Originally posted by Cassian,
both God and man work together for a person's salvation. It takes two to get saved.
"Work" together? That is absolutely false, and unbiblical. Where in the Bible does it say that man must work with God to get saved, or vice versa? Nonsense. This is just more of man's reasoning which has nothing whatsoever to do with the Word of God. Being saved IS
A GIFT FROM GOD; PERIOD! The Word of God makes it clear:
Ephesians 2:8: "For it is BY GRACE you have been saved, through faith - and this is NOT OF YOURSELVES, it is THE GIFT OF GOD."
HAVE BEEN SAVED! And this is
THE GIFT of God. A gift is not a gift if you have to work for it. If you worked for it, that would mean you EARNED IT, and it would NOT be a gift. You can't WORK for A GIFT!

2 Cassian, you continue to be in defiance of plain Scripture post after post, continuously replacing God's Word with your own reasoning and traditions of men.
Galatians 2:16 says,
"We are justified by THE FAITH OF CHRIST." Did you hear that? We are justified by
Christ's faith,
NOT ours. We are saved because of His commitment, not ours.
Faith and commitment are
GIFTS. Gifts, not
"earnings" for our belief, or our
"working with God" for our salvation. Why do you write as though these are matters of human accomplishment that separate you from those who didn't make the same decision you did? What has caused you to think that
"YOUR" faith is what separates you eternally from those faithless unbelievers who have no faith? You remain dangerously unaware of the source of your faith. I say dangerously because your ignorance has filled you with pride. As a remedy for it, take a dose of
1 Corinthians 4:7:
"For who makes you different from anybody else, and what have you got that was not given to you? And if anything has been given to you, why boast of it as if you had achieved it yourself?"
You think you have earned your own salvation because you've
accepted the call. Thus, you are boasting. Do you believe that there is something about you that makes you
"smarter" than others, able to make a better decision concerning God than others? Are you
"more righteous" and thus deserving of your salvation because you
"accepted the call" and others did not?
Paul says that, in the true gospel of grace, boasting is
debarred. Romans 3:27.
"Debarred" means:
shut out, excluded. Do you realize what this means?
This means that a believer cannot claim credit for his or her ability to believe! If you don't believe me, read Philippians 1:29 and Romans 12:3. The first verse says that
our belief in Christ is
graciously granted us, the second that our very
FAITH IS A GIFT. You are no different than anyone else. If God hadn't chosen you and
GIVEN YOU YOUR FAITH, you'd be an unbeliever just like any other unbeliever.
Your erroneous view of salvation (i.e. - man must accept the call) is analogous to a sick man in bed, with some healing medicine on a table by his side: all he needs to do is reach forth his hand and take it (i.e. - all he needs to do is "accept the call").
But in order for this illustration to be true to the picture which Scripture gives us of the fallen and depraved sinner, the sick man in bed must be described as one who
is blind (Ephesians 4:18) so that
he cannot see the medicine,
his hand paralyzed (Romans 5:6) so that
he is unable to reach for it, and his heart not only devoid of all confidence in the medicine but filled with hatred against the physician himself (John 15:18). In other words, he is INCAPABLE of taking the medicine. Because he is blind, he doesn't even know it is there - and even if he did, his hand is paralyzed, so he couldn't reach for it anyway.
Christ came here NOT to help those who were willing to help themselves, or even those willing to be helped, but to do for people what they were incapable of doing for themselves:
"To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house" (Isaiah 42:7).
The Shepherd searches for the sheep, not the other way around. Mankind does not know the way back to God. Mankind must
wait until IT IS FOUND. He does not even know he is lost. How will the lost ever come to God of himself, of his own "free will"?
If he were able to come HE WOULD NOT BE LOST. People do not even know they are lost, or where they are going. The Shepherd must find the sheep, and
NOT the sheep find the Shepherd! And Jesus said the Shepherd would seek until he found
EVERY LAST ONE! Jesus said
"He came to seek and to save THE LOST. Not the lost ones seek God
You ridiculously assert that the spiritually dead must somehow
"choose" the Lord, but God's testimony is just the opposite. The plainest affirmation that man does not do the choosing of God is that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself testified,
"You have NOT chosen Me, but I HAVE CHOSEN YOU" (John 15:16). In fact, according to Paul, that choice was made by God before this planet was orbiting it's star!
"According as HE HAS CHOSEN US in Christ before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1:4). It is an insult and an affront to God for anyone to argue that man is capable, of his own
"free will," to make a decision for Christ. If it were left up to man he would
NEVER BELIEVE, for man is totally depraved, totally incapable of that which is good. Left on his own to make a decision for Christ, without first being given life and faith by an act of God, man would never of his own "free will" come to Jesus:
John 6:44: "NO ONE can come to me unless the Father who sent me DRAWS THEM"
No one can come to Christ unless God draws them to Him because there is NONE that seek God of their own free will:
Romans 3:11: "There is NONE who understands, there is NONE WHO SEEKS AFTER GOD."