, you would not understand what you are in God's perspective before you are saved, and its from this understanding that the LAW/Commandments reveals to you, that we REALIZED our lost situation....that we are fallen, sinners, and damned. John 3:36
So what then?
We turn to The Cross, and there.... = We Enter into God's GRACE, by being "made Righteous" through the Blood of Jesus.
A.) God's Grace says...>come unto me, and i'll make you RIGHTEOUS.<. come unto me and i'll make you clean and give you eternal life.......come unto JESUS and BELIEVE and i'll make you MINE forever.
Reader......Are you His?
Do you belong to God?
You absolutely do, and remain God's, if you are born again.
You are become a everlasting part of His eternal FAMILY.
His "body of Christ".
If you are not, then you are LOST, and if you die this way you will never have a chance to belong to God, and He will get rid of you when you meet Him, and you surely will meet Him, reader.
This is to "go to Hell" for the sin of CHRIST REJECTION.
That's the first place you end up after you die, if you have rejected God's mercy, on this earth.
Once there, you can't get out, there is no 2nd chance waiting for you there.
All your second chances are HERE, NOW, while you are still breathing.
"Now is the day of salvation".
Jesus came to save you from your sin and from the eternally damned destination that is waiting for all who have never trusted in Christ.
If that is you, then trust Him today. Take Jesus into your heart today. Believe in Jesus today, right now..... and settle your eternity and find your peace of mind that only God can give you that only comes from knowing that once you are gone from this world you will forever be found with God and HIS born again Family.