Hi Westtexas
Just a little more on Phoebe before I move on. Not being a preacher I do not have a large library for research. As you clearliy stated Youngs Literal Translation reads of Phoebe: "a minister of the congregation of Cenchrea." Likewise I have found that Moffet reads: "who is a ministering servant of---" and Williams translation reads: "who is a deaconess in the church at Cenchdrea." I notice they all use the word "a" which seem to support my view, which would indicate she was one of many in that congregation and Paul in Romans 16 bears that out.
There are many ways we can minister. I have always object to the use of the term that so and so is "the minister" of such and such place. Every Christian is to help, minister in some way. Just yesterday a lady in our congregation drove someone nearly 100 miles to a hospital for surgery, the befriended had no transportation of their own. Just yesterday another lady another lady in our congregation took food to one sick and cleaned her house. That is ministering.
Just yesterday a man in our congregation concluded teaching a woman but could not baptize her because of a recent broken hand. He called me to baptize her instead. While I played a very small part in the matter, thats ministering. Yes Phoebe was a servant, deaconess, minister in the congregation of Cenchrea.
I will try to add more in response to your question later.
God bless
Hi Westtexas---In further response to your recent request for my thoughts I now quote from the Methodist scholars defense of women preachers that: "---there is absolutely no difference, scripturally or linguisticallly, between the ministries of the 4 listed above. The basic meaning of "minister" translated from "deacon" may cover a wide range and the context of any of the scriptures listed does not specify what.
That of Paul in Eph.3:7,8 is definitely different. The context of Eph.3:1-8 clearly shows his "ministry" was predominately to the "Gentiles". That was it!
In Romans 16:2 Paul says Phoebe had been a "succourer" to him. I cannot imagine from what Paul wrote elsewhere that Phoebe in her service to Paul taught or exercised any authority over the inspired apostle.
While not a Baptist myself perhaps the fundamental Baptist and I find more agreement in the scripture than most others.
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