i'll copy and paste a quote from Billie Holiday...
“You've got to have something to eat, and a little love in your life before you can hold still for any (edited out) body's sermon on how to behave.”
OK. as this played out with my life in Christ, it meant...now that I've been made healthy, now that I'm in better, sometimes good, relationship with my parents....not living in real oppression and such....
well, that's made it -much- easier to truly believe, to pray for my enemies, to "..put aside what is behind and press forward...," and to really accept the fundamentals of Christian morality and belief.
I got genuinely, truly saved a bit over 6 years ago. Despite long standing, untreated physical health problems, way too much electroshock (not voluntary), etc....
I'm now healthy and smart enough and lucid enough to...get it, I think. I try to remember...while we were still enemies of God, Christ died for us (paraphrase and I don't remember the address). that goes 3x for me, and I think I am now one of the redeemed (its ongoing, but....yeah...).