bibleberean said:
There will be no promotion of illegal drug use or the use of mind altering drugs to worship God that is witchcraft according to scripture .
On the "illegal drug use" point-
"Laws regarding peyote vary from state to state, with many states allowing "bona fide religious use" of peyote as an exception to the controlled substance laws. Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming all offer some limited exceptions to the peyote laws for religious use. See Peyote Foundation's State Law Page (cache)
In states such as Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Utah, peyote may be used by any bonafide relgious organization. In Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, use of peyote is only protected within Native American Church ceremonies. In Kansas, Texas, and Wyoming use is only protected for members of the NAC, and Idaho and Texas require some "Native American Heritage" in order to be exempt.
Utah #
Utah Supreme Court ruled that peyote use in "bona fide" religious ceremonies, regardless of the race of the participants, is protected under Utah and Federal Law in Utah. The court wrote: "On its face, the exemption applies to members of the Native American Church, without regard to tribal membership. The bona fide religious use of peyote cannot serve as the basis for prosecuting members of the Native American Church under state law." See: Salt Lake Tribune, June 23 2004, Utah State Supreme Court Decision"