Working on my fourth career, two of them from God!


Oct 12, 2024
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Hi, everyone! I have been an English teacher (8 years), a sales manager (3 years), a pastor (27 years), and now a published author. The last two have been God's clear calls. He has also called me to be an online influencer alongside of my writing.

I was christened a Methodist, grew up in a liberal church, became a Christian in a Baptist church, joined the Christian Reformed Church, and am now a member of an independent church with Baptist roots. I'm Bruce Leiter the Writer. :WInkx
Hi, everyone! I have been an English teacher (8 years), a sales manager (3 years), a pastor (27 years), and now a published author. The last two have been God's clear calls. He has also called me to be an online influencer alongside of my writing.

I was christened a Methodist, grew up in a liberal church, became a Christian in a Baptist church, joined the Christian Reformed Church, and am now a member of an independent church with Baptist roots. I'm Bruce Leiter the Writer. :WInkx

Blessings in Christ, Bruce Leiter. I hope you enjoy being a member here : )
Thank you! I already am enjoying talking with all of the forum people, or are we forumites? :approve

Very glad to have you. :thumbsup
The "ites" that could be trouble , lol .

Yeah, I'm not sure we need any forumites... or forum fleas. I mean here you are trying to have a nice place, and the next thing you know you've got parasites crawling all over you. It's a problem.
