I know personal how it feels to be falsely accused still haunts me to this day and I am in my 50's I feel this is a witch hunt and this person is completely fully innocent of all charges https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ro...es-as-part-of-muellers-russia-collusion-probe and we MUST PRAY THE WORD for the evil to become exposed AMEN \0/
The government shutdown is hitting the families of affected federal workers hard. Furloughed employees haven’t received a paycheck in several weeks. I am announcing today that at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC, and at Samaritan's Purse in Boone, NC, we would like to provide lunch at no charge to furloughed federal employees. All you have to do is bring your valid government ID. We will do this Monday–Friday in Boone, and Monday–Saturday in Charlotte, from 11:30-1:30, starting tomorrow, while the partial shutdown continues—until our government can get their act together. I would also like to issue a heartfelt challenge to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Donald J. Trump, and our paid representatives in Congress to work together to address border security and reopen the government--you need to settle this now. Congress, do your job!
Say DEMORAT through and through and the Americans completely full know was exposed and better be 500% good to your word or not President Trump the American people shall call those Demorats out AMEN \0/
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