It's so easy for Bible Christians especially, to sound high and mighty. Even when they think they are being sensitive. When they "know" they have scriptural authority, it gives them a false sense of security. In my opinion of course.
Don't misunderstand me Brother. I am no one. I am a nobody. I am not high and mighty. My Lord is high and mighty. I speak of Him.
I have my struggle with unbelief also. But what am I to do with it? Shall I come here and speak unbelief? So I got out of the boat one day. Yeah, I want to walk on water. I got three steps (!!!) and my Doctors were screaming at me from the deck, Ed you're going to drown, you're going to drown!! And I started to sink in my unbelief. 'Lord, be with me' ...and He was. I did not drown. That is a fact Brother.
So do I come here and testify to my Brothers & Sisters how my docs were right because I almost drowned?! No I wont. I believe that I have "less" of a problem with unbelief than the young lady does. The difference is I do not speak of my unbelief's and hold up the world as something superior to almighty God. I will, through an act of my will even through my unbelief and non understanding, hold up my Lord's Words and Promises as literal truth, because it is true. It is really true.
Where did that get me? Well over a period of time of guarding my tongue and unbelief, The Lord God has done so much for me. You know that I have a zillion testimonies, Brother. May I share 8 or 10 of them with you?!
I don't speak about my failures very much. I do not come here and chant I am drowning I am drowning. Do I have any unanswered prayers? Of course I do. But those pale in insignificance to when He has answered many of them. The silent to me about some things. I guess He wants me to figure some things out for myself. I can only surmise that He wants to see if I really desire to seek Him, or if I am merely wanting to see a magic show.
I didn't question the young lady's faith. I did question her unbelief. We all have that to some extent. She as made very plain that she is drowning, ok? So there is some unbelief. And I just asked, may we hear about your Lord and God? And what was her reply? Don't you know that I am drowning? Not. One. Single. Word. About. GOD.
Brother, these things should not be. We serve the same God. I know this Lord enough to know that He is higher than diabetes. He is higher than anxiety. And where I have unbelief, I will continue to hold up the words of my Lord and God over those who be so called the wisest in the world. Why? Because Brother, the power of life and death are in the tongue and I will not hold up her infirmities as anything superior or something that can not be overcome
You have spoken of personal failures. And you have also spoken of your Lord and what He has done for you. Ok then, you sound real. Correct me if I am wrong here, but I don't think that I have heard the young lady speak one single positive word about her Lord yet. I would like to hear something about her Lord. Is that too much to ask?
I humiliated one of my doctors one time in front of about 5 or 6 of his interns. I tried to speak to him of my experience with mine own infirmities, because I have this condition most of my life so I know very much about it. And this young buck of a doctor tried to browbeat me with his education and degrees and so forth. I had to shove this back down his throat. How can you come in here read my chart for two minutes and think that you know more about my condition than I do? That is wrong, short sighted and not at all how the medical field works. It operates within the experience and input from the patient. Oh you hurt here, ok to treat that we...and all of his interns laughed pretty loud. So he was humiliated and walked out. The older and wiser doctor that was with them observing then stepped forward and told, that I am absolutely right. So my point here is, my experience with my real. And He did save me from drowning. So He can save her from drowning also. And I don't feel like I can encourage this young lady's unbelief with sympathy as a few others have done. No sir, my God is high. My God is Mighty.
This young lady, a Sister in Christ, has refused to discuss any scripture or spiritual aspect of how it relates to her and her struggles. She wants only to discuss that she is drowning. So it begs the question...why is she here then? This is a forum board for the Almighty God. Jesus, Yeshua, the Christ! What does she expect? I am NOT high and mighty. I am nothing. But my Lord is and you yourself Brother, you know this for you have spoken of it.