No, and in fact this is a harmful message to give to those who deal with OCD.
I had said:
Edward said:
Dwelling on evil thoughts even if not acted out will at some point, go...whoosh Into your heart and becomes who you are.../
I think I understand why you feel this could be harmful, but I do not want to assume anything. Nevertheless, even though I have never dealt with OCD, I do have my own medical problems and have been seeing doctors and on medication for most of my life. So on some level I can kind of empathize with you. I am not against doctors or medication. I respect the doctors education and knowledge and I did indeed think seemingly just like you many years ago, ok? So I in no way meant to detract from anything to do with you. I wasn't even speaking to you. But from my perspective and experiences in my 58 years of life and prolly 53 years of doctors and such. I've been an epileptic since about 5 yrs old. And I got saved & baptized at age 12 and even though I backslid from dating age until age 47 (2009) when my wife I had a gran mal seizure at 70 MPH and rolled my truck 3 times. I felt my consciousness fading and all I had time for was to say, Lord be with me...,
And He saved me. And I knew it. So I owe Him my life and committed to Him. I read His word, the Bible and pray and He has been teaching me, so I can tell you that this scripture is entirely true because it happened to me (is happening,).
Roman 12:2
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.../
I am the smart kid of 4 in my family with the highest IQ. I have always loved to learn and read books. And you bet I read medical stuff. I had very much respect for doctors. But our Lord, in His word, tells us that there is more. There is an unseen God above all and He says look to the unseen, seek Him. Become as a little child and you will find Him. So I was able to say, ok Lord, I don't understand hardly anything about you but I am willing to take a chance and trust you above what man says. It was merely a mental exercise for me at first. I did not understand the scriptures, yet I do know that He is real, so I continued to pray to Him and to seek Him in His written Word, ok? And I would stop and pray, What? Lord what does that mean, what I just read. And one way or another He would answer me. I can't count how many times that I asked Him a question for clarity and understanding and the very next day I would either flip open the bible right to a passage which answered my question, or sign onto this forum (!!) and find the Brothers and Sisters speaking of the very same thing and would answer my question in their thread, and the Lord has also given me the urge to click on that video so I do and got my answer that way. And ever so slowly, I could see that it IS real. He IS real. I'm slow learner like all mankind. But over time it became apparent that...I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind and am coming to understand that, God's spooky spiritual nature that is hidden from us is indeed real, if we obey Him and do what He says. It does not happen overnight.
Man's wisdom is foolishness to God. I did not go to college. I used to regret it, but have come to appreciate that I did not. Because that would have conformed me to the world.
I was your age age once. I thought the same way you do about some things. You are obviously pretty intelligent, ok? And you know God. You are a Sister in Christ. And I notice that some things that us Brothers and Sisters say around you seems to somehow trigger you to anger. Ask yourself what exactly triggered you? No one has spoken down to you, we speak from where we are in our own walk with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is promised to lead us into all truth. So I know where you will wind up as you continue to walk with your Lord. It's kind of a drag that it pretty much takes 50 years on this planet to even get a clue about the truth of the Lord and what is really going on.
I can tell by the way that you speak that, you are well read in secular books and therein lies your confidence. You do not seem to be well read in the Lord's scriptures. His word is the primary way that He speaks to us. It IS hard to understand, but, it does get easier and that is because the Holy Spirit reveals new truths to us each time we read it.
Our God is above all. Man's best knowledge, man's best medical. He's GOD. Before hospitals were made by man, people would go to the church if they were ill. He has healed me one time. (Wanna hear that testimony?) There is a war within each of us. We have a soul which is the carnal side of us and we have a spirit and scripture says the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit, so our spirit always knows the right thing to do for He has direct connection with God's Holy Spirit. So there is where the war is within us. Our soul arguing against the spirit. No, I'm right you're wrong blah blah blah. That's how it goes.
I would like to suggest to you that pray to the Lord to show you the truth of these things and then read His Word more. Read it once, try to surmise the meaning, then pray ask for real meaning and meditate on that verse(es) and try to read between the lines and open your heart to the Spirit of God to reveal truths to you. Sister, do you really want to show up in Heaven one day and be saved and standing in front of the Lord and what if was to ask you, in your life on earth did you read my book all the way through even one time? I thought about that and I don't want to have to say no. So I did. Front to back. 3 times now. Not counting other times reading portions during study or sermons. Scripturesays the Holy Spirit will cause you to bring to remembrance of his word.
John 14:26
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.../
When I read that, I thought, uhh, how could He bring it to my "remembrance" if I had never input the information to my mind? You have to read His Word. It...gets...easier. But it does require our participation.
So you are somewhat less trusting of God's words when you read what Brothers and Sisters write here sometimes and it touches a nerve within you. Sister, that should not be. I have not heard anyone speak down to you so maybe when you get triggered and seem to not realize that these Brothers and Sisters speak truth to you. It is your soulish side which does not want to accept these things so you take offense. Yet we try to be helpful, to speak in love and of truths and try to edify and encourage others younger in the faith.
The same thing used to happen to me and in the early days, I would fire right back at them and create dissension where there need be none. Over time I learned that, if my nerve was touched, Why? I know I am right. But this is not worldly wisdom, it is spiritual, and maybe they are just in a different place in their walk. So I would pray and meditate on what was said before I answered back. Well, the Lord would confirm to me what they spoke and touched a nerve with me was in fact true. So I was able to slowly grow over time, and understand that (I had been wrong) it was not what they said to me that touched a nerve, but my souls rejection of it was because it will always reject spiritual truths. The carnal mind can not receive the things of God, for they are spiritual. And somehow what they said that touched a nerve had pointed out to me where I need improvement in myself.
There's nothing wrong with you. No one has spoken down to you. Your problems are such of the type that is common to man. We all have our problem areas. I wish that you were not so quick to anger. We all have room to grow and improve. Bless you Sister, I wish you well.